“ActionAid UK is part of an international federation working in 44 countries. We provide support and humanitarian assistance to people living in poverty and on the margins of survival. Together we demand action at local, national and international level. We don't walk away until we've achieved lasting change.
- Find out more:
- CharityBase
- Charity Commission
Latest income: £50,313,117 (December 2020)
Income and spending over time:
Financial data is adjusted to 2024 prices using the consumer price inflation (CPIH) measure published by the Office for National Statistics.
Where this organisation works
ACTIONAID works in 48 countries
In the UK, ACTIONAID works in Islington and Somerset.
placeRegistered office: E12000007
IATI activity data
- Bangladesh - 3 activities recorded in IATI
- Kenya - 3
- Nepal - 2
- Ethiopia - 1
- Guinea - 1
- Indonesia - 1
- Liberia - 1
- Myanmar - 1
- Philippines - 1
- Occupied Palestinian Territories - 1
IATI is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises. The data presented here is sourced from OIPA, and shows the total number of activities published to IATI that this charity is listed as a participant in.