

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Marcopolo700 Foundation Limited

Charity number 1210459

14/10/2024 The purpose of the MarcoPolo700 Foundation is to promote inclusive access to education and digital technologies for Art and Cultural conservation. The Foundation organises events and exhibitions to make cultural heritage accessible to all. The organisation aims to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding on a global level by highlighting shared cultural heritage and history.

Work in United Arab Emirates, China, Italy, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Israel and Singapore

UK registered office: London

Ius Outreach

Charity number 1211001

19/11/2024 The objects of the cio are (1) to advance the religion of islam by means of, but not exclusively, the provision of facilities for islamic education, in accordance with the teachings of the quran and the teachings of prophet muhammad (pbuh) as interpreted and accepted by the ahle sunnah wal-jamaa-ah school of thought; (2) the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship among victims of natural disasters, refugees, orphans and the poor, by means of, but not exclusively, making grants for items, equipment, services and facilities, including the provision of food and other basic necessities for the benefit of the said persons.

Work in India

UK registered office: North West

Hayat Charity

Charity number 1212073

10/02/2025 The objects of the cio are: 1. The prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient; and2. The relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, or catastrophe in the form of money (or other means deemed suitable) for persons, bodies, organisations and/or countries affected.nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005 and section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008.

Work in Benin, Bangladesh, Chad, Turkey, India, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ghana, Kosovo, Albania and Indonesia

UK registered office: North West

Real World Conservation

Charity number 1212387

04/03/2025 To promote the conservation of rare and endangered species and the protection of their advance the education of the public in the conservation issues around rare and endangered species and on the protection of their environments.

Work in Botswana, Zambia, Kenya, Namibia, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malaysia, Uganda, Central African Republic and Ecuador

UK registered office: East of England

Hazkoba Conservation

Charity number 1200706

17/10/2022 For the public benefit, to promote conservation worldwide among endangered animal populations that are threatened by poaching, illegal trade, and habitat loss, in particular, but not exclusively, by delivering educational programs, sponsoring habitat protection, investing in the reproduction of endangered species, and helping and supporting such animals in sanctuaries.

Work in India, Poland, United States, Indonesia, Central African Republic and South Africa

UK registered office: South East

I Mulla Welfare

Charity number 1203206

23/05/2023 The charity operates in the uk and worldwide . 1 the charity is to assist in the prevention of poverty and will provide grants to educational and other organisations. The charity will-give grants to organisations that prevent poverty and provide basic needs to the poor.2 the advancement of the islamic faith3 advancement of education particularly education provided with an islamic ethos

Work in India

UK registered office: North West

The Apostolic Church UK

Charity number 1204678

12/09/2023 The objects of the church are, for the public benefit, the advancement of the christian faith in the united kingdom and the world, including: 4.1 the preaching of the gospel of our lord and saviour jesus christ according to the holy scriptures; and 4.2 the relief of persons who are in need by reason of their youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or such other economic or social disadvantage.

Work in France, Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Myanmar, Chile, Hungary, India, Kenya, Latvia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana, Rwanda, Lesotho, Thailand, Nepal, Israel, Laos, Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand

UK registered office: East of England

The Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Society

Charity number 1205027

03/10/2023 The Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons (TUGSS) Society represents the global community of Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgery and all its various sub-specialities.There is currently no global platform representing all of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. TUGSS aims to fill this space by uniting us all under one umbrella.

Work in Argentina, Germany, Pakistan, Ireland, Oman, Spain, Singapore, United States, Bangladesh, Belgium, Israel, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Italy, India and France

UK registered office: West Midlands

Hyderabad Education and Welfare Association

Charity number 1206918

07/02/2024 (1)to advance education for the benefit of the general public by means of, but not exclusively, the provision or the assistance in the provision of educational activities and facilities, such as a supplementary school and information and resources on vocational and academic education in uk; (2) to relieve financial hardship among poor people, victims of natural disasters and other people in financial hardship by means of, but not exclusively, making grants for providing or paying for items, equipment, services and facilities, including the provision of food, and other necessities, and costs for medical treatment for the benefit of the said persons; (3) to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances with the object of improving their conditions of life.

Work in India

UK registered office: London

The Giving Hand Foundation

Charity number 1207035

15/02/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty by the provision of grants to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty for goods and services, including for the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.

