Found 278 UK NGOs working in Argentina
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Argentina.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
Talk Foundation Charity number 1177093 |
09/02/2018 |
Latest income £3,485 [Apr 2024] |
Our underlying drive is to promote guided reflection within teams as a way to improve and maintain patient safety and contribute to a supportive culture of dialogue and learning in clinical environments world wide.We are continuing the work commenced under a Horizon 2020 - Marie Curie Grant, ensuring sustainability of our educational activities and fostering further patient safety initiatives.
Work in Denmark, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Spain, United States, Argentina, Australia, Chile, Finland, France, Germany and Netherlands
UK registered office: Wales |
Discovering Latin America Charity number 1106705 |
11/11/2004 |
Latest income £13 [Mar 2014] |
Discovering Latin America's mission is to improve the lives of disadvantaged people in Latin America by sharing its culture, art and creativity with the world. We envision a better and more unified region free of poverty, illiteracy, sickness, distress. We have organised unique fundraising events on the following areas: Anthropology, Dance, History, Film, Gastronomy, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts
Work in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela and French Guyana
UK registered office: London |
The Hanna Foundation Charity number 1159761 |
02/01/2015 |
Latest income £1,261 [Nov 2024] |
The Hanna Foundation's objectives are: the prevention or relief of poverty; To promote and protect the physical and mental health of people suffering ill health; To advance the education of the general public; To promote Greek culture, advancing the education of the public in Greek civilisation and language.
Work in Argentina and Greece
UK registered office: East of England |
Cutty Sark 2sail Foundation Charity number 1163446 |
07/09/2015 |
Latest income £50 [Dec 2022] |
- To preserve the traditional skills of wooden shipbuilding and to promote interest in maritime heritage by building a replica ofthe clipper ship ?Cutty Sark? as a sea going vessel.- operating ships under sail, seamanship training in young people of all nations.- The preservation of the environment by demonstrating the benefits of sail powered shipping.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela, Bermuda, Cayman Islands and Gibraltar
UK registered office: |
Philosophy of Physics Society Charity number 1200232 |
31/08/2022 |
Latest income £5,364 [Apr 2024] |
The Philosophy of Physics society advances education and research for the public benefit in the field of philosophy of physics by maintaining the academic, open-access journal Philosophy of Physics.
Work in United States, Germany, Austria, Argentina, Canada, Australia, China, India, Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, Ireland, South Korea, Chile, Cyprus, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Croatia and Hungary
UK registered office: South West |
The Omara Trust Charity number 1183056 |
23/04/2019 |
Latest income £11,090 [Aug 2024] |
Provision of occasional small grants in keeping with the objects of the charity
Work in Argentina, Uganda and Kenya
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber |
Forward in Faith Ministry U.K. Charity number 1049383 |
27/09/1995 |
The objectives of Forward In Faith Ministry UK is the advancement of religion and religious education by preaching and dessemination of the Gospel of Christ Jesus as the only way of salvation and reconciliation to God .The Ministry appoints and trains suitable men and women to act as evangelists, religious leaders and pastors.The Ministry also spreads education according to the Christian Faith
Work in Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Central African Republic, Cuba, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Zimbabwe, Barbados, Cameroon, Canada, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Finland, India, Jamaica, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mozambique, Netherlands, Norway, Peru and St Kitts-Nevis
UK registered office: West Midlands | |
The PFCS Trust Charity number 1058538 |
08/10/1996 |
Education and Training
Work in Argentina, Cambodia, Ecuador, Egypt and Kenya
UK registered office: South East | |
The Prema Foundation for Children's Rights UK Charity number 1099529 |
18/09/2003 |
Unfortunatelly since 2005 we haven't had any activities.
Work in Argentina
UK registered office: London | |
V H Charitable Trust Charity number 1106972 |
24/11/2004 |
Latest income £1,591 [Jul 2023] |
The activities described below, including the fight against corruption.
Work in Argentina, Bangladesh, Canada and Brazil
UK registered office: London |
The Kate Stokes Memorial Trust Charity number 1119478 |
04/06/2007 |
Latest income £5,883 [Dec 2023] |
In association with the Conservation Leadership Program*, the Trust awards an annual grant to teams of young conservationists internationally.*The CLP is a partnership of three of world's leading biodiversity conservation organisations: BirdLife International (UK), Fauna & Flora International (UK) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (USA).
Work in Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Egypt, Georgia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Oman, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Argentina, Ecuador, Fiji and Nepal
UK registered office: South East |
Orca Rescues Foundation Charity number 1161804 |
22/05/2015 |
Latest income £1,910 [Dec 2023] |
Our Mission is to establish a global fund to facilitate the release and rehabilitation back to the wild or near wild of orca in captivity and give support to specialists, scientists and organisations working to achieve this.We have our only office in the UK but approach all countries of the world via social media and our website.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, New Zealand, Portugal, United States, Antarctica and Falkland Islands
UK registered office: South West |
Yivo UK Charity number 1170213 |
16/11/2016 |
The object of the CIO is fostering knowledge of the 1000-year history of Jewish life in eastern Europe and Russia in all its aspects: language, religion, folkways, and material culture to foster education and scholarship on Ashkenazi Jewry during the modern period and to support the continued development, maintenance and preservation of the archival, library and educational resources the CIO.
Work in Argentina, Israel, Poland and United States
UK registered office: London | |
Borderless Education Charity number 1174789 |
21/09/2017 |
Supporting children in Latinamerica to get in to full time education.
