Found 1,944 UK NGOs working in Uganda
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Uganda.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
12/11/1962 |
Latest income £28,270 [Dec 2020] |
To further fellowship between Anglican Evangelicals throughout the world
Work in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Egypt, India, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, Uganda and United States
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The LINK CHURCH Charity number 1157346 |
06/06/2014 |
Latest income £28,243 [Mar 2021] |
To gather together to worship God and to hear the preached word of God. to gather together for fellowship and to support and encourage all members of the congregation. to raise funds in order to further the gospel, both in the West Midlands and in the country of Uganda, where we have a number of other Link Churches.
Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000005 |
The FATHER O'MAHONY MEMORIAL TRUST Charity number 1039288 |
07/07/1994 |
Latest income £28,213 [May 2021] |
We give small grants to medical and educational projects worldwide . We favour projects which do not attract funding from major charities. We do not fund gap year projects.
Makes grants Work in Bolivia, Colombia, India, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000005 |
LYNDHURST CHRISTIAN TRUST Charity number 328263 |
01/09/1989 |
Latest income £28,202 [Dec 2020] |
Lyndhurst Christian Trust seeks to:- 1) Advance the Christian faith. 2) Assist those in need in the local community. 3) Support missionaries & mission work both in the UK and overseas.
Work in Kenya, Thailand and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The BUJAGALI TRUST Charity number 1157222 |
29/05/2014 |
Latest income £28,090 [Dec 2020] |
The promotion of education and training of young persons up to the age of 30 in developing countries and in particular Uganda to more readily gain educational skills through the provision and enhancement of school buildings and the supply of educational equipment and materials.
Makes grants Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000009 |
ALL OUR CHILDREN Charity number 1100231 |
21/10/2003 |
Latest income £28,042 [Dec 2020] |
Supporting schools and students in South West Uganda through school partnerships, community welfare projects, scholarships and student exchanges.
Makes grants Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000007 |
09/10/2020 |
Latest income £27,851 [Jun 2021] |
Makes grants Work in India, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000007 |
TUSOME AFRICA Charity number 1176901 |
30/01/2018 |
Latest income £27,725 [Dec 2020] |
1) Early Childhood Education and Care both in public primary schools and at the community level 2) Enhancing Accountability through the use of data in tracking learning outcomes and enabling responsiveness to data in decision making allowing for continuous improvement3) Foundation Skills for Learning through the building of Literacy and Numeracy skills as the backbone to all learning
Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000003 |
TADWORTH and WALTON OVERSEAS AID TRUST Charity number 286076 |
04/03/1983 |
Latest income £27,648 [Sep 2020] |
We give support to selected projects overseas, especially those in which local people are involved. We help communities in poor countries with funds for small scale projects that can create a long-lasting benefit. Typically these include the provision of medical, educational and community facilities and the promotion of new techniques for irregation, education and organic farming.
Makes grants Work in Albania, The Gambia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nepal, Peru, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Thailand, Zambia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
SUZANNE's MINISTRIES Charity number 1115648 |
01/08/2006 |
Latest income £27,638 [Dec 2020] |
To advance education and relieve persons who are in a condition of need, by equiping young men with training and bicycles to go out to remote villages, to bring relief teaching to help bring them out of poverty, and by providing orphanages and schools in deprived and remote areas in the World. to provide a UK based retreat for Christians to explore and renew their faith.
Work in Ghana, India, Kenya, Liberia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
St. PAUL's BAPTIST CHURCH SKEGNESS Charity number 1156891 |
01/05/2014 |
Latest income £27,625 [Dec 2020] |
Worship services every week for the local community, visitors, holiday-makers, sunday school.Weddings, Funerals, infant dedication services. Hosts good news beach club in August, for holiday makers and local children. the Church hosts Renew Wellbeing space available for any who are interestedThe Church makes the hall available for Games evening open to young people, and other groups
Work in Bangladesh, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Cambodia and Chad
UK registered office: E12000004 |
Living Hope UK Charity number 1175020 |
06/10/2017 |
Latest income £27,577 [Mar 2021] |
We hold weekly church services to advance the Christian religion such as Sunday worship and weekly meetings. Individuals who have a vocation to advance the Christian religion are interviewed, trained & issued with a licence through our organisation internationally. We are active in community outreach to help the disadvantaged in society by promoting social inclusion through various activities.
Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000005 |
MITYANA PROJECTS TRUST Charity number 1142065 |
24/05/2011 |
Latest income £27,337 [Mar 2021] |
To support development of rural education in Mityana Uganda by providing new or improved facilities in schools. to encourage the growth of the local economy in Mtyana by providing financial assistance to establish or build small businesses. to increase understanding and relationships between the people of Hampshire and the people of Mityana
Makes grants Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
RECYCLING for CHARITIES Charity number 1109109 |
18/04/2005 |
Latest income £27,305 [Mar 2021] |
Development of social and environmental projects to provide community development both in the UK and Overseas.
Work in Albania, Bulgaria, Kenya, Romania, South Africa, Uganda, Serbia, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
PRO-SEED Charity number 1146294 |
08/03/2012 |
Latest income £27,260 [Jan 2021] |
Pro-Seed Prosperity through sustainable education and employment generation is a small charitable trust run by a team of volunteer trustees. Pro-Seed assists small volunteer run charities and NGOs. Pro-Seed focuses on educational and employment generation projects in East Africa and Colombia. It also considers humanitarian aid as well as charitable projects promoted by the Trustees.
Makes grants Work in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Colombia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
31/01/2006 |
Latest income £27,247 [Mar 2021] |
We run mother tongue classes for the children after school. Help and advice the Somali speakers mainly, family mediation and visiting prisons for the Somali community within England and Wales (the national area of benefit). We intend to support fundraising efforts to help the much needed aid required in Somali international area of benefit for the purposes of education, health and water aid.
