

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Chafrity: Childrens African Charity

Charity number 1208538

05/06/2024 The object of the cio isthe advancement of education & the relief of children in poverty in africa in such manner as the trustees shall in their discretion determine and in particular by providing financial support, facilities improvements and provision of educational resources to orphanages & children?s homes in areas of poverty in africa. Nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005 and section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008.

Work in Zambia, Libya, Togo, Botswana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gabon, Djibouti, Niger, Cameroon, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Tanzania, Eswatini, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Somalia, Algeria, Angola, Mali, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Namibia, Chad, Guinea, The Gambia, Mozambique, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Madagascar, Seychelles, Lesotho, Congo, Uganda, Eritrea, Malawi, Benin, Mauritius, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Mauritania and Burundi

UK registered office: London

Pioneer Ministry Global

Charity number 1204843

21/09/2023 To advance education and to relieve poverty and financial hardship through the provision of food, shelter, education and financial aid for those in need including orphans, widows and the homeless.

Work in Malawi, Eritrea, Reunion, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Seychelles, Mauritius, Kenya, Somalia, Rwanda, Comoros, Madagascar, Sudan, Mozambique, Zambia, Mayotte, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi

UK registered office: West Midlands

Uhambo UK

Charity number 1211766

20/01/2025 4.1 the objects (“objects”) of the cio are:(a) for the public benefit the promotion of social inclusion among children with disabilities who are socially excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of being disabled, their parents and carers by means of providing grants to projects, charities or other organisations working to further this purpose.(b) the promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of disability by providing grants to projects, charities or other organisations working to further this purpose.

Work in Kenya, Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Lesotho and Eswatini

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

The Bannatyne Foundation

Charity number 1205137

10/10/2023 To relieve persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress, sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped, infirm or in need of financial assistance. To further the education (including social and physical training) of children. To assist people who have served in the armed forces and their dependents by advancing any lawful charitable purpose at the discretion of the Directors.

Work in Madagascar, Kenya, Jordan, India, Honduras, Ecuador, Vietnam, Venezuela, Thailand, South Africa, Rwanda, Russia, Philippines, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, Nicaragua, Myanmar, Mozambique, Morocco, Mexico, Malawi, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Ghana, Egypt, Bolivia, Brazil and China

UK registered office: North East

The Slavica Malic Foundation

Charity number 1205411

25/10/2023 The objects of the cio are, for the public benefit: a) the advancement of education of disadvantaged children and young people (and in particular but not limited to those who have been exposed to war, poverty or disaster);b) the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health or disadvantage (and in particular but not limited to women and children who have suffered from or are exposed to domestic or sexual violence);c) the promotion of the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment; and d) the promotion of such other purposes being exclusively charitable according to the law of england and wales as the trustees may from time to time determine.

Work in Burkina Faso, Croatia, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Syria, Cameroon, Cambodia, Somalia, Senegal, India, Bangladesh, Rwanda, Sudan, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Australia, Mozambique, Iraq, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Uganda

UK registered office: London

Alliance for Women and Girls

Charity number 1206118

08/12/2023 Our charity aims to promote gender equality and assist women and girls in Africa. We achieve this by supporting voluntary organizations working towards improving the lives of women and girls in Africa through advice, resources, training, grants, and skill development. We also provide educational courses and knowledge-sharing networks to leaders of these organizations.

Work in Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Eswatini, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Ethiopia

UK registered office: London

Hatred Monitoring Centre

Charity number 1212109

12/02/2025 Hared Monitoring Centre (HMC) stands against prejudices, dehumanising (online and offline) and hatred campaigns and speeches. HMC aims to raise awareness about the danger associated with hate speech and campaigns targeting ethnic and linguistic minorities.

Work in Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda

UK registered office: East Midlands


Charity number 1210775

04/11/2024 To advance the education of young people throughout the world by providing workshops and training in photography and in such others ways as the trustees think fit.

Work in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda

UK registered office: East of England

Humanitarian Technology Trust

Charity number 1212197

18/02/2025 We are advancing open-source humanitarian technologies and empowering local manufacturers to produce essential technologies needed by their communities.Our work includes openly sharing humanitarian technology designs, and working with local communities to ensure the technology is appropriate and can be manufactured locally to the highest quality.

Work in Tanzania, Ghana, Cameroon, Rwanda and United States

UK registered office: East of England

The Reginald Ames Charitable Foundation

Charity number 1202871

27/04/2023 The Reginald Ames Charitable Trust was established to provide grants and donations to various charities and other organisations in tea-growing regions worldwide. Specifically, the charity will fund projects working for the prevention or relief of poverty, and the provision of resources to provide or improve education for tea-growing communities.

