Found 166 UK NGOs working in South Korea
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of South Korea.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
Brixton Full Gospel Church Trust Charity number 1085892 |
29/03/2001 |
Latest income £71,617 [Jan 2021] |
The work of BFGC Trust have a unifying purpose, which compells its members to edify (teach), encourage, exalt (praise God), equip and envangalise (spread the Word of God) what we like to call our "five Es".
Work in France, Israel, Kenya, South Korea, Uganda and Bulgaria
UK registered office: London |
The Rooftop Ministries Charity number 1152253 |
03/06/2013 |
Latest income £37,384 [Dec 2023] |
Promotion of the Christian religion through evangelism and education
Work in Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bulgaria, Burundi, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czechia, El Salvador, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Honduras, India, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya, United States and South Africa
UK registered office: East of England |
Central Bible Hammond Trust Limited Charity number 223327 |
09/10/1963 |
Latest income £154,609 [Dec 2023] |
Printing, publishing and selling books, periodicals, calendars and other publications designed to propagate the Protestant and Evangelical tenets of the Christian faith which are in line with the interpretation put forward by such early writers of the 'Brethren' movement as J.N.Darby and W.Kelly.
Work in Ireland, South Africa, Spain, United States, Hong Kong, Cameroon, Australia, Argentina, Italy, New Zealand, India, Ghana, Germany, France, China, Canada, Russia, Kenya, Malawi, South Korea, Romania, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Czechia, Poland, Portugal, Japan, Switzerland and Sweden
UK registered office: North West |
Line Dance Foundation Charity number 1164708 |
04/12/2015 |
Latest income £78,194 [Mar 2024] |
The object of the charity is to relieve financial hardship among persons who make their living working in the line dancing industry and their dependants by providing financial and other forms of support including assisting in the treatment and care of such persons who are suffering from illness of any description or who are in need of rehabilitation as a result of such illness.
Work in Spain, Switzerland, South Korea, South Africa, United States, Singapore, Ireland, British Indian Ocean Territory, Sweden, Canada, Austria, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Iceland, Belgium, Portugal, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Mauritius, British Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, Italy, Indonesia, India, Greece, Germany, Hong Kong, France, Finland, Denmark, Malaysia, Czechia and China
UK registered office: North West |
The Dci Foundation Charity number 1001236 |
12/12/1990 |
Latest income £50,487 [May 2024] |
Training without walls, frontiers or fees for leaders mainly in the developing world with project development and micro-enterprise for the poor.
Work in Brazil, Venezuela, United States, Ukraine, Uganda, Thailand, Tanzania, Switzerland, Spain, Singapore, Russia, Romania, Peru, Pakistan, Nigeria, Nepal, Myanmar, Mexico, Malaysia, Malawi, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, Israel, Indonesia, India, Haiti, Ghana, Germany, Ethiopia, Congo, Colombia, Chile, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Cuba, Turkey, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tunisia, Afghanistan, China, South Korea and Burundi
UK registered office: East Midlands |
The Society for Army Historical Research Charity number 247844 |
29/04/1966 |
Latest income £49,028 [Dec 2023] |
The objects of the society shall be the encouragement of army historical research, and the promotion and maintenance of regimental and military traditions including:- a) Research, (b) Quarterly Publication of a Journal contaning original articles, military manuscripts and other material, advice and encouragement to those interested including students, and a lecture programme
Work in Bermuda, Singapore, South Korea, Turkey, Austria, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Malaysia, Malta, Nigeria, Ireland, Russia, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Israel, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, Oman, Poland, South Africa, Australia, Gibraltar, United States and Italy
UK registered office: London |
Frontline Nations Charity number 1192158 |
04/11/2020 |
Latest income £65,160 [Mar 2024] |
Frontline Nations (FLN) trains people who are interested in the Christian faith and discipleship which includes finding purpose of life, identity and practical skills to live a fulfilling life. FLN also builds mission teams to be sent out to other nations.
Work in South Korea
UK registered office: Wales |
Clawar Association Limited Charity number 1146747 |
02/04/2012 |
Latest income £29,668 [Dec 2023] |
CLAWAR aims to widen robot application domains for the public benefit by identifying and leading keys initiatives (both nationally and internationally) that are able to address global concerns for robotics. The current issues identified are the lack of safety standards for service robots and poor interaction between the robot research community and the robot standardisation community.
Work in South Korea, Spain, United States, China, Germany, Italy, Japan and Kuwait
UK registered office: London |
High Temperature Mechanical Testing Committee Charity number 800892 |
14/02/1989 |
Latest income £42,935 [Dec 2023] |
To improve high temperature testing by: Providing a forum for discussion, organising conferences and laboratory visits, publishing conference proceedings and codes of practice and initiating research activities.
Work in Switzerland, Belgium, China, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Ireland, South Korea, United States and Sweden
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber |
Ific Limited Charity number 1072681 |
01/12/1998 |
Latest income £25,570 [Dec 2023] |
The principal activity of the charity is to facilitate international networking in order to improve the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections worldwide.