Work in Morocco, India, Yemen, Uganda, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bangladesh and Turkey

UK registered office: North West

The Open String

Charity number 1210823

06/11/2024 Instrument Charity

Work in Italy, Argentina, India, Germany, Chile, Philippines and Norway

UK registered office: London

Christian Missions Charitable Trust UK

Charity number 1210947

14/11/2024 Prime objects are uplifting the poorest in Chennai by medical, dental, orphanage, hostel, handicraft centre, education, wheelchair distribution, self help training in a leprosy settlement, providing rations on regular basis where needed. Social work among street children. The spread of the Christian gospel and the nurturing of the Christian faith are all integral to all these activities.

Work in India

UK registered office: South West

Manekpore Takoli Muslim Welfare Association

Charity number 1199172

01/06/2022 The main purpose and objectives of the cio relieve financial hardship, distress and suffering among poor people, orphans, widows and other people in need by means of, but not exclusively, making grants for providing or paying for items, equipment, services and facilities, including the provision of food, clothing, and costs for medical treatment or medicines for the benefit of the advance the religion of islam by means, but not exclusively, the provision or the assistance in the provision of facilities of islamic education in accordance with the teachings of quran and the sunnah of the prophet (peace be upon him) as interpreted by the sunni hanafi deobandi school of thought.

Work in India

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Siluvai Media

Charity number 1205248

17/10/2023 The Charity activities will mainly be available online via Web-TV. The content will, in addition to raising and promoting Christian values and principles, include topics such as addiction, leadership, anger management, abuse, equality, tolerance and social issues with a Christian ethos. It was also provide Christian study materials to preachers, teachers, youth leaders and other individuals.

Work in Sri Lanka, India and Singapore

UK registered office: London

Dna Foundation

Charity number 1205489

30/10/2023 The charity's objects are restricted specifically, only for the public benefit, to help and advance children in life worldwide through:(a) advancing their education;(b) preventing or relieving poverty, hardship and distress suffered by them;(c) preventing or relieving sickness, saving lives or the promotion of health and emotional wellbeing;(d) providing recreational and leisure time activities in the interest of social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life;(e) providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals; and(f) relieving any other need by reason of youth.

Work in India

UK registered office: South East

The Unnati Education Trust

Charity number 1205702

14/11/2023 For the public benefit to promote education in gujarat state of india by: providing scholarships to students to undertake education which they could otherwise not afford through lack of means.providing education for entry to any occupation, trade or profession on leaving any educational establishment. Providing and assisting in provision of educational facilities that will support in the advancement of education

Work in India

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Runkwa Foundation

Charity number 1209827

30/08/2024 For the public benefit, to relieve poverty and to protect and preserve the environment through the reclamation and re-use of shoes, that would otherwise go to landfill or otherwise be disposed of, to be provided to individuals across the world in impoverished areas.

Work in Germany, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Sudan, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, India, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Italy

UK registered office: London

Duchesne Trust CIO

Charity number 1210066

17/09/2024 The CIO's activities focus on the following four Apostolic Priorities: 1) Education; 2) JPIC (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation); Spirituality; and 4) Formation. Solidarity projects for the education of vulnerable groups living in poverty and support for the sustainability of the Society's life and mission including the costs for formation, education and care of the sisters.

Work in Australia, Vietnam, Venezuela, Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Netherlands, Morocco, Ireland, France, Belgium, Uruguay, United States, Uganda, Spain, Puerto Rico, Poland, Philippines, Peru, Mexico, Malta, Kenya, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, India, Hungary, Germany, Egypt, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia, China, Chile, Chad, Canada, Brazil, Austria and Argentina

UK registered office: London

The Lloyd George Foundation

Charity number 1210985

18/11/2024 The objects of the charity are for the public benefit:4.1 to advance education of children and young people by making grants to support educational institutions;4.2 to relieve those in need by reason of youth, age, disability or financial hardship; and4.3 such other exclusively charitable purposes as the charity trustees may in their discretion determine.

Work in India, Thailand, Cambodia, United States, Philippines and Nepal

UK registered office: South East

Omega Relief Mission

Charity number 1124703

25/06/2008 The relief of poverty, hardship and distress and the promotion and protection of good health amongst communities in the united kingdom, and abroad ("the beneficiaries") by the provision of resources and assistance, whether financial or otherwise, either to the beneficiaries directly or to local agencies working in relief of such persons.

