

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Islamic Relief Worldwide

Charity number 328158


Latest income £274,694,061

[Dec 2023]

1. Responding to emergencies2. Caring for orphans and children in need3. Supporting education4. Providing access to health care and water5. Promoting sustainable livelihood6. Campaigning and advocacy on humanitrian issues

Work in Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chad, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, North Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Ireland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Kosovo and South Sudan

UK registered office: West Midlands

Acs International Schools Limited

Charity number 1179820


Latest income £89,125,363

[Jul 2023]

ACS's charitable purpose is to advance education in particular by the provision and conduct of schools. ACS aims to operate schools that provide a high-quality education within an internationally diverse context with the highest standards of teaching, pastoral care, facilities and support for students.

Work in Qatar

UK registered office: South East

1509 Group

Charity number 1084866


Latest income £28,325,000

[Jul 2023]

The charity acts as the holding company for a series of companies. Royal Grammar School Guildford, Royal Grammar School Guildford, Foundation, RGS Guildford International Ltd, RGS Guildford International (Dubai) Ltd, RGS Guildford International (China) Ltd, RGS Guildford Enterprises Ltd.

Work in Qatar

UK registered office: South East

The British Computer Society

Charity number 292786


Latest income £23,551,000

[Aug 2023]

Professional Body and Learned Society to promote the study and practice of Computing and to advance knowledge and education therein worldwide for the benefit of the public.

Work in Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Zambia, United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Spain, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Qatar, Poland, Oman, Norway, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nepal, Mauritius, Malta, Taiwan, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France and Germany

UK registered office: South West

King's Schools Taunton Ltd

Charity number 1103346


Latest income £18,756,442

[Aug 2023]

King's Schools Taunton Ltd promotes and extends education in accordance with the principles which govern the Woodard Corporation by operating the schools King's College Taunton and King's Hall School.

Work in Qatar and India

UK registered office: South West

Vocational Training Charitable Trust

Charity number 295192


Latest income £12,863,495

[Jul 2024]

Vocational Training Charitable Trust, T/A VTCT Skills, is a market-leading specialist vocational and technical Awarding Organisation offering a comprehensive range of qualifications, assessments and services in 17 sectors, including Hairdressing, Beauty, Logistics and Early Years. Working closely with employers and training providers, our ranges are backed by industry and trusted around the world.

Work in Italy, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Ireland, St Lucia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, Ghana, India, United States, Lebanon, Malaysia, Namibia, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Latvia, Kenya, Japan, Indonesia, Greece, Ecuador, China, Canada, Botswana, Barbados, Bahrain, Antigua and Barbuda, Singapore, South Korea, Lithuania, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and Sweden

UK registered office: South East

British Safety Council

Charity number 1097271


Latest income £10,326,000

[Dec 2023]

1. To be an International authority on health, safety and sustainability. 2. To influence thehealth, safety and sustainability agendas. 3. To enhance the performance of organisationsthrough education, training, auditing and recognition. 4. To help more individuals improve their capability through the attainment of recognised qualifications.

Work in Tunisia, Barbados, Bangladesh, Austria, Zambia, Turkey, Brazil, Switzerland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Ireland, Qatar, Pakistan, Oman, Nigeria, Malta, Kuwait, Kenya, Jamaica, Italy, Indonesia, India, Iceland, Greece, Ghana, France, Egypt, Denmark, Cyprus, China and United Arab Emirates

UK registered office: London

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Charity number 209425


Latest income £5,632,135

[Dec 2023]

To promote by means of study groups, meetings and conferences the study and development of international law and comparative law (including foreign law).To promote or commission research into international law and comparative law (including foreign law) and to publish or arrange for publication or otherwise disseminate the results of that research.

Work in Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, United States, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Myanmar and Qatar

UK registered office: London

Royal Aeronautical Society

Charity number 313708


Latest income £5,944,376

[Dec 2023]

The principal objects of the Society are the general advancement of Aeronautical Art, Science and Engineering and more particularly promoting that species of knowledge which distinguishes the profession of Aeronautics.

Work in Cyprus, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Qatar, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan, Belgium, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United States, Hong Kong and Australia

UK registered office: London

The Nautical Institute

Charity number 1002462


Latest income £5,353,193

[Dec 2023]

The Nautical Institute is an independent, international body promoting the standing of the maritime profession afloat and ashore. The objects of the Institute are to promote and co-ordinate in the public interest the development of nautical studies so as to:Encourage and promote a high standard of qualification, competence and knowledge among those involved in the control of sea-going craft.

