Found 1,688 UK NGOs working in South Africa
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of South Africa.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
GC FOUNDATION Charity number 1169784 |
19/10/2016 |
Latest income £45,028 [Mar 2021] |
The charity provides relief to people who suffer hardship, in particular those who are terminally ill, through the provision of support and grants to charities or other organisations.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The THOMAS FAMILY CHARITABLE TRUST Charity number 1131842 |
25/09/2009 |
Latest income £45,000 [Apr 2021] |
General charitable purposes, with an emphasis on specific needs in South Africa.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
HELWEL TRUST Charity number 271713 |
25/03/1977 |
Latest income £44,896 [Mar 2021] |
Any charitable purpose connected to or relating to the provision of medical care and services, advancement of education or relief of poverty, sickness or distress among the peoples of the entire Continent of Africa. Activities are almost entirely fundraising and grant giving.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: W99999999 |
ADD POSITIVITY Charity number 1162064 |
08/06/2015 |
Latest income £44,880 [Dec 2017] |
Designed by marketing agencies for marketing agencies, we seek to bring agencies together for common good. Working together, we aim to raise funds for charities that support educational programmes in the UK and internationally. and we'D love you to be part of it. We believe collaboration makes it easier to make a big difference.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
CHIVA AFRICA Charity number 1132935 |
24/11/2009 |
Latest income £44,733 [Feb 2021] |
Chiva Africa objectives are the advancement of education:of the public and others in the subject of HIV/AIDS and specifically paediatric HIV care in Africa OfHealthCare workers and other treating children with HIV in Africa for any other related purposeswhich are exclusively charitable.
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
FRIENDS of AMASANGO Charity number 1116268 |
04/10/2006 |
Latest income £44,611 [Jun 2021] |
To enable the education of extrinsically disabled children through financial support and the facilitation of volunteers.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000009 |
FRIENDS of HOPE for AFRICA MISSIONS Charity number 1107368 |
20/12/2004 |
Latest income £44,338 [Dec 2021] |
We partner and support the charitable work that is carried out by Hope for Africa Missions (HfA) a South African registered charity.
Work in Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
04/07/1976 |
Latest income £44,152 [Sep 2020] |
The charity publishes and distributes worldwide the monthly magazine ' Glad Tidings of the Kingdom of God'.
Work in Australia, Canada, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania, United States and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000005 |
WILDLIFE VETS INTERNATIONAL Charity number 1109670 |
25/05/2005 |
Latest income £44,099 [Dec 2020] |
Wildlife Vets International exists to apply specialist veterinary expertise to animal conservation projects, worldwide. This is achieved by training local vets and field biologists, undertaking research, investigating disease, assisting with project planning, and working in conjunction with NGOs and local communities to promote the conservation of rare and endangered species and their habitats.
Work in India, Mauritius, Russia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Greece and Spain
UK registered office: E12000003 |
The GOOD NEWS CHURCH Charity number 512488 |
02/04/1982 |
Latest income £44,061 [Mar 2021] |
Furthering the Christian faith teaching the Bible and its moral doctrines.Outreach to the community.Participation in inter church events, local initiatives and the Harvest Alliance network.Support of missionary work to Kenya, South Africa and Israel
Makes grants Work in Israel, Kenya and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000002 |
01/08/2001 |
Latest income £43,857 [Dec 2020] |
The Charity was formed for the relief of poverty, need and distress; the advancement of education; the advancement of the Christian faith and the protection of public health in Africa and elsewhere.
Makes grants Work in Benin, Cameroon, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000009 |
CHRISTIAN WORSHIP CENTRE Charity number 1111381 |
20/09/2005 |
Latest income £43,753 [Oct 2020] |
The propagation of the Christian Religion through love, unity, collaboration, community action, engagement and personal development. We motivate people to reach their potentials by enlifting messages, teaching and community participation.
Makes grants Work in Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000004 |
UKUTHASA Charity number 1055539 |
21/05/1996 |
Latest income £43,636 [Dec 2020] |
Ukuthasa aims to empower disadvantaged communities in Africa by working in partnership with Non Government Organisations (NGOs) in the following areas: HIV/Aids education, training and counselling; providing pre-school and early education; providing mentorship and life-skills training to young people through sport.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
ZOE SAROJINI EDUCATION TRUST Charity number 1135609 |
21/04/2010 |
Latest income £43,608 [Dec 2020] |
Makes grants Work in South Africa and Greece
UK registered office: E12000008 |
RESTORED LIVES Charity number 1152381 |
11/06/2013 |
Latest income £41,962 [Dec 2020] |
The charity develops and publishes course materials for the Restored Lives course, which is aims to provide those suffering the pain of divorce or separation with practical tools for for moving on with their lives in a positive way. the charity also runs training events for those churches and other organisations who are interested in running the course.
Work in Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Tajikistan and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The DOMINIC BARKER TRUST Charity number 1063491 |
17/07/1997 |
Latest income £41,901 [Apr 2021] |
Research into stammering.