Work in Taiwan, Burundi, Kenya, China, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritius, Argentina, Brazil, Uganda and Malawi

UK registered office: South East

Friends and Family Charity

Charity number 1207477

15/03/2024 The advancement of education and the relief of poverty in pakistan and east africa in such manner as the trustees shall in their discretion determine and in particular by supporting the building of schools and provision of educational resources and supporting the building of infrastructure in pakistan and east africa to supply clean water and power to rural communities.nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005 and section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008.

Work in Malawi, Pakistan, Comoros, Seychelles, Eritrea, Lesotho, Djibouti, Burundi, Somalia, Niger, Rwanda, Chad, Sudan, Madagascar, Mauritius, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana, Mali, Zambia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya

UK registered office: West Midlands

Deaf Reach

Charity number 1208167

09/05/2024 DeafReach supports educational and vocational training services for deaf and deafblind children and young people in sub-Saharan Africa

Work in Uganda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia

UK registered office: West Midlands

Maranatha Community Church of Jesus

Charity number 1181163

14/12/2018 To set up and run a local bible-believing church that will minister to the spiritual needs of its members and the local community through the sharing of the word, outreaches, and evangelism. To preach and teach the whole counsel of god as written in the holy bible to the whole world. To perform all church functions such as worship, and retreat camp meeting anywhere in and outside

Work in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Burundi, Kenya and Tanzania

UK registered office: East Midlands

The Mohammed and Rasool Trust

Charity number 1207730

04/04/2024 Support small UK based charities that meet our aims.

Work in Seychelles, Pakistan, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Coretal Projects Africa

Charity number 1203807

30/06/2023 The prevention and relief of poverty and relief of those in need due to financial hardship, or other disadvantages within nigeria, rwanda, ghana and botswana, through the provision of: i. Peer-led mentoring ii. Technological courses such as, but not limited to, computer programming, data science, graphic design and product management iii. Placements on work experience and internships.

Work in Botswana, Nigeria, Rwanda and Ghana

UK registered office: London

Patrizia Foundation UK CIO

Charity number 1207806

11/04/2024 The PATRIZIA Foundation UK CIO has a policy of giving grants and support to Operating Partners working overseas and in the UK in the field of education, child health and welfare.

Work in Benin, Poland, Rwanda, Ireland, Peru, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Nepal, Cameroon, Bangladesh, India and Germany

UK registered office: London

Govindji Mulji Foundation

Charity number 1207995

25/04/2024 As per governing document.

Work in Ethiopia, India, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda

UK registered office: London

Humanity Insured

Charity number 1209214

19/07/2024 The prevention and relief of poverty by supporting and protecting vulnerable communities who are in or at risk of poverty due to climate risk and other natural disasters, and the nature upon which those communities rely for their livelihoods, in particular, but not exclusively, by funding pre-emptive responses, including through subsidising the purchase of risk transfer products.

Work in Liberia, Lesotho, Laos, Kiribati, Togo, Haiti, Guinea-Bissau, Tuvalu, Uganda, Guinea, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Sao Tome and Principe, Rwanda, Niger, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Nepal, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mauritania, Mali, Malawi, Timor-Leste, Madagascar, Eritrea, Tanzania, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen, Comoros, Chad, Central African Republic, Cambodia, Zambia, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bhutan, Benin, Bangladesh, Angola and Afghanistan

UK registered office: London

The Apostolic Church UK

Charity number 1204678

12/09/2023 The objects of the church are, for the public benefit, the advancement of the christian faith in the united kingdom and the world, including: 4.1 the preaching of the gospel of our lord and saviour jesus christ according to the holy scriptures; and 4.2 the relief of persons who are in need by reason of their youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or such other economic or social disadvantage.

Work in France, Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Myanmar, Chile, Hungary, India, Kenya, Latvia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana, Rwanda, Lesotho, Thailand, Nepal, Israel, Laos, Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand

UK registered office: East of England

Science Through Coffee Plus

Charity number 1206215

14/12/2023 For the public benefit, to advance education in the subject of science in particular but not by limitation by providing workshops for pupils and teachers at educational institutions in africa, and by proving grants to fund science equipment and research at such institutions.