Work in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela
UK registered office: London | |
Gacd Action Charity number 1174867 |
27/09/2017 |
GACD Action aims to promote health research globally to prevent and alleviate chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and reduce health disparities and inequities amongst under-served communities particularly in low and middle income countries. GACD also support research training, knowledge sharing and dissemination to increase the likelihood of beneficial practice and policy change in NCDs.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Rwanda, Samoa, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Serbia, Brazil, Ecuador, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Eswatini and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London | |
Vadim Repin Charitable Foundation for the Arts Charity number 1177085 |
09/02/2018 |
Inspiring and supporting the next generation of young artists
Work in Spain, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, France, Georgia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, South Korea, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States and Uruguay
UK registered office: London | |
Acuity Professional Foundation Charity number 1177099 |
09/02/2018 |
The provision of general and technical advice on the establishment (including the operation) of businesses and other enterprises and the provision of education, training and re-training in the skills required for employment and self-employment.
Work in Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Cambodia, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Ghana, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and Anguilla
UK registered office: London | |
World Bhangra Council Charity number 1183912 |
14/06/2019 |
The main activities of the World Bhangra Council are to advance the education of the public in Bhangra by promoting, sustaining and increasing knowledge and understanding of Bhangra through continued research and practice. Our success is based on active dialogue between artists and academics.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, China, Czechia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela, Hong Kong and Taiwan
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Global Association for Pku Charity number 1184321 |
08/07/2019 |
1) To promote and protect the physical and mental health of persons withPhenylketonuria (PKU) through the provision of support, education and practical adviceand in such other ways as the trustees consider appropriate(2) To advance the education and understanding of the general public of PKU in suchways as the trustees consider appropriate
Work in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, United States and Ireland
UK registered office: London | |
Kailash Foundation Charity number 1187327 |
13/01/2020 |
Latest income £23,412 [Apr 2023] |
Kailash Foundation is a family trust, which aims to create, find and support programmes for the betterment of communities and individuals throughout the world.
Work in Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Haiti, Kenya, Mozambique, India, Malaysia, Uganda, Zambia, Nepal, Norway and Iceland
UK registered office: West Midlands |
KD Foundation Charity number 1188932 |
06/04/2020 |
The charity provides relief to the vulnerable people of our society globally by providing them necessities inlcluding food, clothing, education, health and medications. The charity also helps in environmental acitivities in order to tackle our climatic issues.
Work in Morocco, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czechia, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Portugal, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Syria, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Uruguay, Turkey, United States, Zimbabwe and Pakistan
UK registered office: London | |
The International Society for Diatom Research Charity number 1194496 |
17/05/2021 |
Support the biennial International Diatom SymposiumSupport young scientists through "Young ISDR" to bring the energy of early-career researchers andtechnicians in diatom researchOffer travel funding for registered students in the field to attend relevant scientific conferences ofeducational meritPublish an international scientific journal - Diatom ResearchConnect people
Work in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czechia, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United States, Ecuador, Finland, India, Iran, North Macedonia and Guam
UK registered office: East Midlands | |
Food Forest Foundation Charity number 1195590 |
23/08/2021 |
Latest income £1,550 [Jun 2024] |
We are a grant-making trust, which gives grants to forest garden / food forest projects.
Work in Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United States
UK registered office: South West |
Getgenome Charity number 1201069 |
18/11/2022 |
GetGenome exists to empower researchers by providing access to genomics technology and genomics-related training. We support researchers in communities with inequitable access to these resources, particularly in the global South. Our activities promote scientific advancement, and by extension, public wellbeing.
Work in Argentina, Bangladesh, Kenya, Mexico, Tunisia, Pakistan and Zambia
UK registered office: East of England | |
Li Tim-Oi Foundation (CIO) Charity number 1201253 |
06/12/2022 |
Advancing the education of women engaged in theological studies or work within the Anglican Communion. Carrying out such other legally charitable purposes for the advancement of the ministry of women within the Anglican Communion as the Trustees shall from time to time decide.
Work in Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Solomon Islands, Burundi, Argentina, Brazil, Fiji, Ghana, India, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Vanuatu, Zambia and South Sudan
UK registered office: South East | |
Luminate Strategic Initiatives Charity number 1206514 |
12/01/2024 |
The Charity's objects incl: Advance education in tech, digital environment and data; promote civic responsibility, facilitate informed participation in democratic processes; promote human rights including the rights to privacy and freedom of expressions; Promote ethical standards of conduct and compliance in all sectors; Protect the public from harmful or illegal online material
Work in United States, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, France, Italy, Kenya, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Nigeria
UK registered office: London | |
Jewish Child's Day Charity number 209266 |
28/09/1962 |
Raises funds to distribute to agencies providing services to Jewish children in need of special care throughout the world. Provides equipment of all kinds and supports specific projects for children who are blind, deaf, mentally or physically disabled, orphaned, neglected, deprived, abused, refugee or in need of medical care.
Work in Argentina, Hungary, Israel, Slovakia, Switzerland and Ukraine
UK registered office: London | |
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Capitanio and Saint Gerosa Charity number 225783 |
12/09/1963 |
The charity is for charitable purposes connected with the Roman Catholic religion both in England and its missions around the world.
Work in Argentina, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, Thailand, Uruguay, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London | |
Crosslinks Charity number 249986 |
03/11/1966 |
The object of Crosslinks shall be to preach the Gospel to every creature in fulfilment of our Lord's command, it being clearly understood that such preaching is the primary function of missionary enterprise, taking precedence over medical and other auxiliary ministries.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, The Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, Serbia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London | |
The Reginald Ames Charitable Foundation Charity number 1202871 |
27/04/2023 |
The Reginald Ames Charitable Trust was established to provide grants and donations to various charities and other organisations in tea-growing regions worldwide. Specifically, the charity will fund projects working for the prevention or relief of poverty, and the provision of resources to provide or improve education for tea-growing communities.
Work in Sri Lanka, India, China, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, South Africa, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritius, Argentina, Brazil, Uganda and Malawi
UK registered office: South East |
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