Found 1,688 UK NGOs working in South Africa
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of South Africa.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
PRO-SEED Charity number 1146294 |
08/03/2012 |
Latest income £27,260 [Jan 2021] |
Pro-Seed Prosperity through sustainable education and employment generation is a small charitable trust run by a team of volunteer trustees. Pro-Seed assists small volunteer run charities and NGOs. Pro-Seed focuses on educational and employment generation projects in East Africa and Colombia. It also considers humanitarian aid as well as charitable projects promoted by the Trustees.
Makes grants Work in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Colombia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
PROCLAIMERS SANCTUARY Charity number 1117017 |
28/11/2006 |
Latest income £27,257 [Aug 2020] |
Preaching the gospel, offering relief and charitable activities and holding of cultural activities and networking with other charities and organisations.
Work in Kenya, Sierra Leone and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000006 |
G F FOUNDATION LIMITED Charity number 1112670 |
10/01/2006 |
Latest income £27,165 [Mar 2021] |
Relief of financial hardship by providiing such items and facilities as are neccessary including food, clothing and medical supplies. Advancement of education by providing and such items, services and facilities as required, particularly for the benefit of young people. Advancement of religion including upkeep of places of worship and holding services.
Makes grants Work in India, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa, Syria, Tanzania and United States
UK registered office: E12000005 |
GIVINGFORCE FOUNDATION Charity number 1177839 |
06/04/2018 |
Latest income £26,944 [Nov 2020] |
The GivingForce Foundation (GFF) uses the latest technology to deliver a payroll giving solution, and donation management service for employers and donors. As well as being a HMRC registered Payroll Giving Agency, GFF works with businesses, individual donors and other charities to increase charitable giving.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Monaco, Netherlands, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vietnam, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Isle of Man and Jersey
UK registered office: E12000007 |
SOS KIT AID Ltd Charity number 1144716 |
18/11/2011 |
Latest income £26,810 [Dec 2020] |
SOS Kit Aid is an award winning charity that collects second hand/new rugby, kit from UK schools, clubs, kit manufacturers and sporting bodies and recycles it to disadvantaged youngsters in 44 countries inc UK. Since 2001 we have sent 6 million pounds of kit for 250,000 disadvantaged youngsters. Sponsored mainly by World Rugby. We have also saved over 750 tonnes CO2 emissions too by recycling.
Work in Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Eswatini, Ukraine, Serbia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jersey, Botswana, Cambodia, Congo, Estonia, Haiti, Kazakhstan and Kosovo
UK registered office: E12000007 |
SELBORNE SCHOOLS CHARITY Charity number 1169243 |
19/09/2016 |
Latest income £26,681 [Aug 2021] |
To advance education in any part of the world for the benefit of the public and in particular, to advance the education of pupils and former pupils of the schools known as Selborne College and Selborne Primary, East London, South Africa
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
11/11/2016 |
Latest income £26,627 [Sep 2021] |
Holding regular christian worship services to promote the christian faith in the community.
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000005 |
CLOUDS of HOPE Charity number 1114506 |
02/06/2006 |
Latest income £26,469 [Sep 2021] |
Clouds of Hope has continued its fundraising activities in the UK through sponsored events and awareness activites. Our main activity in South Africa this year has been the support of the Clouds of Hope education fund, enabling orhpans in Underberg to gain a good quality of education through the payment of school fees and uniform costs.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
CHILDREN for HEALTH LIMITED Charity number 1153028 |
23/07/2013 |
Latest income £26,444 [Dec 2020] |
To advance the education of child and in particular children who are socially and economically disadvantaged or whose lives have been impacted by poverty, illness or civial conflict by the provision of high quality health education information and materials for the children's educators and families delivered on the web and by mobile phone.
Work in Cambodia, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000006 |
SHIFT YOUTH + COMMUNITY Charity number 1183910 |
14/06/2019 |
Latest income £26,270 [Mar 2021] |
We base ourselves in local communities and work with the local council, churches, schools and other government and non government agencies to provide the best opportunities for young people and communities to find their purpose and their voice.We believe changing lives by transforming culture is possible and we want to show you how.
Work in Greece, Albania, South Africa, Ireland, Poland, Nepal and Ghana
UK registered office: E12000008 |
EMILIE's CHARITIES Charity number 1108537 |
11/03/2005 |
Latest income £26,243 [Dec 2020] |
Aid to children and young adults in poor countries for education and in some cases for costs of living
Makes grants Work in Bolivia, Ecuador, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Rwanda, South Africa and Malaysia
UK registered office: E12000008 |
30/08/2006 |
Latest income £25,959 [Mar 2021] |
The Waterberg Trust supports individuals and organisations in the Waterberg SA via a range of healthcare, education, welfare, conservation and general charitable projects, in order to uplift the people and place of the Waterberg.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000009 |
The BARNABAS CHARITABLE TRUST Charity number 326748 |
08/01/1985 |
Latest income £25,859 [Dec 2020] |
The objects of the charity are to provide benefits to persons in necessitous circumstances who are not in paid employment and who are, or have been engaged in fulltime Christian work and for the advancement of the Christian religion.
Work in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Kenya, Nepal, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Uganda, Ukraine, United States and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
ALUMIER FOUNDATION Charity number 1187494 |
21/01/2020 |
Latest income £25,565 [May 2021] |
The charity seeks to provide grants and funding to support a variety of projects in the UK and elsewhere in the world, in particular to:i) relieving poverty and financial hardship;ii) advancing education of young people where there may be a lack of education readily available; and iii) relieving sickness and supporting the preservation of health.
