

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Congolese and Central Africa Community

Charity number 1110023


Latest income £832

[May 2018]

The Relief of Persons who are in conditions of poverty sickness and distress by providing such persons with advice,counselling,representation,translation and interpreting and other assistance:Immigration housing health education training and employmentThe preservation and protection of good healthThe provision of facilities for recreation and otheroverseas aids famine relief heritage

Work in Angola, Congo, Sierra Leone and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: South West

The Consortium of Congolese Association (Cca)

Charity number 1110264


Latest income £992

[Jul 2022]

Information on training opportunities available for refugee community organisation,and funding opportunities, Guidance on provision of services to refugees and asylum seekers, Provision of Free advice and training on managing community project , managing grants and volunteers, support on orgqnisation of community events. we facilitate network and partnerships between local organisations.

Work in Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda

UK registered office: London

Fraternal Ministry of Pentecostal Evangelists

Charity number 1123453


Latest income £800

[Feb 2022]

religious activities, Youth and Education, counselling

Work in Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

International Tanaba (Itanaba)

Charity number 1191978


Latest income £1,508

[Sep 2023]

We work mainly in Sub-Sahara Africa focusing on poverty relief and prevention, promotion of religious and racial harmony and the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment. We work mainly in partnership with local NGOs and our activities include grant funding, education and training programmes

Work in Lesotho, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Kenya, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mali, Malawi, Madagascar, Liberia, Djibouti, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Cabo Verde, Zambia, Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Togo, Tanzania, Eswatini, Sudan, Guinea, Central African Republic, Chad, South Africa, Ghana, The Gambia, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Seychelles, Senegal, Sao Tome and Principe, Rwanda, Nigeria, Niger and Namibia

UK registered office: South West

African Link in Bolton

Charity number 1144841


Latest income £1,000

[Mar 2024]

This is a African community group of people living in Greater Manchester, England special in Bolton where the organisation is based. Our main activities are to create friendly and social justice life to help our local community in the difficult time and to serve individual and family in needs. we also include same training activities such English and Maths and IT courses, free of charge.

Work in Angola, Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: North West

Bright Destiny

Charity number 1193236


Latest income £500

[Mar 2024]

We provide educational training programmes and workshops in employability and entrepreneurial skills to help our beneficiaries acquire knowledge, to improve capabilities as well as mental, spiritual and physical development.We arrange mentoring, volunteering opportunities and work experience. We develop capabilities and organise meaningful leisure activities and promote practical social action.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: West Midlands

African Rights Action

Charity number 1178064


Latest income £500

[Mar 2024]

To promote social inclusion and integration of African communities, particularly Rwandan Refugee Communities and a networking group that encourages and enables them to participate more effectively with the wider community, particularly in the areas of education, training and employment.

Work in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, South Africa, Rwanda, Mali, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Burundi and Benin

UK registered office:

Bedfordshire African Community Centre Limited

Charity number 1097995

13/06/2003 To Provide advice, advocacy and information on statutory/public and voluntary sector services to Africans and other minority groups to address the mental health and well-being issues faced by Africans including refugees, asylum seekers & Migrants in Luton & Beds areas, to provide a signposting support service to organisations that provide advice on welfare, benefits, housing and employment.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda

UK registered office: East of England

Zaza Foundation

Charity number 1194445

12/05/2021 Focus worldwide to support youths and elderly people who are in need of counselling and assistance. Think fit for those affected by disadvantage situation, disability, social issues, mental illness, financial hardship and coronavirus (Covid-19) victims mainly in the UK, Congo DRC and all French speaking countries.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

Ba Mamans Bolingo Number 1

Charity number 1171263


Latest income £2,400

[Jan 2024]

We do provide activities such as, leisure and recreational activities for young persons living in the UK and in Democratic republic of Congo, during school Holiday terms and Summer period, activities such as:Day trip, visiting different sites like: London Zoo, Arts Museums, Libraries, supplementary school for children and young persons. We also do provide live entertainment and fundraising event

