Found 892 UK NGOs working in Canada
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Canada.
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- Showing 863 to 892 of 892 NGOs
Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
United Kingdom Chinese Christian Mission (Ukccm) Charity number 1209202 |
19/07/2024 |
To advance the Christian religion through preaching, education, literature and training
Work in Hong Kong, Canada and United States
UK registered office: West Midlands | |
The Stephen Bernhard Foundation Charity number 1210274 |
01/10/2024 |
Helen Potts will be the Secretary to the Stephen Bernhard Foundation. She will be anther Charity ContactShe will be the lead in communication with the Trustees and will be the main source of access for applications for grants.
Work in Japan, United States, Canada, Pakistan, Vietnam, Turkey, Italy, Australia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Latvia, Uzbekistan, India, Thailand, South Korea, France, Spain, Philippines, China, Germany and Cambodia
UK registered office: South East | |
Ioh Charity number 1205635 |
08/11/2023 |
For the public benefit, the advancement of public health, particularly workplace health, by:i. Providing or assisting in the provision of professional knowledge, skills, and experience for occupational health practitioners.ii. Promoting good practice among occupational health practitioners.
Work in Argentina, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Colombia, Brazil, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Norway, France, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Ghana, Nigeria, Japan, India, South Africa, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and United States
UK registered office: West Midlands | |
Harvest City Church Charity number 1210906 |
12/11/2024 |
3.1 the objects of the cio are:(a) the advancement of the christian faith in accordance with the doctrines set out in clause 3.2 (doctrines) and the worship of god in the said county and elsewhere by any means whatsoever including (but not by way of limitation) the preaching and proclamation of the christian gospel and the teaching of christian doctrine and principles and the pastoral care of christian people and the printing and distribution of the bible and christian literature.(b) the relief of persons who are in conditions of need hardship or distress or who are aged or sick.(c) the advancement of education on the basis of christian principles and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the provision of such education in any educational establishment and if the trustees so decide the provision of one or more charitable educational establishments for the general education of children or adults on the basis of such christian principles.3.2 statement of doctrines(a) the unity of the godhead and the divine co-equality of the father the son and the holy spirit; the sovereignty of god in creation providence and redemption.(b) the true and proper deity of our lord jesus christ; his virgin birth; his real and perfect manhood; the authority of his teaching and the infallibility of all his utterances; his work of atonement for sinners of mankind by his vicarious sufferings his death his bodily resurrection and his ascension into heaven; his present priestly intercession for his people.(c) the full inspiration of the holy scriptures; their authority and sufficiency as not only containing but being in themselves the word of god; the reliability of the new testament in its testimony to the character and authorship of the old testament; and the need of the teaching of the holy spirit to a true and spiritual understanding of the whole.(d) the reality of original sin in consequence of the fall and the necessity of regeneration.(e) the justification of the sinner solely by faith through the atoning merits of our lord and saviour jesus christ.(f) the necessity of the work of the holy spirit in conversion and sanctification; also in ministry in worship and in the exercising of spiritual gifts through the body of believers.
Work in Japan, Netherlands, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, India and United States
UK registered office: East Midlands | |
Mama Udey Foundation Charity number 1201235 |
05/12/2022 |
Distribution od food packsprovide supplementary education advice and guidance
Work in Canada, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, United States, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Somalia, Kenya, France and Algeria
UK registered office: West Midlands | |
(In)Justice International Charity number 1204170 |
31/07/2023 |
To advance education for the public benefit by promoting and carrying out multidisciplinary research which applies a social harm approach to an analysis of contemporary social, economic and environmental issues and publishing the useful results of such research. For the purpose of this clause ‘a social harm approach’ means an analysis of the overall impact of related forms of harm on both populations and individuals. Social harm is the social, economic, and environmental injury or damage inflicted on society either intentionally or unintentionally.
