Found 1,688 UK NGOs working in South Africa
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of South Africa.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
CHILDREN's HELPERS WORLDWIDE Charity number 1153847 |
18/09/2013 |
Latest income £38,114 [Apr 2021] |
CHW supports children and youth in less developed parts of the world, through giving grants to local organisations, which work with children and young people everyday. Grants are given to projects which relieve poverty, advance education, relieve sickness and promote good health and offer recreational activities which develop the children's and young people' skills and capabilities.
Makes grants Work in Argentina, China, Ghana, Romania and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
ONE Charity number 1136255 |
08/06/2010 |
Latest income £37,994 [Mar 2021] |
The activities of ONE are for the benefit of the general public and are undertaken as the Church Council feels fit.They are:a, to advance the Christian Faith.B, to help relieve sickness and financial hardship as well as promoting and preserving good health by the provision of funds, goods and services.C, to help advance and support education.
Work in Tanzania and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000001 |
18/10/1983 |
Latest income £37,939 [Dec 2020] |
CAA is a membership organisation for institutes representing architects in Commonwealth countries and promotes co-operation for 'the advancement of architecture in the Commonwealth' through sharing of architectural knowledge. An accredited Commonwealth Civil Society organisation CAA is best known for its validation of courses in architecture assessing courses against set criteria.
Makes grants Work in Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Botswana, Cyprus, Fiji, Ghana, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Malta, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Bermuda and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The AIR PILOTS BENEVOLENT FUND Charity number 212952 |
12/12/1962 |
Latest income £37,916 [Sep 2020] |
The relief of poverty of persons who are or have been engaged professionally as air pilots or air navigators and who are British subjects by birth or by naturalisation or who are liverymen, upper freemen or freemen of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators of London.the relief of poverty and/or advancement of education of the dependants widows and orphans of all such persons mentioned above.
Makes grants Work in Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Malta, New Zealand, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United States, Zimbabwe, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Isle of Man and Jersey
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The JENNIE MARSH TRUST Charity number 1110796 |
09/08/2005 |
Latest income £37,875 [Mar 2021] |
Our object is to advance the Christian faith, principally through the provision of grants and project funding for individuals or organisations. Key focus areas are on training, education and the support and welfare of young people, with a particular focus in sub-saharan Africa.
Makes grants Work in Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The LIVING WATERS TRUST Charity number 293957 |
02/04/1986 |
Latest income £37,043 [Mar 2021] |
The objectives of the trust are (1) to advance the Christian faith. (2) to give help to those who suffer as a result of their faith. (3) to bring help to the disadvantaged, particularly overseas, by supporting schools and community projects and by helping with disaster relief.
Makes grants Work in Canada, India, Niger and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
ONE WORLD GROUP OXTED Charity number 295800 |
23/10/1986 |
Latest income £36,583 [Aug 2021] |
Makes grants Work in Haiti, India, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Philippines and Tanzania
UK registered office: E12000008 |
RLABS UK Charity number 1182970 |
15/04/2019 |
Latest income £36,566 [Apr 2021] |
To develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically disadvantaged communities in the UK and internationally in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in advance such other charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time
Work in South Africa and Tanzania
UK registered office: E12000008 |
COMPUTERS for CHARITIES Charity number 1107802 |
26/01/2005 |
Latest income £35,900 [Mar 2021] |
Computers for Charities provides support to UK and Overseas Charities and Voluntary organisations. Primarily through the use of IT, developers of educational and vocational initiatives too computer access for accredited organisatons.
Work in Albania, Belarus, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Hungary, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda, Serbia, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
19/11/2019 |
Latest income £35,531 [Dec 2020] |
Providing grants and raising awareness for:- education and sport for young people;- food and clean water;- provision of veterinary care and other support for animals in need; and- the advancement of environmental protection or improvement including the marine environment.
Makes grants Work in India, Philippines, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania and Indonesia
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The GREY FOUNDATION Charity number 1117296 |
18/12/2006 |
Latest income £35,520 [Dec 2021] |
Advancing the education of pupils at Grey High School and Grey Junior School, Port Elizabeth, South Africa by -1. Providing scholarships, bursaries and prizes2. Providing and assisting in the provision of teaching facilities, teaching equipment and books3. Providing and assisting in the provision of schoolmasters4. Providing and assisting in the maintenance and management of the schools.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
DANCEAID Charity number 1140749 |
09/03/2011 |
Latest income £35,185 [Jun 2021] |
Danceaid harnesses the energy of dance to transform the lives of vulnerable children.Through various, often dance-based, activities we raise funds to alleviate the hardships endured by orphaned, poor, and disabled children in the UK and abroad.Our feeding, education, and extra-curricular programmes bring opportunity and hope to children in need so that they too can reach their full potential.
Work in Belarus, Philippines and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000006 |
10/10/1963 |
Latest income £35,129 [Dec 2020] |
The principal activity of the 'SLTC' is to assist and encourage the application of science and technology to the manufacture and utilisation of leather and related products and by the publication of journals and the holding of meetings, to further the development of scientific knowledge in the leather industry.
Work in Australia, South Africa and United States
UK registered office: E12000004 |
Pathways Church Charity number 1096992 |
11/04/2003 |
Latest income £35,011 [Mar 2021] |
The heart of Pathways Church is to develop mature disciples and train leaders to see lives, communities and nations impacted and transformed to achieve their God given destiny. Our mission statement is to be a loving family, keeping Christ at the centre as we serve our community.
