

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

World Council of Enterostomal Therapists

Charity number 1057749


Latest income £183,195

[Mar 2024]

The World Council of Enterostomal Therapists exists to further the expert professional nursing care for people with ostomy, wound or continence needs.

Work in Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, South Africa, Singapore, Russia, Portugal, Poland, Philippines, Switzerland, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United States, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Norway, New Zealand, Namibia, Malaysia, Kenya, Taiwan, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Australia, Costa Rica, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia

UK registered office:

Wild Welfare

Charity number 1165941


Latest income £134,530

[Dec 2023]

A) to unite the worlds leading zoos and animal welfare organisations and improve the welfare of captive wild animals b) improve the welfare of captive wild animals through the active promotion of humane behaviour; c) empower and inform the custodians of captive wild animals; d) create awareness in the public in matters pertaining to the care of wild animals

Work in United States, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and South Africa

UK registered office: South East

International Guide Dog Federation

Charity number 1062441


Latest income £249,205

[Dec 2023]

Membership Organisation made up of Professional BodiesSetting accreditation standards and providing assessments

Work in Serbia, Romania, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark, Georgia, Malta, Greece, Turkey, Uruguay, Singapore, Canada, Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Taiwan, Italy, Israel, Hong Kong, United States, Switzerland, Spain, South Korea, Germany, France, Finland, Czechia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Austria, Australia, South Africa, Slovakia, Russia, Ireland and Portugal

UK registered office: South East

The Community of St Francis

Charity number 286615


Latest income £262,334

[Jun 2024]

We are a group of women living in community under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Our works include hospitality for retreats and other purposes, counselling, spiritual direction, preaching, leading quiet days, participation in missions and both voluntary and part-time paid work for other agencies. The pay supports the work of the community in out different houses.

Work in South Korea

UK registered office: East Midlands

Time for God

Charity number 1101997


Latest income £214,825

[Jul 2023]

Time for God aims to provide quality volunteering opportunities through which God changes lives. We have more than 50 years of experience working with young adults who serve full-time in placements across Great Britain on a variety of volunteering programmes. Time for God is a Christian volunteering and training organisation founded by the major Christian denominations.

Work in South Africa, South Korea, Spain, France, Germany, Czechia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, United States, Ukraine, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Ireland, Russia and Slovakia

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation

Charity number 1182873


Latest income £163,599

[Dec 2023]

IPWSO works to improve the quality of life for all people with Prader-Willi syndrome and their families worldwide. We provide information and support to caregivers, professionals and families. We encourage national PWS associations to exchange and share their projects and experiences. We fund free testing for diagnosis in countries where it is not available.

Work in Georgia, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Cuba, Colombia, Hungary, Peru, Germany, India, Greece, South Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, Slovakia, Romania, United States, Switzerland, Ireland, Poland, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Estonia, Israel, Denmark, Finland, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Japan, Italy and Czechia

UK registered office: East of England

Free Believers in Christ Fellowship

Charity number 1195805


Latest income £350,449

[Dec 2022]

Worship services, Sunday Divine services, Prayer meetings and Bible studies

Work in Hong Kong, France, Taiwan, Sweden, Spain, South Korea, Portugal, Philippines, Canada, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Cyprus and Australia

UK registered office: West Midlands

Free Believers in Christ Fellowship Trust

Charity number 1073806


Latest income £350,449

[Dec 2022]

UNITED KINGDOM, ABROAD, GREATER LONDON (Area prescribed by Governing Documents)

Work in Spain, Italy, South Korea, Portugal, Philippines, New Zealand, Japan, Cyprus, Norway, Canada, Australia, France, Hong Kong, Sweden and Israel

UK registered office: London

The Mylne Trust

Charity number 208074


Latest income £50,135

[Apr 2024]

Providing grants to assist Protestants who are unable to fund their living expenses while undertaking or training for evangelistic work.

Work in Tanzania, South Korea, South Africa, Rwanda, Ireland, Nigeria, Kenya, India, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Taiwan, Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Pakistan, United States, Burundi, Congo, Japan and Hong Kong

UK registered office: South East

The World Federation for Neuro-Rehabilitation

Charity number 1122787


Latest income £193,040

[Dec 2023]

The purpose of The World Federation For Neuro Rehabilitation (WFNR) is to advance the development of neurological rehabilitation worldwide and to inspire, encourage and develop collaboration between clinicians with an interest in the field. The WFNR produces a newsletter (update), holds a world congress every two years, sponsors meetings and has established a 'flying faculty'.

