Found 390 UK NGOs working in Austria
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Austria.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
Cutty Sark 2sail Foundation Charity number 1163446 |
07/09/2015 |
Latest income £50 [Dec 2022] |
- To preserve the traditional skills of wooden shipbuilding and to promote interest in maritime heritage by building a replica ofthe clipper ship ?Cutty Sark? as a sea going vessel.- operating ships under sail, seamanship training in young people of all nations.- The preservation of the environment by demonstrating the benefits of sail powered shipping.
Work in Sweden, Spain, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Panama, Norway, Netherlands, Myanmar, Monaco, Marshall Islands, Malta, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Italy, Indonesia, India, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, Cyprus, Croatia, China, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Bahamas, Austria, Australia, Argentina, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela, Bermuda, Cayman Islands and Gibraltar
UK registered office: |
The Jesus Christ Language Preservation Community Charity number 1204033 |
19/07/2023 |
Latest income £200 [Jun 2024] |
The advancement of religion and to advance education for the public benefit through the promotion of Syriac studies including promoting the study of the Syriac Language and Syriac Christianity, in particular but not exclusively by making grants to support students studying the Syriac Language and Theology at the university of Salzburg, Austria
Work in Austria
UK registered office: West Midlands |
Moct Contemporary Russia Arts Foundation Charity number 1184457 |
17/07/2019 |
To advance the education of the public specifically but not exclusively in Russia and the United Kingdom byfostering and promoting an understanding, knowledge and appreciation of the arts, in particular, but not exclusivelyby the provision of grants and other support to art organizations, projects, exhibitions.
Work in Czechia, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Germany and Russia
UK registered office: London | |
Oaken Palace Records Charity number 1154786 |
28/11/2013 |
Latest income £477 [Dec 2023] |
Oaken Palace Records is a charitable record label that uses all its profits to support various environmental organisations all around the world. With a focus on Psychedelic and Drone, it aims to strengthen the connection between music and nature, and to raise environmental awareness.
Work in Germany, New Zealand, United States, Austria and Canada
UK registered office: East of England |
International Seminar on Religious Education and Values Charity number 1102701 |
18/03/2004 |
Latest income £3,298 [Dec 2023] |
Educational research
Work in Germany, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Ireland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda and United States
UK registered office: East Midlands |
The European League of Stuttering Associations Charity number 1074561 |
08/03/1999 |
Latest income £7 [Mar 2024] |
To link together and further the co-operation of Europe's national stuttering not-for-profit organisations; To provide a forum for exchange of concepts and experiences in stuttering therapy and self-help; To help represent, and lobby for, the interests of people who stutter to European and international bodies; To put stuttering on to the European agenda.
Work in Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Slovenia, Norway, Slovakia, Ireland, Portugal, Lithuania, Poland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark and Estonia
UK registered office: North East |
Sri Guru Ravidass International Organization for Human Rights Charity number 1094617 |
14/11/2002 |
Latest income £240 [Dec 2023] |
Charity seeks fund from any of UK Funding Trusts to sponsor 15 Students who are very poor and unable to afford cost for their three year degree courses; will be thankful any Funding Trust for generosity. HSBC Bank A/C No 81389491 and Sort 40-06-27. Tel 07411158759 Email
Work in Germany, Greece, United States, France, Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Austria, Italy and India
UK registered office: London |
Philosophy of Physics Society Charity number 1200232 |
31/08/2022 |
Latest income £5,364 [Apr 2024] |
The Philosophy of Physics society advances education and research for the public benefit in the field of philosophy of physics by maintaining the academic, open-access journal Philosophy of Physics.
Work in Argentina, Sweden, Israel, Switzerland, Italy, United States, Germany, France, Austria, Canada, Norway, Croatia, Australia, Netherlands, China, Hungary, India, South Korea, Chile, Cyprus, Turkey and Ireland
UK registered office: South West |
International Association for Fire Safety Science Charity number 1202005 |
20/02/2023 |
Latest income £1,000 [Dec 2023] |
The IAFSS encourages research into, and the application of, science and engineering to prevent and mitigate the adverse effects of fires and provides a forum for sharing and disseminating this knowledge. IAFSS offers valuable resources to members, including free access to our official journal, Fire Safety Journal, and to past symposium proceedings.
Work in United Arab Emirates, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Germany, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine and United States
UK registered office: London |
World Afro Legacy Charity number 1199036 |
23/05/2022 |
Latest income £101 [Jul 2023] |
We aim to eliminate race-based hair discrimination through advancing the education of the public, in particular but not exclusively of young people through events, research and resources. Awareness raising with workplaces, educational institutions and policy makers in order to promote knowledge and mutual understanding between different racial groups about ending race-based hair discrimination.