Work in Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Malta, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Ireland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States and Hong Kong

UK registered office: London

The Thomson Foundation

Charity number 313750


Latest income £2,444,000

[Dec 2023]

Primary activities are concerned with the training of television, radio, newspaper, magazine and news agency personnel; the encouragement of good management practices; technical assistance in print and broadcasting; and help and advice in the development of new outlets for journalists and broadcasters, including the internet.

Work in Kazakhstan, Czechia, Jordan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belarus, Egypt, Morocco, France, Paraguay, Israel, Austria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Germany, Indonesia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, Georgia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium and China

UK registered office: London

The Independent Schools' Bursars Association

Charity number 1121757


Latest income £3,420,559

[Dec 2023]

ISBA aims to support and advance the financial and operational performance in schools. It achieves this through: providing accurate and timely training, advising and assisting schools so as to help them benefit the public through achieving the highest standards of administration and ancillary services.

Work in Kazakhstan, Brazil, Hong Kong, Zambia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Thailand, Tanzania, Switzerland, Spain, South Korea, South Africa, Singapore, Ireland, Qatar, Oman, New Zealand, Malaysia, Luxembourg, Lebanon, Kuwait, Kenya, Japan, Greece, Egypt, China, Australia and Argentina

UK registered office:

Advanced Life Support Group

Charity number 1095478


Latest income £2,204,980

[Dec 2023]

To preserve life by providing training:- provision of training courses;- development of training packages;- research and quality control

Work in Barbados, Zambia, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Trinidad and Tobago, Switzerland, Sweden, Surinam, Spain, South Africa, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ireland, Qatar, Portugal, Pakistan, Oman, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Nepal, Mexico, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Liberia, Kuwait, Japan, Italy, Iraq, India, Greece, Germany, The Gambia, Fiji, Egypt, Denmark, Croatia, Chile, Cambodia, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bangladesh, Austria and Australia

UK registered office: North West

Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

Charity number 1188731


Latest income £1,462,301

[Dec 2023]

The Chairty's objectives are for the public benefit, anywhere in the world to advance education, prevent and relieve poverty and to relieve unemployment, (including those with little or no education, survivors of human trafficking, people with disabilities, refugees and migrants). Advance Human rights, promote the protection & preservation of the natural environment and sustainable development.

Work in Jordan, Vietnam, Zambia, Kenya, Nepal, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Qatar, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Thailand, Mexico, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Bangladesh, India, Nicaragua, Uganda, Oman, Maldives, Kuwait, Guatemala, Senegal, Saudi Arabia, Panama and Sri Lanka

UK registered office: London

The Directory of Social Change

Charity number 800517


Latest income £1,455,853

[Dec 2023]

An independent source of information and support to voluntary and community organisations, through being an independent voice, providing information and training, running conferences and fairs, undertaking research projects and providing books and websites on topics of interest to the voluntary and community sectors. DSC also runs the Annual Social Change Awards.

Work in Jamaica, Gibraltar, United States, Australia, Belgium, Qatar, France, Germany, Nigeria, New Zealand, Mozambique, Bermuda, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Canada and Bahrain

UK registered office: London

Common Purpose Student Experiences Limited

Charity number 1163254


Latest income £853,886

[Jul 2023]

Common Purpose is a leadership development organization that specializes in cross-boundary leadership. Common Purpose Student Experiences focuses specifically on leadership opportunities for university students.

Work in India, South Africa, Brazil, United States, Malaysia, Qatar, Kenya, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and Indonesia

UK registered office: London

The Simmons and Simmons Charitable Foundation

Charity number 1129643


Latest income £1,032,229

[Apr 2024]

The Foundation seeks to provide support to smaller charitable organisations which are local to the Simmons & Simmons' offices in which the firm's staff have or can have an active involvement and which address social exclusion ie by helping the less privileged to access opportunity.

Work in United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Qatar, Spain, Singapore, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Ireland

UK registered office: London

The Institution of Railway Signal Engineers

Charity number 1046999


Latest income £1,250,301

[Dec 2023]

World-wide professional engineering institution, licensed by the Engineering Council UK, for railway signal, telecommunication and other engineers and operators involved or interested in railway signalling, control and communications.