Work in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

UK registered office: South West

Power Donor

Charity number 1211719

15/01/2025 To make grants to registered charities in england and wales established for the following purposes1 the prevention or or relief of poverty2 the advancement of the christian faith; and3 the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Togo, Malawi, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Mali, Benin, Tunisia, Zambia, Botswana, Burundi, Tanzania, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Niger, Cameroon, Madagascar, Mozambique, Eswatini, Gabon, Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Somalia, Morocco, Sierra Leone, Algeria, Guinea, Zimbabwe, Seychelles, Sudan, Uganda, Lesotho, Kenya, South Africa, Liberia, Libya, Senegal, Sao Tome and Principe, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Namibia, Mauritius and Mauritania

UK registered office:

The Debating Foundation

Charity number 1163249

21/08/2015 The delivery of debate training and education primarily, but not exclusively, to youth advocacy charities .

Work in Rwanda

UK registered office: London

Ganzafrica CIO

Charity number 1210487

15/10/2024 1. To advance the education of the public and to promote research for the public benefit including without limitation in the subjects of climate change, sustainable agriculture, food systems and environmentally responsible land and water conservation and management. This will be achieved by providing educational fellowships providing skills training and development, mentorship and educational support to individuals young people in africa and the global south, and by publishing the useful results of research conducted or commissioned by the charity in relation to the subjects mentioned above.2. To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by:a. The preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of resources.b. The relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities in africa and the global south.c. The promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration.sustainable development means “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Work in Rwanda

UK registered office: North West

Water Unite

Charity number 1210716

29/10/2024 The objects for which the company is established for the public benefit ("objects") are:(a) to advance environmental protection or improvement;(b) to advance health and save lives; and(c) to prevent and alleviate povertyin each case, including through clean water projects, anywhere in the these objects "clean water projects" includes:(a) sanitation;(b) access to clean water;(c) the prevention of water-borne diseases;(d) the reduction of plastic and other waste associated with access to water; and(e) such other related projects that the directors may from time to time determine.

Work in Mozambique, Rwanda, Indonesia, Pakistan, Zambia, Jordan, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Burundi, South Africa, India, Ghana and Uganda

UK registered office: London

The Blueberry Hill CIO

Charity number 1208220

13/05/2024 The objects of the cio are to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of england and wales) as the trustees in their absolute discretion think fit.

Work in Sierra Leone, Bhutan, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Nepal, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Pakistan

UK registered office: South East

Become Born-Again Ministry

Charity number 1208816

25/06/2024 We teach the Word of GodWe share the love of Jesus everywhere we goWe provide weekly discipleshipWe provide weekly fellowship for menWe provide weekly fellowship for womenWe follow the Great CommissionWe produce PDF and print booksWe provide messages to help everyoneWe pray for peopleWe visit hospitals

Work in Pakistan, Australia, Cameroon, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, United States and Uganda

UK registered office: Wales

Africa New Life Ministries UK

Charity number 1206657

23/01/2024 Child Sponsorship

Work in Rwanda

UK registered office: South East


Charity number 1205004

02/10/2023 Walow provide accessible, fully funded programmes for selected non profit organisations (NPOs) in Africa to teach coding to 6 - 18 year old youth.The fully funded coding programme for kids aims to provide (as required):Computer equipment to facilitate training, facilitator training according to selected student level, tTraining curriculum per grade and measurement and evaluation of NPO.

Work in South Africa, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi

UK registered office: London

Creative Powr

Charity number 1205754

16/11/2023 The promotion of the efficiency and effectiveness of charities for the public benefit through the provision of digital literacy support, training and workshops, mainly but not exclusively to charities located and operating in africa, to enable them to further their purposes.

Work in Rwanda, Benin, Burundi, Tunisia, Togo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Liberia, Central African Republic, Mauritania, Eritrea, Namibia, The Gambia, Botswana, Gabon, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Madagascar, Ghana, Mozambique, Angola, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Senegal, Zambia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania and Guinea

UK registered office: West Midlands

World Parrot Trust

Charity number 1212263

24/02/2025 To advance the education of the public in aviculture, ornithology, zoology, and related sciences, in particular but not limited to psittaciformes (the parrot).to promote for the benefit of the public the conservation and protection of species of parrots and their promote for the benefit of the public the prevention of animal cruelty and suffering, including animal trafficking.

Work in New Zealand, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Indonesia, Norfolk Island, Tanzania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Aruba, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Cameroon, Rwanda, Canada, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Poland, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, French Polynesia, Germany, India, Italy, Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Zambia, Venezuela, United States, Uganda, Bolivia, Costa Rica and France

UK registered office: South West