Work in Tanzania, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Botswana, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Denmark, Ireland, Austria, Nigeria, Belgium, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Uganda, France, Zambia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, St Vincent and Grenadines, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St Kitts-Nevis, Jamaica and St Lucia
UK registered office: London |
Kantor Foundation Charity number 1173549 |
26/06/2017 |
Latest income £72,239 [Dec 2023] |
The Foundation is a grant making trust applying funds to various charitable causes worldwide at the trustee?s discretion.
Work in Poland, Sweden, Austria, Estonia, Finland, Israel, Switzerland and Russia
UK registered office: London |
Niko Nestor Charity number 1185080 |
29/08/2019 |
For the benefit of children and young people particularly but not exclusively those who are financiallydisadvantaged throughout the world.Advancement of health and the saving of lives by provision of free swimming lessons, teaching and training in all aspects of water safety.Promotion of community participation in healthy recreation in particular the provision of facilities for swimming.
Work in Austria, Norway, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Luxembourg, Finland, France, Denmark, Italy, North Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Serbia, Czechia, Montenegro, Albania, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Russia, Netherlands, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Malta, Germany, Belarus, Armenia, Turkey, Poland and Ukraine
UK registered office: London | |
Forward Slash Help Charity number 1207177 |
23/02/2024 |
We are a charity of gamers operating for gamers. We provide general help and advice in relation to mental health, sex education, and employment opportunities. We host regular games nights to foster a community and improve mental wellbeing
Work in Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Netherlands, Malta, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Czechia, Cyprus, Croatia, United States, Ireland, Bulgaria, Austria and Australia
UK registered office: North East | |
Landscape Water Carbon Trust Charity number 1195590 |
23/08/2021 |
Latest income £1,550 [Jun 2024] |
We are a grant-making trust, which gives grants to landscape projects which store carbon, include forest garden / food forest and water-based projects.
Work in Cyprus, Norway, United States, Switzerland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Malta, Italy, India, Hungary, Greece, France, Netherlands, Spain, Finland, Slovenia, Estonia, Andorra, Denmark, Slovakia, Romania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czechia, Ireland, Argentina, Croatia, Portugal and Poland
UK registered office: South West |
Empowered21 Charity number 1196410 |
04/11/2021 |
The organisation will provide teaching on the Christian faith to those in key organisational roles. Activities include conferences, educational lectures and relationship forums; providing teaching helps, practical leadership guidance; Christian mission support activity; and platforms to share ideas and broadcast inspirational, evangelistic and teaching Christian messages.
Work in Netherlands, Monaco, Malta, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Italy, Greece, Gibraltar, France, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Romania, Portugal, Norway, Spain and Switzerland
UK registered office: North West | |
Revival Flow Ministries Charity number 1178440 |
21/05/2018 |
To advance the Christian religion in for the benefit of the public, particularly but not exclusively, through the holding of prayer meetings, lectures, producing and/or distributing literature on Christianity to enlighten others about the Christian religion.
Work in Malaysia, Austria, Switzerland, Singapore and Germany
UK registered office: London | |
Friends of Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine Charity number 1203579 |
15/06/2023 |
The charity will be making grants to help displaced and impoverished Ukrainians.
Work in Ukraine, Israel, Austria, Poland, Germany, United States and Hungary
UK registered office: South West | |
Bristol Christian Resource Centre Charity number 1011132 |
18/05/1992 |
The advancement of any Educational Religious or other Charitable Object and in particular to establish and maintain a Christian Resource Centre which provides, inter alia, database and mailing facilities for other Christian Registered Charities etc.
Work in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
UK registered office: South West | |
Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Charity number 313777 |
24/03/1970 |
The Society promotes the scholarly study of all aspects of the history of the chemical sciences (including alchemy). It holds meetings for the reading and discussion of scholarly papers, provides small research grants, in particular to postgraduate students and post-doctoral researchers, and publishes articles and essays, especially in Ambix, the Journal of the Society
Work in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and United States
UK registered office: London | |
International Centre for Suppressed Music Charity number 1169958 |
31/10/2016 |
Promotion, performance and research of 19th-, 20th- and 21st century music which has been suppressed or inhibited by political or religious movements. The Centre is principally active in the Uk and Western Europe and concerned with European music but may also extend its interests to music in other artsof the world.
