Found 892 UK NGOs working in Canada
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Canada.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
Kingdom Faith Support International Charity number 1177604 |
19/03/2018 |
The advancement of the Christian faith, in accordance with the proclamation of beliefs set out in clause 6, in the UK and the world, in particular (but not exclusively) by the provision, or the assistance in the provision, of effective ecumenical training, support and development work.
Work in Canada, Romania, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Venezuela, United States, Sweden and Spain
UK registered office: London | |
The Congregation of the Daughters of Providence of Saint Brieuc Charity number 1202485 |
27/03/2023 |
To apply the charity property, as capital or as income, for such charitable purposes as shall advance the religious and other charitable work of the society as the trustees with the approval of the superior shall from time to time think fit and if at any time the society shall cease to exist or shall cease to carry on religious or other charitable work then for such other lawful charitable purposes connected with the advancement of the roman catholic religion as the trustees shall determine.
Work in France, Canada and Uganda
UK registered office: South East | |
The Anthony and Bryan Lonsdale Charitable Foundation Charity number 1091810 |
29/04/2002 |
General Charitable Activities
Work in India, Canada and Indonesia
UK registered office: South East | |
Invisible Hand Foundation Charity number 1205837 |
21/11/2023 |
Relieve or prevent poverty or to relieve financial hardship and unemployment in particular but without limitation through the provision of financial assistance to micro businesses owned or operated by persons in need where any such business has reasonable prospects of viability and would otherwise be at risk of failing without such assistance.
Work in Switzerland, St Kitts-Nevis, United States and Canada
UK registered office: London | |
Ancestral Earth Foundation Charity number 1192381 |
17/11/2020 |
To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of indigenous cultures around the world by supporting land repatriation efforts and conservation projects and programmes that protect the wildlife flora and fauna of their region.To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Cultures around the world by
Work in Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Australia, United States, Canada, Ecuador and Brazil
UK registered office: South East | |
Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health Charity number 1202652 |
06/04/2023 |
Latest income £20,000 [Mar 2024] |
The objects of the cio are:(1) to promote and protect the health of women and their families in particular but not exclusively by bringing together organisations from across the world to share expertise and experience of maternal mental health issues, raising awareness of maternal mental health issues and seeking to improve services for women and their families; and (2) to advance the education of the general public in all areas relating to maternal mental health.
Work in Spain, Sweden, Australia, Malta, Thailand, Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, France, The Gambia, Iceland, India, South Africa, Malawi and Norway
UK registered office: South East |
Vadim Repin Charitable Foundation for the Arts Charity number 1177085 |
09/02/2018 |
Inspiring and supporting the next generation of young artists
Work in Monaco, Uruguay, United States, Ukraine, Switzerland, Spain, South Korea, Russia, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Japan, Italy, Israel, Germany, Georgia, France, China, Chile, Canada, Brazil, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Australia, Armenia and Argentina
UK registered office: London | |
The Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation Charity number 1199256 |
10/06/2022 |
The principal activity of the Charity is to promote the advance of the Islamic religion by all or any of the following means. - Providing and maintaining Mosques and religious centers for the worship of the Islamic religion. - Teaching and educating young members of the Islamic community in the doctrine and practices of the Islamic religion and Jurisprudence.
Work in France, Thailand, United States, Iraq and Canada
UK registered office: London | |
Siddhyog Mandir Trust ( United Kingdom ) Charity number 1075912 |
09/06/1999 |
Welfare and upliftment of poor and needy people without distinction in cast, creed, race and religion. Rhe Relief of Poverty.
Work in South Korea, Singapore, United States, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, India, China, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand
UK registered office: London | |
Forum for Promoting Peace (London) Charity number 1186676 |
29/11/2019 |
The promotion of faith based harmony principally by educating the public in creating awareness of common ground amongst religions, to promote good relations, promoting knowledge and respect of beliefs, advance education of public, promote research in all aspects of belief systems and to publish results and promotion of religious freedom
Work in Italy, Finland, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Canada and United States
UK registered office: London | |
The Hong Kong Lep Trust Charity number 1204742 |
15/09/2023 |
The object of the Hong Kong Locally Enlisted Personnel (LEP) Trust is the relief of former members of the Royal Navy (Hong Kong) Division and Hong Kong Military Service Corps and their dependents who are in need, hardship or distress in such ways as the trustees from time to time think fit.
Work in Canada and Hong Kong
UK registered office: South East | |
30 Birds Foundation UK Charity number 1206499 |
11/01/2024 |
Where the charity operates:Throughout England and WalesAfghanistanCanadaUnited StatesPakistan
Work in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Canada and United States
UK registered office: London | |
Tafu Charity number 1207526 |
19/03/2024 |
TAFU is a global charity founded to enhance environmental awareness and foster sustainable practices. TAFU engages youth in various activities, such as organising clean-up events, hosting educational programs, and putting on eco-friendly concerts to raise awareness, with the aim of fostering an interdisciplinary approach and action to empower young people to take responsibility for our planet.