Work in Sudan, Zimbabwe, Somalia and India

UK registered office:

Mould the Future International

Charity number 1178736

11/06/2018 MTF is a charity that supports the poor and less privileged especially minors -(children ) who are disadvataged by hunger poverty and education in different parts of the worldmould the future does this through initiatives with schools, orphanges and other charities who collaborate via feeding programs , children breakfast club, edutainment centres and educational grants.

Work in South Africa, Lesotho, Israel, India and Ghana

UK registered office: London

House of Giving

Charity number 1205629

08/11/2023 The objects of the cio are:(i) the prevention or relief of poverty in barking and dagenham by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.(ii) to promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of barking and dagenham the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances or for the public at large in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the condition of life of the said inhabitants.(iii) to advance the education of children and young people in barking and dagenham in the arts and crafts in particular but not exclusively by the provision of workshops, classes and art sessions. (iv) to further such other charitable purposes for the public benefit in barking and dagenham as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of england and wales as the trustees may from time to time determine.(v) the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship in bangladesh and pakistan by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.

Work in Ghana, India, Yemen, Bangladesh, Pakistan, The Gambia and Uganda

UK registered office: London

Human Concern International

Charity number 1206222

15/12/2023 1. The relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or naturaldisaster, trouble, or catastrophe.2. The prevention or relief of poverty anywhere in the world by providing: grants, items and servicesto individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Kenya

UK registered office: North West

The Daily Sadaqah Charitable Foundation

Charity number 1207465

15/03/2024 The object[s] of the cio arerelieving poverty:to relieve the poverty of children and elderly living in england, india, pakistan and bangladesh by providing health screening, developmental checks and basic medical advance the education of children living in poverty in england, india, pakistan and bangladesh by making provisions for school uniforms, stationary, books and school fees.religion:to advance the provisions provided by existing mosques to the community across england by funding community integration and learning event for all

Work in Bangladesh, Pakistan and India

UK registered office: London

Kiszhanth's Wish

Charity number 1208153

08/05/2024 A charity that helps fulfil wishes of children and young adults with critical and life limiting illnesses. We do this by accepting wish referrals on our website. We also aim to relieve the burden of those who live abroad without access to basic necessities such as water and food. We will do this by building water wells and supplying agricultural packages.

Work in Mali, The Gambia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Yemen, Nepal, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Malawi, Somalia, Senegal and Niger

UK registered office: London

Harbour For Humanity

Charity number 1208314

20/05/2024 Providing relief and aid

Work in Pakistan, Senegal, India, Bangladesh and Tanzania

UK registered office: South West

The Dove Foundation for Global Change

Charity number 1210688

28/10/2024 The objects of the cio are:1. The prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.2. For the public benefit to promote the education of young people aged 18-25 years anywhere in the world in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including by:a. The provision of extracurricular reading, writing and communication training;b. The provision of mentoring support.

Work in Mexico, Brazil, Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Algeria, Argentina, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, India and Bangladesh

UK registered office: London

Water Unite

Charity number 1210716

29/10/2024 The objects for which the company is established for the public benefit ("objects") are:(a) to advance environmental protection or improvement;(b) to advance health and save lives; and(c) to prevent and alleviate povertyin each case, including through clean water projects, anywhere in the these objects "clean water projects" includes:(a) sanitation;(b) access to clean water;(c) the prevention of water-borne diseases;(d) the reduction of plastic and other waste associated with access to water; and(e) such other related projects that the directors may from time to time determine.

Work in Mozambique, Rwanda, Indonesia, Pakistan, Zambia, Jordan, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Burundi, South Africa, India, Ghana and Uganda

UK registered office: London

Silk Elephant CIO

Charity number 1191060

28/08/2020 The objects of the CIO are for the public benefit to relieve those in need, by reason of ill-health, bereavement, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, in particular but not exclusively by encouraging and facilitating simple acts of kindness and promoting (especially to children and young people) the importance of showing kindness to others.

Work in United States, Italy, Portugal, Spain and India

UK registered office: North West

Friends of Burma

Charity number 1200104

17/08/2022 We are a charity to alleviate poverty among war refugees in Burma ( Myanmar), who are forced to displace from the their homes by the Burmese Military forces, by providing foods, medicines, basic health assistance, basic educational needs and other basic humanitarian aids.

Work in Malaysia, Myanmar, India, Thailand and Bangladesh

UK registered office: East of England