Makes grants Work in Denmark, South Africa and Sweden
UK registered office: E12000006 |
TOUCHSTONE PROJECTS Charity number 1120912 |
19/09/2007 |
Latest income £41,409 [Mar 2021] |
Touchstone Projects supports motivational and inspirational programmes in prisons and immigration detention centres in the UK and abroad.Other supported projects include educational programmes in Africa as well as poverty and disaster relief in Africa and Asia.
Makes grants Work in Kenya, South Africa and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
11/12/1972 |
Latest income £41,006 [Dec 2020] |
The Charity has a yearly meeting in August or September, usually in Europe.
Work in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Serbia, Bermuda, Gibraltar and Isle of Man
UK registered office: S99999999 |
ARCAID Charity number 1002243 |
20/03/1991 |
Latest income £40,782 [Oct 2020] |
Arcaid is established for the relief of persons anywhere in the world outside the United Kingdom who are suffering any form of hardship or privation as a result of drought, flood, or other natural disaster, or war, oppression or other human activity, or who by reason of their social or economic conditions are in need of such assistance.
Makes grants Work in Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Croatia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria and The Gambia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The ANNIE LENNOX FOUNDATION Charity number 1114795 |
22/06/2006 |
Latest income £40,386 [Jan 2021] |
The Annie Lennox Foundation will have a emphasis on women and children in the context of HIV/AIDS, as well as a general spread of donations covering a wide range of issues from human rights to homelessness.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
DARUL ARQAM TRUST DERBY Charity number 1174826 |
25/09/2017 |
Latest income £40,225 [Mar 2021] |
Education for young children.Community activities.Place of worship.
Work in Bangladesh, The Gambia, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa and Syria
UK registered office: E12000004 |
GATE of HEAVEN Charity number 1164649 |
02/12/2015 |
Latest income £40,000 [Mar 2021] |
Share the Gospel and point people to Jesus, proclaiming the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. Bringing hope in disaster.Seek justice for the oppressed, lift up the downtrodden and speak up for the forgotten. Providing for physical needs (food, clothing, shelter) as necessary and appropriate.Look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep unpolluted by the world.
Work in Botswana, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000002 |
07/05/2019 |
Latest income £39,897 [Jun 2021] |
Spaniels4Life raises awareness of the large number of spaniels that find themselves in rescue every day, but also promotes the good work being done to help them by associated registered rescue charities in UK, USA, Australia and South Africa. the primary purpose is to raise vital funds online for these beneficiaries and give the raised funds as grants to them throughout the year.
Work in United States, Australia and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000001 |
New Destiny Ministry Charity number 1155768 |
13/02/2014 |
Latest income £39,360 [Dec 2020] |
-We promoted the Christian religion-We relieved people who are in conditions of need-We conducted a Sunday school service to educate the children
Work in France, Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The MATHETES TRUST Charity number 1169869 |
24/10/2016 |
Latest income £39,304 [Dec 2020] |
We promote and support Christian discipleship:We provide training and support for Anglican dioceses and other denominations in Africa through our Rooted in Jesus programme.We provide support to UK church leaders through our EQUIP programme.We work with local churches to support mission and ministry especially to families.We publish and distribute resource materials.
Work in Angola, Burundi, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and South Sudan
UK registered office: E12000009 |
RAINBOW FUND for SOUTH AFRICA Charity number 1077851 |
19/10/1999 |
Latest income £39,141 [Jul 2021] |
The Fund provides money to pay the salaries of nine teachers and a cook at the Rainbow School at the J L Zwane Centre in Guguletu, Western Cape. It also pays for about half of an administrator's salary and for a small amount of other overheads. the Rainbow School provides after school teaching and homework facilities to augment the effectiveness of the existing nearby primary schools.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
12/02/1996 |
Latest income £39,081 [Apr 2020] |
The object of the organisation is to preserve and protect the mental and physical health and assist with the education of people in what used to be called the Front Line States of Southern Africa to help with the alleviation of poverty in those countries. Effectively, at this moment we are helping to overcome the legacy of deprivation in the aftermath of apartheid in South Africa.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000002 |
The DOVE TRUST Charity number 1001356 |
20/12/1990 |
Latest income £38,969 [Apr 2021] |
The Dove Trust is a Christian charity for the relief of poverty, for education, and for the advancement of the Christian Good News world-wide.
Makes grants Work in Canada, Egypt, Kenya, Namibia, Netherlands, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000009 |
IC PHILANTHROPY FOUNDATION Charity number 1167925 |
29/06/2016 |
Latest income £38,667 [Dec 2020] |
1. to make grants to International Lawn Tennis Clubs around the world which run programmes for disadvantaged children which allow them to experience the fun of playing tennis and through this to acquire life skills with a view to improving their chances in life.2. the provision of facilities, equipment and coaching that will encourage an increase in playing opportunities to those less advantaged
Makes grants Work in Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Ethiopia, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain and Uruguay
UK registered office: E12000008 |
30/04/2004 |
Latest income £38,626 [Mar 2021] |
The ministry is to reach the whole world preaching the truth and giving an example of the works of the Holy Spirit. We expect all our church members to be holy as God is Holy. We aim to help the destitute, under-privileged widows and orphans in society and minister to and serve them with respect and dignity.
Work in Germany, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000004 |
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