Makes grants Work in South Africa, Canada, United States, Germany and Ireland
UK registered office: |
20/07/1964 |
Latest income £25,481 [May 2021] |
The Charity continues to support former professional cricketers (or their dependents) who are 'in necessitous circumstances'.This can take the form of regular monthly contributions, special payments at Christmas or in mid-summer, or by helping where there is a particular or urgent need (provision of medical assistance or treatment, special equipment etc) , and in other similar circumstances.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000004 |
The VEC ACORN TRUST Charity number 1002997 |
28/05/1991 |
Latest income £25,338 [Apr 2021] |
Used to encourage excellenace in sole individuals and groups especially young people and the arts
Makes grants Work in Australia and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
KELTEK TRUST Charity number 1154107 |
04/10/2013 |
Latest income £25,316 [Dec 2021] |
1) to promote the re-use of surplus or redundant church bells.2) Giving of grants for the provision of bells or bell restoration.3) to promote research into the sound of church bells and the methods emploed in retuning.4) the provision of funding of ringing centres for the training of bell-ringers.
Makes grants Work in Australia, Canada, Malta, Ireland, South Africa and Netherlands
UK registered office: E12000009 |
The TOPSY FOUNDATION UK Charity number 1115428 |
19/07/2006 |
Latest income £25,310 [Mar 2021] |
Topsy Foundation UK's main aim is to assist the work of the Topsy Foundation, South Africa, a registered charity in that country. Topsy SA partners with rural communities in South Africa, in which many people have been affected by HIV and AIDS. There is a specific emphasis on children and their families through medical care, food security and the training of pre-school teachers and staff .
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
NATURALLY AFRICA FOUNDATION Charity number 1137411 |
11/08/2010 |
Latest income £25,289 [Jun 2021] |
Our activities provide access to basic human rights, which include food, shelter, education and healthcare and include:* Pre-school care & education* Education programmes in schools* Income-generating schemes* Sports initiatives* Healthcare and disease education and awareness, including HIV/AIDS, malaria & home based care* Feeding schemes & child sponsorship* Teacher training
Makes grants Work in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania
UK registered office: E12000008 |
Education Saves Lives Charity number 1080131 |
30/03/2000 |
Latest income £25,222 [Mar 2021] |
Publishing interactive DVDS on HIV and AIDS, child care, health and life skills.
Work in Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Albania, Belarus, Burundi, Iran, Jordan, Liberia, Togo and Trinidad and Tobago
UK registered office: E12000005 |
The PEIRES FAMILY FOUNDATION Charity number 1115312 |
13/07/2006 |
Latest income £25,124 [Apr 2021] |
Fund and support 1. Jewish communities throughout the world. 2. the promotion of the Jewish faith worldwide. 3. Medical research and healthcare provision worldwide.
Makes grants Work in Israel and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000007 |
03/12/1984 |
Latest income £25,029 [Dec 2020] |
The promotion and advancement of the knowledge of the history of scientific artifacts and their preservation.
Work in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland
UK registered office: E12000008 |
13/09/2007 |
Latest income £25,000 [Mar 2021] |
Educating and assisting young people and underprivileged in the sports world
Work in South Africa
UK registered office: E12000006 |
WATCH HILL FOUNDATION Charity number 1113699 |
07/04/2006 |
Latest income £25,000 [Jan 2021] |
The charity operates principally in Southern Africa.
Makes grants Work in South Africa and Malawi
UK registered office: E12000007 |
PARADIGM NORTON TRUST Charity number 1116837 |
16/11/2006 |
Latest income £24,980 [Mar 2021] |
The objects of the charity are:to further any charitable purpose, whether or not the purpose is carried out within England and Wales or elsewhere, orto benefit any charitable institution, whether or not its works are carried out within England or Wales or elsewhere.
Makes grants Work in Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000009 |
SAHARA HANDS Charity number 1154302 |
22/10/2013 |
Latest income £24,902 [Dec 2015] |
Donations given for: shelter Appeal, flood rescue appeals, Pakistan Vaccine, Syria Hope Appeal, Orphan Sponsorship
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Somalia, South Africa, Syria and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: E12000005 |
HOW MANY ELEPHANTS Charity number 1186238 |
08/11/2019 |
Latest income £24,892 [Dec 2020] |
The charity raises awareness and educates a global audience about the African Elephant crisis and the impacts of the ivory trade, through a powerful design-led, non-gory campaign. the charity provides grants to ranger teams, with a particular focus on female rangers. Community-led projects and research relating to the Illegal Wildlife Trade are also considered for grantmaking.
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000008 |
CONGOLESE SUPPORT GROUP (CSG) Charity number 1148585 |
16/08/2012 |
Latest income £24,870 [Apr 2021] |
Main Dr Congolese organisati in UK with 5 Commissions:1. Immigration: Im. workshops, guide, assistant other, organise conferences, public awareness.2. Education and Integration: Free Leadership Training, EAL & IT, CV Centre, Homework Club for young3. Unity: Link and working together4. Culture: Recreation, Young and adult culture exchange, 5. Public Relation: Sharing value, Media and Link
Makes grants Work in Angola, Belgium, France, South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and United States
UK registered office: E12000007 |
MAD FOUNDATION LIMITED Charity number 1111805 |
25/10/2005 |
Latest income £24,833 [Sep 2020] |
We work as a project partner with indigenous communities in developing countries. By enabling sustainable projects and facilities, focusing on key areas such as education and health, the MAD Foundation supports indigenous communities in creating better opportunities and scope for further development. Funds support community projects for the purchase of building materials and equipment.
Makes grants Work in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fiji, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, Venezuela and Vietnam
UK registered office: E12000001 |
"ZISIZE" the HEATON LEE MEMORIAL TRUST Charity number 1085470 |
09/03/2001 |
Latest income £24,819 [Mar 2021] |
Educational resource centre and feeding programme in Ingwavuma, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Makes grants Work in South Africa
UK registered office: W99999999 |
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