Work in Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Netherlands, Czechia, France and Israel
UK registered office: London | |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Europe Limited Charity number 1186964 |
16/12/2019 |
The charity delivers charitable projects to enable the efficient and effective application and use of charitable resources
Work in Austria, Germany, France, Belgium and Netherlands
UK registered office: London | |
Guild of One-Name Studies Charity number 802048 |
21/09/1989 |
Advance the education of the public in one-name studies (defined as research into the genealogy and family history of all persons with the same surname and its variants). Promote the preservation and publication of the resultant data and to maximise its accessibility to interested members of the public.
Work in Kuwait, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Portugal, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United States, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand and Philippines
UK registered office: South East | |
The Levioh Trust Charity number 1088395 |
12/09/2001 |
Provide grants to financially disadvantaged young couples, particularly orphans or those with unfortunate backgrounds, who wish to get married.
Work in Belgium, United States, Israel, France, Canada and Austria
UK registered office: London | |
Oriental Cultural Foundation Charity number 1174362 |
24/08/2017 |
The charity will be giving grants to individuals and organisations for the purpose of supporting the objects of the charity, including by promoting conferences, forms and lectures and separately supporting academic classes, exhibitions and scholarships.
Work in Poland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal and Italy
UK registered office: London | |
The International Society for Diatom Research Charity number 1194496 |
17/05/2021 |
Support the biennial International Diatom SymposiumSupport young scientists through "Young ISDR" to bring the energy of early-career researchers andtechnicians in diatom researchOffer travel funding for registered students in the field to attend relevant scientific conferences ofeducational meritPublish an international scientific journal - Diatom ResearchConnect people
Work in Mexico, Canada, Chile, China, Czechia, France, Estonia, Egypt, Japan, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United States, Belgium, Ireland, Iceland, Austria, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Guam, North Macedonia, Iran, India, Finland, Ecuador, Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria
UK registered office: East Midlands | |
World Bhangra Council Charity number 1183912 |
14/06/2019 |
The main activities of the World Bhangra Council are to advance the education of the public in Bhangra by promoting, sustaining and increasing knowledge and understanding of Bhangra through continued research and practice. Our success is based on active dialogue between artists and academics.
Work in Ireland, Russia, Czechia, Netherlands, Mexico, Kenya, New Zealand, Venezuela, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Pakistan, Poland, United States, United Arab Emirates, Portugal, Qatar, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, France, Finland, Canada, El Salvador, China, Denmark, Singapore, Turkey, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Thailand, Bahrain, Belgium, Italy, India and South Africa
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Hyphen-21 (Supporting Community) Charity number 1040077 |
10/08/1994 |
Hyphen-21 promotes activities and skills which strengthen community. These include 'Poems for the wall,' a project which supplies poem-posters free of charge for display in schools, libraries and healthcare settings. The material includes a large number of bilingual poems and collections on mental health and learning disability ; also a collection of 25 illustrated poems for children around 10.
Work in Algeria, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Switzerland, Syria, United Arab Emirates, United States, Zimbabwe and Hong Kong
UK registered office: South West | |
Reflecting Nature in Art & Science Charity number 1173281 |
05/06/2017 |
The advancement of the arts and science focusing on the health benefits of the natural environment to the public by funding and promoting research / activities that investigate and support said subject.
Work in Netherlands, Malta, Luxembourg, Latvia, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Czechia, Cyprus, Croatia, Canada, Bulgaria, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Poland, Norway, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, United States, Sweden and Spain
UK registered office: South West | |
Tuberous Sclerosis Foundation Charity number 1174673 |
15/09/2017 |
The TSF aims to raise funds in order to give grants to help alleviate suffering from TSC worldwide
Work in Denmark, Thailand, Czechia, China, Israel, Slovenia, Slovakia, Russia, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Norway, North Korea, Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Japan, Italy, Greece, Germany, France, Estonia, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Australia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain and Taiwan
UK registered office: South East | |
International Positive Education Network Charity number 1180882 |
28/11/2018 |
The International Positive Education Network (IPEN) brings together people and organisations in education committed to promoting the development of children's' and young peoples' character and well-being alongside their personal and academic achievements in order for them the flourish. Our growing network has three purposes: reform policy, change educational practices and support collaboration.
Work in Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Spain, Kosovo, Sweden, Italy, Gibraltar, Serbia, San Marino, Ukraine, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Jan Mayen, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Faroe Islands, Netherlands, Montenegro, Monaco, Moldova, Malta, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Albania, North Macedonia, Ireland, Andorra, Portugal, Norway, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Poland, Austria and Azerbaijan
UK registered office: South East |
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