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
The AB DAVID CHARITY Charity number 1152116 |
21/05/2013 |
Latest income £34,742 [Apr 2021] |
The Charity will make grants to advance and promote charitable purposes, with an emphasis on making grants to advance and promote education and health.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000006 |
The MUSIC MAN PROJECT Charity number 1188041 |
18/02/2020 |
Latest income £34,317 [Jun 2021] |
The Music Man Project is a music education service for people with learning disabilities, providing life-changing music tuition leading to inspirational performance opportunities for all. It gives grants for accessible arts education, promotes equal access for performers, carries out research and raises awareness of the achievements of disadvantaged people across the UK and around the world.
Makes grants Work in India, South Africa, Nepal, Philippines and United States
UK registered office: E12000006 |
The SOCIETY of MISSION PRIESTS of St JOHN the EVANGELIST (COWLEY) Charity number 233103 |
11/03/1966 |
Latest income £34,305 [Dec 2020] |
A Religious Community of Anglican priests
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
SAYes Mentoring Charity number 1127701 |
26/01/2009 |
Latest income £33,803 [Dec 2020] |
The SAYes Transition to Independent Living (TIL) Programme provides guidance, advocacy and support to under-served young people, in particular care leavers, through evidence based one-to-one mentoring, in the UK, South Africa & elsewhere.Our person-centred programme focuses on developing: education & life-long learning, work & money, citizenship & identity, sport & recreation, family & community
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000006 |
PCF GATEWAY TRUST Charity number 1117955 |
14/02/2007 |
Latest income £33,712 [Dec 2020] |
Giving grants to Project Gateway in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa for education, food and clothing for vulnerable young people, support for abused women and their children and training/materials for empowerment programmes.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
ERACH and ROSHAN SADRI FOUNDATION Charity number 1110736 |
05/08/2005 |
Latest income £33,703 [Mar 2021] |
ERSF is a global grant giving charitable Foundation. All relevant details and the application procedure are on the website
Makes grants Work in India, Malawi, Nepal, South Africa and United States
UK registered office: E12000009 |
18/08/2009 |
Latest income £33,532 [Dec 2021] |
Work in South Africa and Spain
UK registered office: E12000006 |
06/04/2006 |
Latest income £33,481 [Apr 2021] |
The purpose of the charity is to provide resources for the formation and continuing re-formation of the ordained ministry of the Church of the Province of South Africa.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000003 |
LAWRENCE's ROUNDABOUT WELL APPEAL Charity number 1117317 |
19/12/2006 |
Latest income £33,247 [Aug 2021] |
Provision of 'roundabout wells' in schools and villages in S.Africa. As the children play on the roundabouts they pump water up into a large holding tank. Each well can supply up to 2,000 people with clean water.
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: W99999999 |
JUST TRUST Charity number 1079684 |
02/03/2000 |
Latest income £33,173 [Mar 2021] |
GRANTMAKING: for charitable work overseas at the discretion of trustees. All approaches for possible funding must be made through our website. the projects we support are aimed at producing lasting change, particularly through small-scale self-help initiatives, to some of the poorest sections of society. We also have concern for the victims of violence and for the promotion of peace.
Makes grants Work in Ethiopia, The Gambia, Greece, India, Kenya, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Bangladesh, Burundi, China, Indonesia, Israel, Madagascar, Nigeria and Peru
UK registered office: E12000003 |
07/08/2019 |
Latest income £33,000 [Aug 2021] |
Funding the education and skills of children and young adults at the Poloafrica Development Trust
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000009 |
The WHITMORE TRUST Charity number 801203 |
15/03/1989 |
Latest income £32,914 [Dec 2020] |
Supporting the work of Godalming United Church, and supporting specific development activities in the Gambia, Sierra Leone and Uganda. This includes the collection and shipping of surplus secondhand school furniture from UK schools being renewed & replaced for use in schools in the Gambia and Sierra Leone.
Makes grants Work in Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
House of Grace Charity number 1174181 |
08/08/2017 |
Latest income £32,797 [Mar 2021] |
We operate in the UK, Malwai, Uganda and Kenya providing support and meeting practical needs to those living in poverty.
Work in South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya and India
UK registered office: E12000003 |
MAD ABOUT ART Charity number 1093147 |
25/07/2002 |
Latest income £32,721 [Dec 2020] |
Relief of human suffering of young people affected by HIV/AIDS.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000001 |
16/07/2015 |
Latest income £32,716 [Nov 2018] |
The charity advances the Christian faith through provision of a place for Christian worship, Christian Teachings Principles, Praise and Worship.Relief of Poverty, hardship Promote good health through counselling and supportEvangelism Outreach and mission Homeless support outreaches, provides free clothing & food itemsBeginners Bible Classes and provision of Christian books
Work in Netherlands, South Africa and Trinidad and Tobago
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The COMMONWEALTH RESOUNDS Charity number 1160119 |
23/01/2015 |
Latest income £32,554 [Dec 2020] |
The advancement of the education of the public in all aspects of music and musicianship in commonwealth countries
Work in Australia, Bahamas, Cameroon, Ghana, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000008 |
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