Work in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Ireland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Eswatini, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United States, Serbia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

UK registered office: London

British Paediatric Neurology Association

Charity number 1159115


Latest income £1,217,765

[Mar 2024]

Promote the health and well-being of children with neurological disorders through: providing training and education through face-to face course and distance learning to professionals caring for children with neurological disorders to improve diagnosis and care; promoting research; providing professional support to members and working with health service providers to improve care.

Work in Myanmar, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Qatar, Sudan, New Zealand, Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Colombia and Australia

UK registered office: North West

The International Schools Theatre Association

Charity number 1050103


Latest income £1,186,630

[May 2024]

International Theatre Educator

Work in Romania, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, China, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Serbia, Hong Kong and Taiwan

UK registered office: South West

Nectar Trust

Charity number 1146597


Latest income £2,452

[Mar 2024]

To relieve poverty and provide assistance to the needy in all parts of the world affected by war, natural disasters or catastrophes.

Work in Togo, Afghanistan, Albania, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Myanmar, Niger, Pakistan, Qatar, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Occupied Palestinian Territories and South Sudan

UK registered office: London

Seven Hills Educationaltrust

Charity number 1128139


Latest income £521,853

[Oct 2023]

To set up independent schools to provide educational facilities to those children who are bright and successful but econamically deprived ofto raise academic achievement level and moral qualities of young children

Work in Cyprus, Maldives, Qatar, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait

UK registered office: London


Charity number 1199107


Latest income £678,951

[May 2023]

Equidem is an independent, non-political human rights and labour rights charity working globally and locally to promote the rights of marginalised communities, accountability for serious violations, and developing the human rights movement.

Work in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, India, Ethiopia, Qatar, Kenya, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Oman, Nepal, Malaysia and Pakistan

UK registered office: London


Charity number 1143547


Latest income £468,965

[Dec 2023]

EAQUALS is a not-for-profit body ultimately controlled by its 123 accredited members (languages teaching institutions and organisations) worldwide. It promotes standards in language training.

Work in Bulgaria, Croatia, Ireland, Qatar, Portugal, Poland, Malta, North Macedonia, Luxembourg, Libya, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Egypt, Czechia, Cyprus, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Turkey, Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, Russia and Romania

UK registered office: London

Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch)

Charity number 1138429


Latest income £341,361

[Oct 2023]

Advancement of the Christian Faith worldwide in accordance with the doctrines set out in the statement of faith.Relief of poverty, sickness and distress by the provision of such things as financial support, medical missions, rehab centres, food, befriending service, advise, scholarships, mentoring and counselling.

Work in Côte d'Ivoire, Malta, India, Singapore, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Morocco, Mauritius, Madagascar, Norway, Qatar, Thailand, Switzerland, Ireland, Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macau, Belgium, New Zealand, Australia and Cyprus

UK registered office: South East

W H Smith Benevolent Fund

Charity number 262581


Latest income £177,593

[Mar 2024]

Provide financial support to serving and retired members of staff and close family members who find themselves in severe financial difficulties through no fault of their own. Provide recuperative holidays following long term sickness or after major surgery, carer breaks, palliative holidays and special equipment for less able staff.

Work in France, Germany, Italy, Qatar, Ireland, Spain, Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, United States and New Zealand

UK registered office: South West

The DWF Foundation

Charity number 1191347


Latest income £392,758

[Apr 2024]

This is a grant giving foundation which will cover homelessness, employability, education, environment and health and well being.

Work in India, Germany, United States, Poland, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Australia, Qatar, Spain, France and Canada

UK registered office: North West

The Society for Underwater Technology Limited

Charity number 256659


Latest income £318,209

[Jun 2023]

Interchange and dissemination of knowledge and learning in underwater technology. Increasing public awareness and support of education and training in the marine and underwater sectors.

Work in Malta, Angola, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Qatar, Ireland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela and Hong Kong

UK registered office: South East

Maritime Archaeology Trust

Charity number 900025


Latest income £336,262

[Mar 2024]

Promotes interest, research and knowledge of maritime archaeology and heritage around the globe with core activities concentrated in Great Britain and in particular Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Work in Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Qatar, France, Uruguay, Belgium and Madagascar

UK registered office: South East

Legal Response International

Charity number 1147043


Latest income £260,116

[Sep 2023]

The LRI provides free high-quality legal support to poor and particularly climate vulnerable developing countries and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in relation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations.

Work in Qatar, Bangladesh, Germany, Kenya, Peru, Poland, Thailand and Zambia

UK registered office: London