Work in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000007 |
ALPHA and OMEGA CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES Charity number 1104905 |
15/07/2004 |
Latest income £27,241 [Dec 2020] |
We have english and luganda sunday services.We have cell groups on Mondays ,Tuesdays and Thursdays.Wednesday are for bible studies.Fridays are for prayers.Tuesdays and saturdays for choir rehearsals.counselling sessions every tuesdays.evangelism outreach every saturday morning. Concerts,workshops and conferences for the youth, singles, marrieds,men,women and developmental affairs are held
Makes grants Work in Denmark, Kenya, Sudan, Sweden, Uganda and United States
UK registered office: E12000007 |
OPEN PALM Charity number 1190203 |
01/07/2020 |
Latest income £27,065 [Jun 2021] |
Providing educational resources to underfunded schools or individuals. Providing skills-based educational programmes to under 18s. Promoting racial equality and racial harmony through awareness initiatives.
Makes grants Work in Uganda, Barbados, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Jamaica, Dominica and Nigeria
UK registered office: E12000007 |
SMILESTAR Charity number 1137033 |
23/07/2010 |
Latest income £27,052 [Mar 2021] |
To finance the provision of Dental/Medical Services in Uganda Kenya India and the UK with specific reference to medically discharged Royal Marines and the homeless in general
Work in Kenya and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000006 |
CHILDREN for HEALTH LIMITED Charity number 1153028 |
23/07/2013 |
Latest income £26,444 [Dec 2020] |
To advance the education of child and in particular children who are socially and economically disadvantaged or whose lives have been impacted by poverty, illness or civial conflict by the provision of high quality health education information and materials for the children's educators and families delivered on the web and by mobile phone.
Work in Cambodia, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000006 |
SOUTHALL LIONS CLUB (CIO) Charity number 1183082 |
24/04/2019 |
Latest income £26,323 [Jun 2021] |
We, Southall Lions Club CIO, are an autonomous part of Lions Clubs International with a mission statement " to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs. to be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.
Makes grants Work in India, Kenya, Pakistan, Tanzania and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000007 |
29/03/2010 |
Latest income £26,161 [May 2017] |
YUYO supports Yurie Yoshimi Primary School, Waikiso Uganda. It provides education to all, including those impacted by disability, HIV/AIDS.Children are taught life skills including cultivation and working with livestock. the long-term goal for Yurie Yoshimi is 2013 YUYO started supporting New Eden School and in 2017 it started supporting Canaan School
Makes grants Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The PAUL HODGES TRUST Charity number 1177636 |
20/03/2018 |
Latest income £26,121 [Dec 2020] |
The Paul Hodges Trust provides grants to small charities working to tackle poverty in sub-saharan Africa.
Makes grants Work in Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000009 |
CHURCH of UGANDA CHILDREN's MINISTRY (UK) Charity number 1108690 |
22/03/2005 |
Latest income £26,083 [Sep 2020] |
This charity seeks, by cooperation with the Church of Uganda, to advance the Christian Faith among children in that country and funds training programmes for teachers and pastors in Uganda for all aspects of children's Christian ministry. Help is also given for children disavantaged by poverty, sickness, abuse, special needs and insecurity, including the counselling and training of orphans.
Makes grants Work in Uganda
UK registered office: E12000009 |
NINETY FOUNDATION Charity number 1157533 |
18/06/2014 |
Latest income £26,004 [Jun 2021] |
Summarised objects:-the prevention or relief of poverty through the provision of grants to charities, or other organisations-the provision of investment to advance commerce in socially and economically disadvantaged communities by achieving economic growth and regeneration;
Makes grants Work in Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
CARE in ACTION Charity number 1122116 |
28/12/2007 |
Latest income £25,992 [Apr 2021] |
Support to the African Mission in Kenya and adjacent countries;Medical support to Hope Centre, Nairobi and other Hospitals.Relief of Poverty specialy to eldery, young children and disables.
Work in Burundi, Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000005 |
PALLIATIVE CARE WORKS Charity number 1161919 |
01/06/2015 |
Latest income £25,915 [Dec 2020] |
We engage in training and mentoring of palliative care personnel (doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, etc) working in hospital and home-care based PC services in countries defined as 'resource-limited' - mainly in Africa and Asia. Our activities are normally funded by larger charitable organisations, such as Tearfund, Afrox, Rotary International.
Work in Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000005 |
The BARNABAS CHARITABLE TRUST Charity number 326748 |
08/01/1985 |
Latest income £25,859 [Dec 2020] |
The objects of the charity are to provide benefits to persons in necessitous circumstances who are not in paid employment and who are, or have been engaged in fulltime Christian work and for the advancement of the Christian religion.
Work in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Kenya, Nepal, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Uganda, Ukraine, United States and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The GATE COMMUNITY CHURCH Charity number 1146562 |
23/03/2012 |
Latest income £25,840 [May 2021] |
1. Holding of worship services, meetings, seminars, conferences, and training courses.2. Making grants of money for the relief of poverty.3. Supporting missionary activities at home and overseas, including the support of existing churches and christian ministries in other countries.
Makes grants Work in Bulgaria, Pakistan and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000002 |
30/09/1976 |
Latest income £25,483 [Dec 2020] |
CHEC's aim is to further the importance of a holisitc and sustainable view of the world and the continuing empasis on development through the implementation of human ecology. CHEC's programme and projects strive to awaken the official world to the need for deeper, human and ecological philosophies and a wider coalition between every level of society and the natural world on which they depend.
Work in Australia, The Gambia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Uganda, Cameroon, Fiji and Pakistan
UK registered office: E12000003 |
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