Work in Switzerland, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States and Hong Kong

UK registered office: North East

Chestertons International Foundation

Charity number 1186541


Latest income £38,138

[Jun 2023]

Set up to achieve general charitable purposes by making grants and donations to organisations located throughout London and internationally

Work in Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, St Lucia, Barbados, Gibraltar, Cayman Islands, United Arab Emirates, Malta, Singapore, South Korea and Mauritius

UK registered office: London

Oriental Bird Club

Charity number 297242


Latest income £267,223

[Dec 2023]

Promote an interest in the birds of the oriental region and their conservation. Raise money to support conservation projects in Asia through the conservation fund. Liaise with and promote the work of existing regional organisations. Collate and publish material on oriental birds.

Work in Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam

UK registered office: North West

London Jesus Vision Church Charity

Charity number 1180814


Latest income £121,601

[Mar 2024]

Activity related to advance the Christian Faith.

Work in South Korea

UK registered office: London

The English Province of the Institute of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

Charity number 249515


Latest income £100,148

[Dec 2023]

The principal charitable aims of the charity were to support the religious and other charitable works of the members of the Institute and to care for them throughout their lives. The activities of the charity fall into three main areas: the social and pastoral work of the sisters, caring for members of the Institute, and running the Retreat and Conference Centre in Cold Ash, Berkshire.

Work in Algeria, United States, Syria, South Africa, South Korea, Ireland, Poland, Pakistan, Malta and Italy

UK registered office: London

Inter-Cultural Youth Exchange (Icye-UK) Ltd

Charity number 1081907


Latest income £110,001

[Jun 2023]

ICYE UK encourages wider life experience and inter-cultural awareness through the provision of supported voluntary placements, in a range of social and environmental projects that aim to be of direct benefit to local communities. ICYE UK aims to promote inter-cultural understanding, equality of opportunity and democratic involvement, through the exchange of people and ideas.

Work in Italy, Russia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Uganda, Vietnam, Taiwan, Mexico, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Germany, Kenya, India, Ghana, Honduras, Japan, France, Philippines, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Nepal, Argentina, Czechia and Finland

UK registered office: London

The Umbrella Tree

Charity number 1125635


Latest income £2,454

[Dec 2023]

Education, the Arts, Mankind

Work in United States, South Korea and Kenya

UK registered office: London

Each:international Association for Communication in Healthcare

Charity number 1159050


Latest income £92,876

[Dec 2023]

EACH is a worldwide organisation with the overall aim of promoting effective evidence-based patient-centred healthcare communication between patients, relatives and healthcare practitioners. The association is meant for all who are active in communication research and teaching and for patients, practitioners and students with an interest in communication in healthcare.

Work in Brazil, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Indonesia, India, Iceland, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Cyprus, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Australia, United States, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Spain, South Korea, South Africa, Russia, Ireland, Qatar, Portugal, Poland, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Israel and Iraq

UK registered office: South West

Sean International

Charity number 286965


Latest income £97,329

[Apr 2024]

The charity advances the Christian faith and ministry for the benefit of the public by developing theological education principally by extension, which is accessible to a very wide range of people and ages through theological training programs, and by the publication of Christian literature and study resources. The charity's ministry is independent, interdenominational and international.

Work in Malawi, Malaysia, Switzerland, South Africa, New Zealand, Czechia, Canada, Albania, Australia, Turkey, Uganda, Italy, Philippines, Netherlands, Thailand, Jordan, India, Chile, United States, Germany, Spain and South Korea

UK registered office: South East

World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade

Charity number 1154524


Latest income £136,220

[May 2023]

Operates Worldwide to promote humane behaviour to dogs and cats who are used for food by means of education, campaign and information. Provides assistance to rescue missions of dogs and cats in the meat trade including rehoming and emergency medical treatment. Acts as an umbrella resource for smaller organisations with a similar mission throughout Asia.

Work in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Vietnam, United States, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Germany and France

UK registered office: London

Increase Trust UK

Charity number 1158018


Latest income £61,447

[Dec 2023]

The charity seeks to advance the Christian faith for the benefit of the public by supporting adult education and training programmes which lead to discipleship and ministry. In particular, it supports the work of church-based training across Asia, especially through organisations using the materials and methods of theological education by extension.