Work in Portugal, India, Canada, Finland, Poland, Taiwan, Australia and Philippines
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Imsis Charity number 1205873 |
23/11/2023 |
Advancement of education in the field of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), which may include but shall not be limited to the following: -organising conferences and networking events, courses, training, workshops, and student exchanges-provision of research awards, fellowships, and student bursaries-maintaining a website for the collection and dissemination of information on MSI
Work in Austria, Australia, Italy, France, United States, Spain, Switzerland, China, Netherlands, Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Canada, Poland, Sweden, Japan and Belgium
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Action for Bpan Charity number 1210529 |
17/10/2024 |
Action for BPAN supports individuals with BPAN (Beta-Propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration), a rare neurodegenerative disorder. We fundraise for research, raise awareness, and provide support to families affected by BPAN. Based in the UK and operating globally, we collaborate with medical professionals and communities to improve lives and advance treatments and cures for BPAN.
Work in United States, Australia, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Canada, Italy and Spain
UK registered office: South East | |
Tap Water Worship Charity number 1211422 |
16/12/2024 |
The object of the cio is to advance the christian religion in particular but not exclusively among the hong kong diaspora community in the united kingdom and internationally through the creation, performance and preservation of cantonese christian music and related musical ministry activities.
Work in Canada and Hong Kong
UK registered office: London | |
The Sikh Military Foundation Charity number 1211000 |
19/11/2024 |
The promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the crown, in particular serving sikhs, for the public benefit throughout the uk primarily, but not exclusively by –i. Ensuring serving sikhs in the armed forces are properly equipped during times of conflict. Ii. Supporting and assisting sikh veterans, for example, by providing associations which support a unit and enable serving and former members to mix together. Iii. Promoting sikh military history by maintaining a museum or other collection for the preservation of artefacts connected with a military unit or service and supporting military and service museums generally; researching, documenting and publishing military history of a regiment or other unit. The advancement of the sikh faith for the public benefit by:i. Raising awareness and understanding of the sikh faith, religious beliefs, and practices.ii. Providing religious or devotional artifacts, such as nitnem gutka, meditation beads, the 5 k’s that are specifically designed for service personnel to allow them to observe the practices of their faith.
Work in United States, India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Australia and Canada
UK registered office: London | |
Hope Christian Community Charity number 1208003 |
25/04/2024 |
We are a local community church. We provide usual church activities from Temple Chapel on the Graig in Pontypridd. We seek to provide overseas aid / famine relief as and when required, as well as supporting charitable works in Uganda, Canada and the USA, and here also in the U.K.
Work in United States, Uganda and Canada
UK registered office: Wales | |
Institute of Risk Management Charity number 1209756 |
27/08/2024 |
Help organisations and individuals build excellence in risk management and raise awareness of risk across society so that they protect value and take advantage of opportunity.
Work in United Arab Emirates, Canada, United States, Australia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, Qatar, India, Germany, Kenya, Austria and Bahrain
UK registered office: London | |
Abbeyfield World Council Charity number 1212467 |
10/03/2025 |
The relief and care of people who are in need due to their age, ill-health, social isolation or disabilities by supporting the charitable work of the abbeyfield family and its national organisations around the world, including sharing best practice in the relief and are of predominantly older people for the benefit of the public
Work in Poland, South Africa, Australia, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and Malawi
UK registered office: North East | |
World Young Chef Young Waiter Education Foundation Charity number 1204641 |
08/09/2023 |
For the benefit of the public to advance the education, training and development of young persons from ages 18 to 30 who are disadvantaged due to poverty or financial hardship and are seeking a career in the hospitality industry through the provision of vocational training in hospitality and grants to support young person’s completing their studies and training.
Work in Barbados, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chile, Bangladesh, Croatia, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Cameroon, Canada, Cyprus, Brazil, Cuba, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Japan, Maldives, Antigua and Barbuda, Fiji, Egypt, Dominican Republic, Netherlands, Denmark and Czechia
UK registered office: London | |
Pride Wide Trust Charity number 1208890 |
28/06/2024 |
The object of the cio is to promote equality and diversity, for the public benefit, by: 3.1 the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of gender reassignment, sex and sexual orientation; 3.2 advancing education and raising awareness in equality and diversity;3.3 promoting activities to foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds;3.4 conducting or commissioning research on equality and diversity issues and publishing the results to the public; and3.5 cultivating a sentiment in favour of equality and diversity.