Work in Luxembourg, China, Australia, Austria, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Cameroon, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, France, Croatia and United States
UK registered office: London | |
Sporting Talent Foundation Charity number 1211907 |
29/01/2025 |
The objects of the cio are to advance any such charitable purposes according to the laws of england and wales as the charity trustees determine from time to time including, but not limited to: - the education of the public, and in particular young people, in relation to sports; and- the relief of poverty by the provision of grants enabling persons with insufficient financial and other resources to attend educational institutions which they would otherwise be unable to afford.
Work in Canada, France, United States and Germany
UK registered office: London | |
Hebrews 10:24 CIO Charity number 1174752 |
20/09/2017 |
To advance the christian principles in the united kingdom and other parts of the world for the benefit of the public through the holding of prayer meetings, lectures, producing and/or distributing literature on christianity, to enlighten others about the christian principles and/or to create, maintain, distribute tools to do so.
Work in Estonia, Slovenia, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Czechia, Romania, Portugal, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United States, Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Malta, Russia, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Croatia, Poland and Netherlands
UK registered office: London | |
Wec UK Charity number 1206772 |
30/01/2024 |
Advancement of the Christian faith by means of evangelism and social action leading to the establishment of church communities which will do the same. WEC works worldwide, and particularly in places where no Christian Churches already exist.
Work in United States, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Canada, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Czechia, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, The Gambia, Togo, Belgium, Australia and Albania
UK registered office: West Midlands | |
Facial Therapy Specialists International Charity number 1205406 |
25/10/2023 |
The relief of sickness and poor health and the preservation of good health amongst the general public by promoting and sharing good practice and standards in the field of facial palsy through the facilitation of training health professionals, medical and scientific research and information exchange amongst and between patients, patient groups, researchers and health care professionals
Work in United States and Canada
UK registered office: South East | |
Heaven's Playground Org Charity number 1204172 |
01/08/2023 |
Make and distribute Early Loss, Sibling and Memory Boxes.Make memorial keepsakes.Make and send Angel Cards (cards to or from a lost loved one)Graphics (including personalised) and support.
Work in New Zealand, Seychelles, Turkey, Uganda, Poland, Germany, Philippines, Nigeria, Guam, Kenya, Ireland, South Africa, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Canada, Australia and United States
UK registered office: North West | |
Deserted Dogs Charity number 1191396 |
21/09/2020 |
For the benefit of the public to relieve the suffering of dogs in need of care and attention, in particular, providing foster homes and actively seeking rescue homes or other facilities for the reception, care and treatment of dogs. To promote humane behavior towards dogs and matters relating to dog welfare and the prevention of cruelty. Raising awareness of animal welfare issues within the community, promoting proper treatment, respect and compassion for these animals. Providing appropriate care, protection, treatment and security for dogs which are in need of care and attention by reasons of sickness, maltreatment, poor circumstances or ill usage. The maintenance of kennels and other facilities for the reception, care and treatment of dogs. The expansion or creation of spay and neuter programs. In all cases: working in particular but not exclusively to dogs in jordan.
Work in Denmark, Poland, New Zealand, Italy, Syria, United States, Jordan, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, Australia, Afghanistan, Norway, Kuwait, Sweden, Lebanon, Netherlands, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Hungary
UK registered office: North East | |
WCCF Ltd Charity number 1204602 |
06/09/2023 |
Wccf's charitable objects as set out in its articles of association are:2.1 to develop and improve the knowledge, understanding, practice and support of the arts and culture in cities worldwide by educating city leaders and policy makers in order to empower them to enhance cultural infrastructure and access to the arts for the public benefit; and2.2 to promote the study and research of the role that arts and culture in cities worldwide can play in promoting sustainable development and social development, provided that the results and application of such study and research are disseminated to the public at large
Work in France, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Nigeria, Portugal, United States, Australia, Poland, Austria, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, China, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Brazil, Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Finland, Hong Kong and Norway
UK registered office: London | |
Rareminds CIO Charity number 1205120 |
09/10/2023 |
Mental health support and resources for those impacted by rare and undiagnosed conditions.
Work in Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United States and Ireland
UK registered office: East of England | |
The Ramphal Institute Charity number 1205874 |
23/11/2023 |
The Ramphal Institute works to advance education for the benefit of the public, including policy makers, in the fields of social, economic, governance and environmental policies within the commonwealth, by means of analysis, studies, meeting, lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops, research and the dissemination of the useful results of the foregoing.