Work in Netherlands, Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, United States, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, Thailand, Switzerland, South Korea, Nepal, Laos, Jordan, India, Germany and Azerbaijan

UK registered office: London

Oasis City Church

Charity number 1080646


Latest income £89,866

[Apr 2022]

The advancement of the Christian religion and to support other missions and congregations

Work in Netherlands, Namibia, Mexico, Malta, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Kenya, Japan, Italy, India, Germany, France, Fiji, Denmark, Congo, Chile, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Bahrain, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Tanzania, Uganda, Eswatini, South Korea, South Africa, Singapore, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Philippines, Nigeria, New Zealand, Spain, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Venezuela, Switzerland, Uruguay, Sweden, United States, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and Turkey

UK registered office: East of England

International Council for Standardization in Haematology

Charity number 1178359


Latest income £87,800

[Dec 2023]

The ICSH is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to achieve reliable and reproducible results in laboratory analysis in the field of diagnostic haematology.The ICSH coordinates Working Groups of experts to examine laboratory methods and instruments for haematological analyses, to deliberate on issues of standardization and to stimulate and coordinate scientific work as necessary towards the

Work in Singapore, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, New Zealand, Thailand, Switzerland, South Korea, Sweden, Netherlands, Japan, Greece, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United States, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Australia and Portugal

UK registered office: South East

Givingforce Foundation

Charity number 1177839


Latest income £73,577

[Nov 2023]

The GivingForce Foundation (GFF) uses the latest technology to deliver a payroll giving solution, and donation management service for employers and donors. As well as being a HMRC registered Payroll Giving Agency, GFF works with businesses, individual donors and other charities to increase charitable giving.

Work in Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Monaco, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia and Netherlands

UK registered office: London

Society of Saint Francis Central Fund

Charity number 280238


Latest income £169,567

[Mar 2024]

Defrays the costs of the Central Administration of the SSF & the expenses of its Ministers' General & First Order General Secretaries.Through its Development Fund, makes grants for the work of the Society of St Francis throughout the world.Through its Legacy Fund funds capital projects in Europe, provides long term support of elderly First Order Brothers & of SSF's work throughout the world.

Work in United States, South Korea, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands

UK registered office: London

Universal Peace Federation UK

Charity number 1185412


Latest income £65,591

[Jun 2023]

Creates forums to explore racial and national tensions and seek reconciliation. Taught Good Governance courses and held Reconciliation Training. Held a Parenting Skills course. Commemorate UN days that foster inter-religious and inter-community understanding and cohesion. We are planning to support education for poor children in Pakistan, Mediator Training and Character Education in Nigeria.

Work in Ukraine, Ireland, Nigeria, Liberia, Germany, France and South Korea

UK registered office: London

Nations Trust

Charity number 1069419


Latest income £86,393

[Feb 2024]

Nations Trust trains Christian missionary candidates at its bases in Wales & England, most of whom are from outside the UK. It also helps and supports indigenous Christian leaders to establish missionary organisations working out from their own countries.

Work in Lesotho, South Korea, Egypt and Central African Republic

UK registered office: Wales


Charity number 1174740


Latest income £64,840

[Dec 2023]

Promote the application of science and technology for the general welfare of society, foster international cooperation especially between the UK and Korea and help Korean scientists and engineers to develop their full career potential.

Work in South Korea

UK registered office: East Midlands

Wedu Limited

Charity number 1149494


Latest income £84,629

[Dec 2023]

Leadership development for female with financial and non-financial means. We call the girls and women we work with "Rising Stars." Financial is focused on support for tertiary education. Non financial is focused on leadership training and mentorship.

Work in Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Philippines, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Myanmar and Indonesia

UK registered office: London

The Douai Foundation

Charity number 1194988


Latest income £19,625

[Dec 2023]

Giving grants to Benedictine institutions and individuals in furtherance of our objectives

Work in Poland, South Korea, Argentina, United States, Uganda, Thailand, Tanzania, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Spain, South Africa, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Philippines, New Zealand, Netherlands Antilles, Mexico, Malta, Kiribati, Kenya, Italy, India, Hungary, Ukraine, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany and Guatemala

UK registered office: South East

Angels for Animals Foundation

Charity number 1191178


Latest income £53,171

[Apr 2024]

We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for street dogs in Turkey, empowering the local volunteers that help us to improve the quality of life for street dogs in Turkey and rescuing and rehoming dogs with loving families. We rescue and rehome vulnerable dogs and we make grants to local volunteers in Turkey to care for and reduce the the street dog population.

Work in Guatemala, Morocco, India, Cyprus, China, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Turkey, Aruba, Serbia, Oman, South Korea, Romania and Greece

UK registered office: South East