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

Redemption Worldwide Church

Charity number 1114256


Latest income £8,123

[Oct 2017]

Redemption Worldwide Church is a christian organisation which is looking after the all community by preaching the word of God and helping people to integrate the British society specially those from French speaking countries. It organizes after school classes to keep children busy and avoid them to stay on street involving in crime and drugs or alcohol.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

Mountain of Restoration

Charity number 1100369


Latest income £420

[Mar 2024]

Assist people from African countries living in the England and Walses who are mostly refuges and asylum seekers to integrate the British society and benefit from all opportunities available for them. Provision of general advice and information; organise sport activities and music tuition for youth, preach gospel and provide food and clothes for orphans in Africa.

Work in Angola, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Israel, Burundi, South Africa, Rwanda, Malawi, Kenya and Congo

UK registered office: South East

Gearing Up 4 Gorillas

Charity number 1111663


Latest income £1,416

[Mar 2024]

G4G raises funds and equipment to send to the rangers of Virunga National Park, eastern DR Congo. We currently send donations for specific pieces of equipment or for projects discussed with Virunga NP. We also send donations to buy specific pieces of veterinary equipment or for projects undertaken by the Gorilla Doctors.We support this work through events/shows/sale of goods.

Work in Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: South West

Book of Life Ministries

Charity number 1136412


Latest income £300

[Dec 2023]

The Book of Life is a Humanitarian and Charitable organisation with a mission to provide aid to people in physical and financial need around the world. Our vision is founded on Christian values as we advocate for human equality, loving our neighbours as ourselves and fighting poverty.

Work in Burundi, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Eswatini, Tanzania, Togo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, India and Indonesia

UK registered office: South East

The Friends of Foundation

Charity number 1131538


Latest income £1

[Sep 2023]

To address specific needs in local communities by working in partnership with churches, nonprofit, community and faith based organisations who are active in meeting specific needs in their local communities.

Work in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Sierra Leone

UK registered office: East of England

Youth With a Global Vision

Charity number 1142251


Latest income £504

[Jul 2023]

The object of Youth With A Global Vision is to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ by mobilizing and equipping the current generation of youth from diverse cultural backgrounds to grow as disciples and leaders reaching out to their peers in their communities and campuses through First Priority Strategy.

Work in Côte d'Ivoire, Italy, Greece, Ghana, Netherlands, Romania, Liberia, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Moldova and Poland

UK registered office: East of England

The Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International (UK)

Charity number 1100178


Latest income £6,560

[Jan 2024]

The charity is Human and Civil Rights organisation working for Human Rights, human dignity, Anti-human trafficking, Anti-Slavery, humanitarian aid, Women and Children Rights, including shelter, medicines, legal assistance, Justice and working against Corruption and Terrorism to bring Peace.

Work in Libya, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, Turkey, Uganda, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, United States, Pakistan, Oman, Nigeria, Nepal, Myanmar, North Macedonia, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Haiti and Ethiopia

UK registered office: London

God's Grace Ministries

Charity number 1095170


Latest income £2,685

[Mar 2024]

The Charity object is the advancement of the Christian religion, the Relief of need, poverty and distress amongst widows and orphans in the United Kingdom and in Africa. The Charity activities are to promote Africans Orphans and Widows' issues and to provide a christian and culturally sensible support; to provide spiritual support frame to French speakers living Londonwide.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

Trust in Children

Charity number 236625


Latest income £509

[Apr 2024]

Trust in Children seeks to help disadvantaged children through enabling them to access education. We focus on supporting causes that larger charities often overlook, where our input will have maximum impact on a child or young person's life.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, The Gambia and Peru

UK registered office: South East

Reading for Innovation and Change Ambassadors - R.I.C.a

Charity number 1168755


Latest income £250

[Apr 2022]

