

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?


Charity number 1198748

26/04/2022 Rise and Blossom is designed to tackle the injustices faced by the handicapped population of the Democratic Republic of Congo's citizens.Our main focus is to bring about long lasting impactful change, that allows for as much as possible to create a semblance of equal opportunity, by creating, providing & helping physically disabled citizens to access, education, financial & medical resources

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: E12000007


Charity number 282155

29/04/1981 Grants to Churches in UK, Bible Society, Bible Translation, Missionary Work and Christian Radio.

Makes grants

Work in Brazil and Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: E12000009