Work in Singapore, Thailand, India, Kenya, New Zealand, Philippines, United States, Canada, Uganda, Nigeria, Taiwan, Australia, South Africa, Spain, Germany, France, Barbados and Brazil
UK registered office: London | |
Axial Spondyloarthritis International Federation Charity number 1205000 |
02/10/2023 |
Advancing the diagnosis of, and treatment of persons suffering from Axial Spondyloarthritis and its related conditions throughout the world through promoting awareness of and funding and encouraging research into, the causes, diagnosis and effective treatments of Axial Spondyloarthritis and its related conditions.
Work in Russia, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, China, India, Israel, Australia, United States, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Africa, Singapore, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway and Portugal
UK registered office: London | |
The Apostolic Church UK Charity number 1204678 |
12/09/2023 |
The objects of the church are, for the public benefit, the advancement of the christian faith in the united kingdom and the world, including: 4.1 the preaching of the gospel of our lord and saviour jesus christ according to the holy scriptures; and 4.2 the relief of persons who are in need by reason of their youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or such other economic or social disadvantage.
Work in France, Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Myanmar, Chile, Hungary, India, Kenya, Latvia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana, Rwanda, Lesotho, Thailand, Nepal, Israel, Laos, Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand
UK registered office: East of England | |
The Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Society Charity number 1205027 |
03/10/2023 |
The Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons (TUGSS) Society represents the global community of Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgery and all its various sub-specialities.There is currently no global platform representing all of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. TUGSS aims to fill this space by uniting us all under one umbrella.
Work in Argentina, Germany, Pakistan, Ireland, Oman, Spain, Singapore, United States, Bangladesh, Belgium, Israel, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Italy, India and France
UK registered office: West Midlands | |
Playing Sane Charity number 1205577 |
03/11/2023 |
1. The promotion of good mental health, primarily (but not exclusively) across the united kingdom, for people who are working or training for work in the arts, media, and culture, in particular but not exclusively by:a. Providing information and advice;b. Raising awareness of established mental health knowledge and how it applies or might apply to relevant work or training situations; andc. Co-producing tools and training with and for interested parties.2. To advance the education of the public in general (and particularly amongst those working or training for work in the arts, media, and culture) on the subject of mental health in those working or training for work in the arts, media, and culture, and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and publish the useful results in furtherance of the education.
Work in Canada
UK registered office: North West | |
Social Carbon Foundation Charity number 1210037 |
16/09/2024 |
Social Carbon Foundation develops and manages holistic, nature-based standards and methodologies that mitigate climate change, enhance biodiversity, and support sustainable livelihoods. Our standards are applied by local communities and project developers globally to raise funds through environmental markets.
Work in South Africa, Sri Lanka, Gabon, Canada, Colombia, Zambia and Brazil
UK registered office: London | |
Duchesne Trust CIO Charity number 1210066 |
17/09/2024 |
The CIO's activities focus on the following four Apostolic Priorities: 1) Education; 2) JPIC (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation); Spirituality; and 4) Formation. Solidarity projects for the education of vulnerable groups living in poverty and support for the sustainability of the Society's life and mission including the costs for formation, education and care of the sisters.
Work in Australia, Vietnam, Venezuela, Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Netherlands, Morocco, Ireland, France, Belgium, Uruguay, United States, Uganda, Spain, Puerto Rico, Poland, Philippines, Peru, Mexico, Malta, Kenya, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, India, Hungary, Germany, Egypt, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia, China, Chile, Chad, Canada, Brazil, Austria and Argentina
UK registered office: London | |
New Tribes Mission Charity number 1209407 |
02/08/2024 |
To advance the christian faith for the benefit of the public in accordance with the statement of beliefs appearing in the schedule hereto by providing education in relation to the christian religion, knowledge of the bible and christian doctrine, faith and practice, language, and literature, and by providing training for missionaries to plant churches in those areas of the world determined by the trustees of the charity.
Work in Thailand, Mexico, Liberia, Italy, Côte d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Guinea, Greenland, Germany, Colombia, Canada, Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Australia, Brazil, Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique and United States
UK registered office: East Midlands | |
Open Access Book Collective Charity number 1206287 |
19/12/2023 |
Bringing together open access publishers, publishing service providers, librarians, and other supporters to collectively bring about a fairer, more sustainable model of open book publishing, to increase the volume and diversity of academic knowledge available for free, to anyone.