Recycling of educational resources for donations. English language Training

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

UK registered office: London

British Jesuit Alumni/Ae Charitable Trust

Charity number 1041056


Latest income £17,057

[Dec 2023]

Relief of poverty Overseas aid/famine relief

Work in Belgium, France, Haiti, Israel, Luxembourg, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and Kosovo

UK registered office: South East

Aura Care Intl

Charity number 1194901


Latest income £175

[Apr 2024]

General Charitable PurposesThe Prevention Or Relief Of PovertyAura Care Intl primarily operates in the Democratic Republic of Congo, however we also work with Children & families needing supporting in the United Kingdom.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

El-Bethel Foundation

Charity number 1137855


Latest income £150

[Dec 2023]

Our aim is to make a positive difference to the lives of the most vulnerable individuals or families within our society by helping with social and interpersonal difficulties. We believe that the underprivileged people in society should have access to opportunities that support them to meet their individual needs and live a fulfilling live.

Work in Congo, Uganda, Turkey, Senegal, Greece, Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

The Golden Teacher

Charity number 1195889


Latest income £206

[Mar 2024]

Provides a free training for on how to provide instruction for teachers. This is aimed at providing Continual Professional Development for teachers where this is not available. This is through any Web-Enabled Phone or can be setup through Local Area Networks.

Work in Eswatini, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Rwanda, Congo, Nigeria, Niger, Namibia, Mozambique, Mali, Malawi, Lesotho, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana, The Gambia, Gabon, Eritrea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Benin, Cameroon, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Angola and Tanzania

UK registered office: South East

Uganda Children in Need

Charity number 1103311


Latest income £150

[Apr 2022]

To provide advancement of education and relief of poverty and sickness, poverty and distress among children and their careers

Work in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

The John and Anne Newton Foundation

Charity number 1157344


Latest income £21

[Dec 2023]

The John and Anne Newton Foundation's mission is to improve access to and opportunities for primary level education in lesser developed countries. Its activities aim to effect positive change to basic literacy and numeracy; promote independence and self-sufficiency; encourage aspirations, build capacity and make sustainable improvements, thereby contributing to a reduction in dependency.

Work in Liberia, Jamaica, Guyana, Guinea, Ethiopia, Chad, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Benin, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Angola, Mozambique, Mali, Malawi, Lesotho, French Guyana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, Eswatini, Surinam, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Nigeria, Niger and Namibia

UK registered office: South East

New Hope for the Poor Charity Organisation (N'Hopo) Ltd

Charity number 1084685


Latest income £280

[Apr 2021]

The advancement of education of children and young people in the UK, in particular those of African decent, in African languages and cultures and the provision of leisure time and other activities. Provide Humanitarian and Relief Operations to the disadvantaged Communities in Africa.

Work in Mozambique, Angola, Brazil, Japan, Ghana, Cameroon, Canada, Germany, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, United States, Uganda, South Africa, Rwanda and Netherlands

UK registered office: London

New Time Church

Charity number 1107272


Latest income £110

[Oct 2020]

The advancement of the Christian religion both within the UK and overseas, the relief of poverty and distress among members of the African Franco phone community who are resident in the UK or overseas by the provision of an advice and guidance, interpretation and translation service to facilitate their access to state and local service.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

The Messenger Choir

Charity number 1136352


Latest income £262

[Dec 2023]

The Messenger choir is a christian organisation committed to advance the Christian faith through singing and other religious activities.We rehearse regularly in order to perfom in different churches and organisations. We organise concerts, music workshop, bible studies and various activities envolving children. We also work overseas for the relief of poverty and famine.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola

UK registered office: London

Africa Beats Club

Charity number 1125381


Latest income £112

[Mar 2022]

We are running an after school project for young people.Young people from the black African community are benefiting from various activities including tennis table play, pool table, computer game, Nintendo play mentoring, professional advice, and guidance. This project is mainly targeting young people from Africa living in Bedford but no exclusively the wider community.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Burundi

UK registered office: West Midlands