Work in Poland, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Cyprus, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Kenya, North Macedonia, Netherlands, Ireland, South Korea, Sweden, Egypt, Argentina, Denmark, Norway, United States, Serbia and Canada
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber |
Basic Income Earth Network (Bien) Charity number 1177066 |
08/02/2018 |
Latest income £133,514 [Dec 2023] |
The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) offers education about alternative arguments about, proposals for, and problems concerning, basic income as idea, institution, and public policy practice. BIEN organises public conferences around the world on an annual basis and serves as a repository of published research.
Work in Russia, Hungary, Taiwan, Malawi, Turkey, Indonesia, Iceland, Portugal, Ireland, India, Argentina, South Korea, Germany, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, China, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Mexico, Netherlands, France, Italy, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, United States, Switzerland, Spain, Slovenia and Canada
UK registered office: South East |
Heart Fire Church Charity number 1165580 |
16/02/2016 |
Latest income £35,528 [Sep 2023] |
Worship services, Faith counselling: encouraging/ counselling who are situated in spiritual, psychological and physical difficulties. Visiting the wounded and ones who are weak spiritually, psychologically and physically for the sake of hearing their difficulties, and advising them with the bible message regularly.
Work in South Korea
UK registered office: Wales |
Stile Antico Foundation Charity number 1156615 |
10/04/2014 |
Latest income £29,174 [Apr 2024] |
To advance the education of the public in music and in particular the music of choral groups through supporting education, workshops, performances and concerts by choral groups including, principally but not exclusively, the early music group known as Stile Antico alone or in collaboration with others.
Work in Andorra, Norway, Peru, New Zealand, Netherlands, Monaco, Luxembourg, Bolivia, Austria, Australia, Portugal, Poland, Japan, Italy, Iceland, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, Czechia, Chile, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Lithuania, Taiwan, Jan Mayen, South Georgia, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Gibraltar, Faroe Islands, Falkland Islands, Bermuda, Serbia, United States, Ukraine, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, South Korea, South Africa, Slovenia, Slovakia, Singapore, San Marino and Ireland
UK registered office: South East |
Opera Ventures Productions Charity number 1168424 |
26/07/2016 |
Latest income £5,943 [Mar 2024] |
Commissioning and producing opera, providing training in opera production, in collaboration with partner venues
Work in Sweden, United States, Hong Kong, Spain, South Korea, Singapore, Norway, Finland, Denmark, China, Australia, Japan, France and Italy
UK registered office: London |
Nan Ping Spiritual Cultivation Organization of the UK Charity number 1186388 |
15/11/2019 |
Latest income £275,584 [Jul 2023] |
At public lectures, sermons and worship services, and through the provision and sponsorship of philosophical and religious works, and published materials.
Work in Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, United States, South Korea and Myanmar
UK registered office: London |
Isha- The Hip Preservation Society Charity number 1199165 |
01/06/2022 |
Latest income £502,582 [May 2023] |
ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society is an international organisation which is focused on hip preservation surgery to enhance patient care and outcomes, through delivery of training, education, support of research, sharing of knowledge and best practice, fostering global collaboration and provision of patient and professional information to improve hip care.
Work in Japan, South Africa, Poland, Israel, South Korea, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Switzerland and United States
UK registered office: London |
The Verwer/Hession Trust Charity number 1031304 |
11/01/1994 |
Latest income £58,600 [Dec 2023] |
To advance the Christian religion. To provide grants for the production, publishing and distribution of books and other media written by Roy Hession and George Verwer.
Work in Austria, Nigeria, United States and South Korea
UK registered office: South East |
Europe-Korea Marine and Ocean Engineers Association (Ekmoa) Charity number 1201657 |
19/01/2023 |
Latest income £20,808 [Jan 2024] |
(1) The objects of the CIO are(a) to build network among members and promote information sharing.(b) to strengthen fellowship with the Korean scientific and technological field.(c) to contribute to scientific and technological development of the shipbuilding, ocean and marine sectors.
Work in South Korea and Norway
UK registered office: South East |
Out of Ashes Ministries Charity number 1152271 |
03/06/2013 |
Latest income £15,835 [Mar 2024] |
The main activities are: Communicating the relevance of Christianity ~ Inspiring hope for those with broken lives ~ Mentoring evangelists ~ Distributing resources to advance the Christian faith ~ Serving in churches, prisons, schools, rehabilitation centres and orphanages in the UK and abroad
Work in Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, India, Hungary, Ghana, France, Czechia, Canada, Cambodia, Australia, South Korea and Slovakia
UK registered office: East of England |
The World Federation of Rose Societies Charity number 1063582 |
24/07/1997 |
Latest income £58,237 [Dec 2023] |
The WFRS is made up of National Societies, including that of Great Britain and Bermuda, as listed in the Area of Operation entry. It works to promote the love of the genus rosa, its history, cultivation and development. It holds World Rose Conventions and Regional meetings. Full information on
Work in South Korea, Uruguay, United States, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Argentina, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, South Africa, Slovenia, Slovakia, Russia, Romania, Pakistan, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Canada, Finland, Monaco, Luxembourg, Japan, Italy, Israel, India, Iceland, Hungary, France, Germany, Czechia, Greece, Australia, China, Chile and Bermuda
UK registered office: South West |
The International Society for Seed Science Charity number 1081225 |
22/06/2000 |
Latest income £9,710 [Mar 2024] |
Fostering and promoting research, education and communication in the scientific understanding of seeds by: Publication of scientific research on seed biology in Seed Science Research, the official journal of the ISSS. Co-ordination and organisation of conferences and more specialised meetings related to seed science. Publication of proceedings of ISSS conferences and other meetings.