Work in Guyana, Australia, Canada, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Jamaica, Kenya, Malta, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Mauritius, Botswana, Eswatini, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, India, Malaysia, South Africa, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore and Ghana
UK registered office: London | |
Endfa (UK) Charity number 1206881 |
05/02/2024 |
The objects of the charity (the “objects”) are specifically restricted to the protection and promotion of the health of the public in particular by:3.1 promoting or assisting in the promotion of research into the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure of friedreich’s ataxia or other related conditions (by mechanism, clinical presentation or other factors), including the development of findings of research into practical applications for the prevention, treatment and cure of friedreich’s ataxia or other related conditions; and 3.2 educating the public to increase awareness of friedreich’s ataxia or other related conditions.
Work in Canada, United States, Italy, Australia, Germany, Netherlands and France
UK registered office: London | |
Elite Kingdom Builders Charity number 1207106 |
20/02/2024 |
To provide emotional and peer support to all individuals in Christian ministries and churches
Work in South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Gabon, Angola and United States
UK registered office: South East | |
CLC International Office Charity number 1207956 |
22/04/2024 |
Sourcing, channeling and oversight of funds to CLC ministries worldwide. Investigation worldwide of new ministry opportunities. Distribution of news and information to related agencies. Training courses and consultancy arranged as appropriate. Provision of website and digital services.
Work in Chile, Netherlands, Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Uruguay, United States, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Switzerland, South Korea, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Philippines, Peru, Panama, Pakistan, Mozambique, Mexico, Kenya, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, India, Hungary, Germany, France, Ecuador, Dominica, Cyprus, Colombia, Canada, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Benin, Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber | |
Education Bridge for Afghanistan Charity number 1203820 |
03/07/2023 |
Education Bridge for Afghanistan (EBA) helps individuals and organisations provide education/training for Afghan children, specifically for girls. EBA raises funds for this purpose through different activities like conducting online courses in the UK, launching fundraising events, and community partnerships.
Work in Canada, Pakistan, Afghanistan, United States, Turkey and Germany
UK registered office: South East | |
The Alexander Duckham Memorial Schools Trust Charity number 1203950 |
12/07/2023 |
To promote the education and welfare of qualified children. Qualified children are children of members or former members of the Royal Air Force who are in need of financial assistance.
Work in Falkland Islands, Belize, Gibraltar, Canada, United States, Qatar and United Arab Emirates
UK registered office: London | |
The Art of Forests Charity number 1210898 |
12/11/2024 |
To advance environmental protection for the public benefit worldwide by:-(a) uniting organisations who are dedicated to the advancement of environmental protection, afforestation, reforestation, ecosystem restoration and nature conservation; (b) advancing education by fostering a space for the exchange of information and best practices and to make the useful results and guidance available and accessible for people globally; (c) fostering sustainable and resilient livelihoods through, but not limited to, the provision of education and knowledge, facilitation of access to technology and innovations, and financial support to encourage tree planting, agroforestry, conservation and other such activities concerning the elimination of the detrimental effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005 and section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008.
Work in Netherlands, Uruguay, Panama, Belgium, Brazil, Malawi, Canada, Norway, Nigeria, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Ghana, Australia, India, Tanzania, Italy, Kenya, Switzerland, Sweden, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Portugal, Uganda, United States and Peru
UK registered office: South East | |
Canopy Pact Charity number 1211925 |
29/01/2025 |
4.1 the only objects for which the charity is established are for the public benefit in the uk or overseas to:4.1.1 advance environmental protection and in particular, but not exclusively, by the provision of technical and advisory services and support relating to the methodology and practices developed by the cambridge centre for carbon credits, which may include (but shall not be limited to) publishing and promoting quality standards/information to those operating in sectors engaging in activities and projects whose desired impact is to reduce, offset or remove carbon emissions.4.1.2 advance education through research projects and science-backed data, and the facilitation of knowledge sharing, in relation to the creation of a sustainable environments globally particularly through avoided deforestation, reforestation, habitat conservation and the use of carbon based projects as an efficient and effective means of promoting such sustainability for the benefit of the natural environment.
Work in Sierra Leone, United States, Canada, Peru, India, Brazil, Ecuador, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malaysia, Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico and Indonesia
UK registered office: East of England | |
Hussain's Ark of Salvation Charity number 1202021 |
21/02/2023 |
The charity aims to use digital innovation to strengthen our faith and serve communities around the globe. We work on a wide range of projects such as in the form of engaging initiatives using social media and providing services for the benefit of the Muslim community.
Work in Canada, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, Kenya, United States, India, Mozambique, Uganda and Pakistan
UK registered office: North West |
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