Work in Brazil, United States, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, Cyprus, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Finland, Italy, Austria, South Africa, Mexico and Canada
UK registered office: London | |
Fédération Internationale De Powerchair Football Association CIO Charity number 1204511 |
29/08/2023 |
FIPFA focuses on providing sport opportunities for persons with high level physical impairments in the UK and across the World. We operate a competition programme and host international events to provide recreational and elite sport opportunities for physically impaired athletes. Through education and training we provide support to new nations to develop best practise and effective governance.
Work in France, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Turkey, Argentina, Israel, Russia, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Mexico, Uruguay, United States, Spain, Ireland, Austria, India and Japan
UK registered office: East Midlands | |
Imroc Charity number 1207904 |
17/04/2024 |
For the public benefit, the relief of those in need by reason of ill-health or disability, in particular, but not exclusively, bya. Providing training and education to support employment / integration into the workforce or voluntary sector of those in need;b. Providing training and support to health care or voluntary sector organisations to enable them to employ those in need and to support them in providing better care and support for those people to improve their conditions of life; andc. Raising awareness among the general public of the issues affecting those in need.
Work in Estonia, Denmark, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Portugal, Ireland, Uganda, China, Bulgaria, Belgium, United States, Norway, Kenya, India, Japan, Singapore and Germany
UK registered office: East Midlands | |
The Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists Charity number 1205782 |
17/11/2023 |
Work in Austria, Finland, Denmark, Czechia, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Sweden, St Kitts-Nevis, Spain, South Africa, Slovenia, Singapore, Portugal, Poland, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Australia, United States, Japan, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Belgium, Italy, Israel, Ireland, Hungary, Hong Kong and Greece
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Ave Fenix Albion Foundation Limited Charity number 1206025 |
04/12/2023 |
To advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of england and wales) as the directors see fit from time to time.
Work in Samoa, Jordan, Singapore, St Lucia, Haiti, Nepal, Mozambique, Belize, Malaysia, Madagascar, Jamaica, Netherlands, Indonesia, Kenya, New Zealand, St Vincent and Grenadines, Lebanon, India, Nicaragua, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Honduras, Ghana, South Africa, Pakistan, Cambodia, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Uganda, United States, Colombia, Chile, Canada, Cameroon, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Dominica, Sri Lanka, Panama, Bhutan, St Kitts-Nevis, Germany, Egypt, Philippines, Brazil, Zimbabwe and Australia
UK registered office: London | |
The Fear Family Foundation Charity number 1200214 |
30/08/2022 |
Purposes which are wholly and exclusively charitable according to the law of england and wales.
Work in Canada, Bahamas and United States
UK registered office: London | |
Trek4ceylon Ltd Charity number 1211753 |
17/01/2025 |
The charity's objects ('objects'), for the benefit of the public in various places around the world, are the following:(1) to advance and promote good physical and mental health and the saving of lives by assisting in such ways as the directors think fit any charity, project or healthcare establishment working to relieve sickness and/or preserve and protect good health;(2) to prevent or relieve poverty by: (a) providing grants, items and services to individuals or groups of individuals in need and/or charities or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty, and (b) providing or assisting in the provision of education, training or healthcare projects designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient;(3) to promote education (including social and physical training) in such a way as the directors think fit, including but not limited to: (a) awarding scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants, (b) providing or assisting in the provision of items, services or facilities, and (c) assisting any charity or educationalestablishment whose aims include advancing education by developing mental, physical and moral capabilities; and(4) to relieve those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage by providing grants, items, services or facilities to individuals or groups of individuals in need and/or charities or other organisations working to relieve those in need.
Work in Canada, Australia and Sri Lanka
UK registered office: East of England | |
World Parrot Trust Charity number 1212263 |
24/02/2025 |
To advance the education of the public in aviculture, ornithology, zoology, and related sciences, in particular but not limited to psittaciformes (the parrot).to promote for the benefit of the public the conservation and protection of species of parrots and their promote for the benefit of the public the prevention of animal cruelty and suffering, including animal trafficking.
Work in New Zealand, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Indonesia, Norfolk Island, Tanzania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Aruba, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Cameroon, Rwanda, Canada, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Poland, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, French Polynesia, Germany, India, Italy, Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Zambia, Venezuela, United States, Uganda, Bolivia, Costa Rica and France
UK registered office: South West |
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- Showing 863 to 892 of 892 NGOs