Found 83 UK NGOs working in Mongolia
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Mongolia.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
26/04/1974 |
Latest income £46,891 [Jun 2021] |
Promotes, organises and supports expeditions for the exploration of developing regions of the world for the purpose of advancing knowledge of, or research into, or for the purpose of educating individuals in the geography, history, archaelogy, sociology, economics, ecology and geology of their regions.
Work in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guyana, India, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Peru, Romania and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000009 |
09/06/2011 |
Latest income £45,788 [Apr 2021] |
Building Trust International provide architectural assistance to communities, charities & individuals in need. We believe in good design for all. Design at its core is about developing skills for problem solving & creating better solutions. We use these skills in tackling real world issues, in the delivery & design of our projects, having a positive impact upon people, wildlife & the planet.
Work in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and Nepal
UK registered office: E12000007 |
JUBILEE SOCIETY of MONGOLIA Charity number 1144926 |
06/12/2011 |
Latest income £40,463 [Jun 2021] |
Prevention or relief of poverty in Mongolia: Providing food, fuel, education and training in healthcare projects and occasional grants. Providing employment for Mongolian workers within the poor districts surrounding Ulaanbaatar. the work is primarily but not exclusively among children. Most of the work is carried out through a Mongolian NGO where the workers are known and visited by the trustees.
Makes grants Work in Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
ADVENTURE AID Charity number 1143306 |
12/08/2011 |
Latest income £36,958 [Dec 2020] |
We work with small children based charities and organisations in the countries listed supporting child education and welfare. We also support linked causes which include disadvantaged women. Funds are raised through supporters raising minimum donation to join a trip to the project they are supporting.
Makes grants Work in India, Indonesia, Italy, Mauritius, Nepal, Tanzania and Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000009 |
SOS KIT AID Ltd Charity number 1144716 |
18/11/2011 |
Latest income £26,810 [Dec 2020] |
SOS Kit Aid is an award winning charity that collects second hand/new rugby, kit from UK schools, clubs, kit manufacturers and sporting bodies and recycles it to disadvantaged youngsters in 44 countries inc UK. Since 2001 we have sent 6 million pounds of kit for 250,000 disadvantaged youngsters. Sponsored mainly by World Rugby. We have also saved over 750 tonnes CO2 emissions too by recycling.
Work in Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Eswatini, Ukraine, Serbia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jersey, Botswana, Cambodia, Congo, Estonia, Haiti, Kazakhstan and Kosovo
UK registered office: E12000007 |
13/07/2000 |
Latest income £25,559 [Mar 2020] |
ISAAC is a Christian-based organisation that encourages and supports people working in the addiction arena to maximise their effectiveness through networking, training, advocacy and professional development. ISAAC's main activities are networking and fellowship, access to training and capacity building and membership support.
Makes grants Work in Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine and Uzbekistan
UK registered office: E12000008 |
SNOW LEOPARD TRUST (UK) LIMITED Charity number 1116101 |
12/09/2006 |
Latest income £22,039 [Apr 2021] |
Supports activities for the preservation of the Snow Leopard in Asia.Although there was no expenditure in this financial year, £30 000 was sent for work in Mongolia in April 2018
Makes grants Work in India and Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The AECOM Foundation Charity number 1108630 |
17/03/2005 |
Latest income £20,741 [Apr 2021] |
Fundraising for the relief of poverty, hardship and distress among children in developing countries throughout the world.
Makes grants Work in Bulgaria, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000008 |
PEOPLE for NATURE and PEACE Charity number 1183764 |
06/06/2019 |
Latest income £18,330 [Mar 2021] |
Our purpose is promote the conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment and recognised endangered species by supporting conservation projects and programmes that protect wild flora and fauna and foster responsible stewardship of the planet and its species to promote sustainable living and peace.
Makes grants Work in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Botswana, Cambodia, Kenya, Cameroon, Kiribati, Laos, Mongolia, New Zealand, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
31/01/2008 |
Latest income £18,002 [Mar 2021] |
The Christian Fellowship have continued to meet together for worship,teaching, prayer & bible study. Financial support has been given to Christian work overseas in Bolivia, Mongolia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. the main financial activity of the Trust during the year has been the continued maintenance and equipping of a Church building in Blundell's Road Tiverton.
Makes grants Work in Bolivia, India, Mongolia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Nepal
UK registered office: E12000009 |
WALKDEN CHRISTIAN CENTRE Charity number 1133892 |
28/01/2010 |
Latest income £16,531 [Jul 2020] |
Walkden Christian Centre is currently running a church within the Walkden Area, activities include the church itself and various community outreaches such as a youth project.
Work in Angola, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Estonia, India, Malawi, Mongolia, United States, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000002 |
BEYOND YOUR WALLS MINISTRIES Charity number 1182356 |
06/03/2019 |
Latest income £15,078 [Sep 2020] |
The main activities of the ministry is to teach, train and mentor people in the Christian faith through social media and live training sessions. We offer a high level of expertise in training people for the Christian ministry and ministerial support and prayer. We also support church growth through teaching both in the UK and overseas as required.
Work in Mongolia, Ukraine and United States
UK registered office: E12000006 |
18/05/2010 |
Latest income £14,648 [Aug 2020] |
We have developed our donation processes, in order that the equipment we have to donate to academics is done in such a way that everyone has a fare chance to benefit. RORO is currently looking for potential recipients of equipment we have refurbished and is ready to ship.
Work in Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Lebanon and Namibia
UK registered office: E12000003 |
The PEASCROFT TRUST Charity number 1008886 |
27/02/1992 |
Latest income £9,830 [Dec 2021] |
Makes regular and ad hoc donations to individuals, particularly Christian missionaries, and Christian organisations.
