Found 327 UK NGOs working in Occupied Palestinian Territories
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Occupied Palestinian Territories.
NGOs found
in all these countries*
* It is not possible to isolate spending only on Occupied Palestinian Territories, we can only report spending by organisations in all the countries they work in.
Financial data is based on the latest available for these organisations. The latest available data is from 2023, though for some organisations it may be earlier.
Most common words from the description of a random set of 30 NGOs matching your search.
- education
- international
- children
- relief
- poverty
- research
- refugees
- humanitarian
- world
- provide
- support
- israeli
- health
- development
- local
- needy
- care
- medical
- training
- also
- music
- provision
- life
- projects
- community
- communities
- sports
- programmes
- work
- including
- works
- palestinians
- living
- foundation
- organisation
- providing
- religion
- gaza
- hospitals
- advance
- relieve
- financial
- countries
- promoting
- help
- area
- working
- people
- global
- based
IATI Activity data
IATI is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises. The data presented here is sourced from OIPA.
List of UK-registered organisations operating in Occupied Palestinian Territories, sourced from data published by IATI publishers.
- OXFAM [99]
- CAFOD [9]
- Crown Agents. [6]
- Christian Aid [5]
- Plan International UK [4]
- ActionAid UK [3]
- British Red Cross [3]
- Disasters Emergency Committee [3]
- Triple Line & Crown Agents (Joint Venture) [3]
- DAI Europe Ltd [2]
- ICF Consulting Services Ltd [2]
- Oxford Policy Management [2]
- Save the Children UK [2]
- War Child UK [2]
- ActionAid UK [1]
- Age International [1]
- BBC [1]
- HelpAge International [1]
- HelpAge International UK [1]
- Integrity Action [1]
- MannionDaniels [1]
- Medical Aid for Palestinians [1]
- Save the Children Fund [1]
- World Vision UK [1]
Data on Occupied Palestinian Territories from IATI d-portal
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Dev Tracker shows the international development projects led by the Department for International Development (DFID), other UK government departments and partners.