Work in Sri Lanka, Kenya, Lithuania, South Korea, Ghana, Colombia, Philippines, Mexico, New Zealand, Malaysia, India, Guyana, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, Czechia, China, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Poland, Argentina, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Switzerland, United States, Spain, Pakistan, Netherlands, Latvia, Japan, Italy, Indonesia and Chile
UK registered office: South East |
Handsworth Wood Christian Fellowship Charity number 518980 |
23/06/1987 |
Latest income £9,489 [Dec 2023] |
church meetings, youth Work, helping the needy at home and abroad
Work in Afghanistan, India, Laos, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Syria, Bhutan, China and Haiti
UK registered office: West Midlands |
International Neurological Ketogenic Society Charity number 1199462 |
28/06/2022 |
Latest income £66,939 [Jun 2023] |
(1) promoting the practice, science, global accessibility and implementation of ketogenic dietary therapies for the treatment of epilepsy and the specific neurometabolic disorder GLUT1 deficiency syndrome;(2) promoting research into ketogenic and metabolic therapies for the treatment of brain disorders(3) educating healthcare professionals about ketogenic and metabolic therapies
Work in Argentina, South Korea, South Africa, China, France, Germany, India, Australia and United States
UK registered office: South East |
Koum Network Charity number 1144281 |
14/10/2011 |
Latest income £10,228 [Feb 2022] |
Our charity will be identifying students and train and support them in missionary work to advance the Christian faith. Also undertake additional work that will benefit people who are suffering under difficult circumstances be it financial or personal, and assist and encourage them in starting a new life.
Work in South Korea
UK registered office: London |
Energy Evaluation Limited Charity number 1157678 |
01/07/2014 |
Latest income £565 [Sep 2023] |
The Charity's objectives are to advance the education for the public benefit in the subject of evaluation of energy policy and programmes, through the organisation of conferences.
Work in China, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, France, Vietnam, Germany, Indonesia, United States, Switzerland, Sweden, South Korea, South Africa, Russia, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Philippines, Norway, Japan, Italy and Canada
UK registered office: West Midlands |
International Play Association Charity number 1195848 |
20/09/2021 |
Latest income £9,881 [Dec 2023] |
IPA is an international non-governmental organisation originally founded in 1961. It provides a forum for exchange and action across disciplines and across sectors. IPA's purpose is to protect, preserve and promote the child's right to play as a fundamental human right.
Work in New Zealand, United States, Sweden, Taiwan, Uruguay, Ukraine, Thailand, Switzerland, South Korea, South Africa, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Norway, Nigeria, Mexico, Liberia, Italy, Israel, India, France, Finland, Estonia, China, Canada, Brazil, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Hong Kong, Austria, Australia, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, Turkey and Spain
UK registered office: Wales |
Homeshare International Charity number 1170332 |
23/11/2016 |
Latest income £17,012 [Jul 2024] |
Acts as an umbrella organisation for Homeshare organisations throughout the world
Work in Sweden, Brazil, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, United States, Martinique, Italy, Luxembourg, Japan, India, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Australia, Denmark, Czechia, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Ireland, South Korea and Spain
UK registered office: South East |
Judah City of Praise Charity number 1149475 |
25/10/2012 |
Latest income £14,261 [Mar 2014] |
Small Ministries
Work in South Korea, South Africa, Ghana, Barbados, Thailand, Cyprus, Nigeria, Jamaica, China, Sierra Leone and St Kitts-Nevis
UK registered office: London |
Global Variome Charity number 1174248 |
14/08/2017 |
Latest income £3,559 [Jul 2023] |
International organisation dedicated to the advancement of health and the saving of lives for the public benefit in particular but not exclusively by: decreasing the burden of disease and improving diagnosis, promoting the responsible collection, curation, interpretation and sharing of genomic variant information.
Work in South Africa, Canada, China, Belgium, Bangladesh, Austria, Australia, Cyprus, Argentina, Czechia, Egypt, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Portugal, Brazil, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, United States, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Vietnam and Venezuela
UK registered office: North East |
International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative Charity number 1202706 |
13/04/2023 |
Latest income £10,158 [Dec 2023] |
The International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC) is a global leader in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM). A collaboration comprising of 53 national OEM societies, associations, and faculties in countries across the world. Between us, we already speak for more than 30,000 occupational medicine healthcare professionals worldwide.
Work in Ireland, New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Qatar, Guatemala, Greece, Germany, France, Switzerland, Estonia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Honduras, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Egypt, Peru, Russia, Philippines, Denmark, Croatia, Singapore, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Japan, Côte d'Ivoire, Costa Rica, Italy, United States, Slovakia, China, Venezuela, South Africa, Colombia, South Korea and India
UK registered office: London |
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