Makes grants Work in Armenia, Estonia, Mongolia, Romania and Spain
UK registered office: E12000003 |
13/10/1997 |
Latest income £9,197 [Apr 2021] |
Transforming the quality of life where disease and poverty meet. the charity donates money to projects where it will help people.
Makes grants Work in India, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Ghana, Mongolia and Nigeria
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The CHARIS (N and P TAYLOR) TRUST Charity number 327572 |
02/10/1987 |
Latest income £7,141 [Oct 2021] |
The Charity was established to support Evangelical Christian Outreach, both in the UK and abroad, with particular emphasis on supporting the work of Sunday Schools, Summer Camps and other Youth initiatives.
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, Burundi, Chad, China, Ethiopia, India, Israel, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Albania, Colombia, Liberia, Mongolia, Syria and Togo
UK registered office: E12000001 |
DHARMA GATE UK Charity number 1174078 |
01/08/2017 |
Latest income £6,580 [Mar 2021] |
As a grant making entity Dharma Gate UK has general objects (to further any purpose which is exclusively charitable under the law of England and Wales).
Makes grants Work in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, United States, Bhutan and Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000007 |
09/06/2005 |
Latest income £6,233 [Mar 2021] |
The charity concerns itself with supporting projects in developing countries to do with education, the alleviation of poverty, care of children, human rights, promoting sport and the environment. the charity operates alongside the Projects Abroad group of companies which arranges worthwhile volunteering experiences in the developing world and it supports the projects they are involved with.
Work in Argentina, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo and Vietnam
UK registered office: E12000008 |
BIRTHLINK Charity number 1116247 |
29/09/2006 |
Latest income £4,414 [Sep 2021] |
To provide education and support to doctors, nurses and midwives, to improve the outcome for provide education to reduce complications during labour and birth and prevent maternal support neonatal departments through training and improve basic facilities for low birthweight and sick babies.
Work in Armenia, Mongolia, Myanmar and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: E12000009 |
M2M PROJECTS Charity number 1153610 |
02/09/2013 |
Latest income £1,431 [Aug 2020] |
In 2014 we facilitated twelve medical students on free elective placements to Mongolia, saving them hundreds to thousands of pounds. From April-December, 140 Mongolian doctors over four hospitals will benefitted from a free English teaching program, allowing them to access English medical resources. We now have 6 volunteers utilizing their expertise in IT, marketing and social media.
Work in Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000001 |
LIFTING the BURDEN Charity number 1130642 |
21/07/2009 |
Latest income £619 [Dec 2020] |
The charity conducts the Global Campaign against Headache in official relations with the World Health Organization in order to reduce the burdens attributable to headache disorders worldwide.
Work in Benin, Cameroon, China, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Germany, India, Iran, Lithuania, Malawi, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Turkey, United States, Zambia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Croatia, Iceland, Latvia, Mexico and Moldova
UK registered office: E12000007 |
HALTON OVERSEAS TEAM Charity number 1073768 |
01/02/1999 |
This Charity supports medical and educational projects in areas of need overseas, particularly at present in West Africa, and in India. It facilitates travel by healthcare workers from the UK to assist in suitable short term projects where requested by representatives of the host community. the Trustees try to ensure that projects are initiated with colleagues familiar with the host community.
Makes grants Work in Ghana, India, Bangladesh, Bolivia and Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000002 | |
EXCELLENCIA AID FOUNDATION Charity number 1184746 |
05/08/2019 |
Work in Angola, Bangladesh, Belgium, Congo, Gabon, The Gambia, India, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, South Africa, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
ALPHA COMMUNITIES Charity number 1093255 |
01/08/2002 |
Alpha Communities UK main objectives are the relief of poverty and advancement of public education throughout the continent of Asia and world-wide
Makes grants Work in China and Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
07/06/2000 |
The promotion of education and, in particular, the provision of training for young persons in the skills of rugby football and the provision of bursaries and other benefits to young persons undergoing training in the skills of rugby throughout the world.
Makes grants Work in Canada, China, Fiji, Jordan, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Ireland, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, Guam and Hong Kong
UK registered office: S99999999 | |
A BETTER LIFE Charity number 1135934 |
13/05/2010 |
A Better Life undertakes the relief of poverty in Ulaan Baatar. Mongolia. the trustees consider that one of the better, long term ways of achieving this goal is through promoting sustainable communities. the Trust concentrates its work in particular on re-housing homeless families, often single parent, and a farming project enabling these communities to become as self sufficient as possible.
Work in Mongolia
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
GO HELP Charity number 1129226 |
20/04/2009 |
Makes grants Work in Belgium, Mongolia and Tajikistan
UK registered office: E12000006 | |
ASIALINK Charity number 1166459 |
11/04/2016 |
AsiaLink is a Christian mission agency connecting churches with ministry among the unreached peoples of Asia. We help support evangelists and church-planters in some of the region's most inaccessible areas and respond with relief and community development projects. We minister in over 300 church meetings, mission conferences and Bible studies every year in the UK and elsewhere.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Iraq, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Ireland, Sri Lanka and Vietnam
UK registered office: E12000002 | |
SOUTH EAST ASIA PRAYER CENTER UK Charity number 1181016 |
06/12/2018 |
To establish and connect a global community of prayer that brings the hope and love of Jesus Christ into the world through parenting, healthcare, education,& micro-economic development.
Work in Australia, Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Cuba, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United States, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Taiwan
UK registered office: | |
ABILITY BEYOND BORDERS Charity number 1194871 |
21/06/2021 |
Makes grants Work in China, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia and Nepal
UK registered office: E12000007 |
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