Found 584 UK NGOs working in Brazil
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Brazil.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
29/04/2008 |
Latest income £1,320,039 [Dec 2020] |
Work in Brazil, Spain, Italy, Japan, Portugal and Switzerland
UK registered office: E12000007 |
LINKS INTERNATIONAL Charity number 1168872 |
23/08/2016 |
Latest income £1,300,694 [Dec 2020] |
We provide training and resources to partners around the world bringing strategic, sustainable solutions.
Makes grants Work in Colombia, India, Kenya, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Zambia, Lebanon, Australia, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, France, Honduras, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, United States and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
CHRIST for ALL NATIONS (U.K.) Charity number 327522 |
28/08/1987 |
Latest income £1,295,812 [Dec 2020] |
Christ for all Nations holds evangelistic events and preaches the good news of Jesus Christ.
Work in Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, United States, Zambia and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000005 |
The MALALA FUND UK Charity number 1178655 |
05/06/2018 |
Latest income £1,282,622 [Mar 2021] |
With more than 130 million girls out of school today, Malala Fund is breaking down barriers that hold girls back by supporting the work of local education activists through our Gulmakai Network; advocating for resources and policy changes needed to give all girls a secondary education; and amplifying girls' voices.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, Brazil and United States
UK registered office: E12000007 |
07/01/1964 |
Latest income £1,252,683 [Dec 2020] |
The objectives of the charity cover a range of charitable activities including:- the support and care of the members of the Charity and their missions- the enhancement and development of the mission of the Catholic Church- the provision of services to educate and to provide for those in need.
Work in Brazil, France, Ireland, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 |
14/07/1974 |
Latest income £1,242,688 [Dec 2020] |
Inter-religious & inter-cultural activities with initiatives to foster harmony, peace and tolerance.Education and service for peace projects.
Makes grants Work in Albania, Brazil, Germany and South Korea
UK registered office: E12000007 |
MARIST SISTERS GENERALATE CIO Charity number 1179883 |
11/09/2018 |
Latest income £1,203,690 [Dec 2020] |
Religious activities
Makes grants Work in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Fiji, France, The Gambia, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Ireland, Senegal and United States
UK registered office: E12000007 |
A ROCHA INTERNATIONAL Charity number 1136041 |
20/05/2010 |
Latest income £1,187,933 [Dec 2020] |
A Rocha is an international conservation organisation working to show God's love for all creation. A Rocha is committed to environmental action through community-based conservation projects.
Work in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czechia, Finland, France, Ghana, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland, Uganda, United States and Philippines
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The SOCIETY of the LITTLE FLOWER Charity number 1123034 |
03/03/2008 |
Latest income £1,140,677 [Dec 2020] |
The general objects of the Charity are the advancement of the Roman Catholic Religion, by means of the establishment or furtherance of any charitable works carried on by, or under the control or supervision of members of the Order of Carmelites, and by means of the provision of scholarships and bursaries for the education and training of priests and/or members of the said Order.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Malta, Mexico, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Ireland, Trinidad and Tobago, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and Timor-Leste
UK registered office: E12000008 |
SIOBHAN DAVIES DANCE COMPANY Charity number 1010786 |
30/04/1992 |
Latest income £1,133,027 [Mar 2021] |
Siobhan Davies Dance celebrates, values and seeks to strengthen the role of choreography within contemporary culture. It explores diverse ways of presenting work, supporting the work of founder Siobhan Davies, the work and development of other artists, hosts exhibitions, talks and workshops at its Studios and furthers creativity for children and young people through engagement programmes.
Work in Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland and United States
UK registered office: E12000007 |
21/08/2015 |
Latest income £1,030,400 [Jul 2021] |
Common Purpose is a leadership development organization that specializes in cross-boundary leadership. Common Purpose Student Experiences focuses specifically on leadership opportunities for university students.
Work in Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, United States, Australia, Indonesia and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000007 |
30/11/2007 |
Latest income £985,637 [Dec 2020] |
ISBA aims to support and advance the financial and operational performance in schools. It achieves this through: providing accurate and timely training, advising and assisting schools so as to help them benefit the public through achieving the highest standards of administration and ancillary services.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Zambia, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey and Kazakhstan
UK registered office: E12000008 |
PARTNERSHIP for OBSERVATION of the GLOBAL OCEAN Charity number 1171692 |
20/02/2017 |
Latest income £983,255 [Mar 2021] |
The charity brings together the world's major oceanographic institutes to plan joint actions to advance sustained ocean observations for societal benefit. It provides professional training opportunities for early-career scientists to develop the worldwide capacity for sustained ocean observations, and advocates at public and policy levels for the need for sustained funding for the observing system
Makes grants Work in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, United States, Canada, Portugal, Benin and Ghana
UK registered office: E12000009 |
The GAIA FOUNDATION Charity number 327412 |
30/03/1987 |
Latest income £971,834 [Dec 2020] |
Gaia works to revive bio-cultural diversity, to regenerate healthy ecosystems and to strengthen community ecological governance for climate change resilience. We work with partner organisations, communities and movements. Our activities focus on Food, Seed and Climate Change Resilience, Sacred Lands and Wilderness, Earth Jurisprudence, and looking Beyond Extractivism.
Makes grants Work in Australia, Benin, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Ireland, South Africa, Spain, Uganda, Uruguay and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 |
COMMISSION APOSTOLIC TRUST Ltd Charity number 1150017 |
03/12/2012 |
Latest income £971,356 [Dec 2020] |
Establishing new churches, providing assistance/support to existing churches. Public conferences inc. annual family Bible conference approx. 3000 delegates & conferences in Portugal/Spain & India for support, development & training of church leaders/members. Training church leaders through formal training courses. Church based community projects, inc. relief & development in low income countries.
Makes grants Work in India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Portugal, Spain, United States, Zambia, Brazil, Croatia, Ghana, Jordan, Lebanon, Philippines, Serbia, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Canada
UK registered office: E12000009 |
NEW LIFE CHURCH MILTON KEYNES Charity number 1119167 |
11/05/2007 |
Latest income £968,243 [Aug 2021] |
The trust is established to: advance Christianity in accordance with the doctrines of the faith; relieve people who are in charitable need, because of sickness or poor health, age, financial hardship or some other reason; promote and provide education (including vocational training); promote such other charitable objects as the trustees from time to time determine.
Makes grants Work in Brazil, North Macedonia, Philippines, Tanzania, Germany and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: E12000008 |
SUSTAINABLE FOOD TRUST Charity number 1148645 |
20/08/2012 |
Latest income £951,977 [Mar 2021] |
We advocate food systems that are beneficial to the environment and public health by:Leadership/Collaboration - Providing thought leadership and support for establishing collaborative partnershipsResearch/Policy - Advancing knowledge by promoting good science, thus enabling effective solutions to challenges facing food systemsCommunications - Communicating issues in accessible ways
Work in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Netherlands, Ireland, Romania, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, United States, Zimbabwe and Guernsey
UK registered office: E12000009 |
03/11/1999 |
Latest income £946,503 [Dec 2020] |
The Fund applies its income for the benefit of the churches and provinces of the Anglican Communion and the international ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, Cuba, Egypt, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Argentina, Belgium, Burundi, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Myanmar, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Zambia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, South Sudan, Israel, Mexico, Mozambique, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Jamaica, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nigeria, Peru, Sierra Leone, Vanuatu and Yemen
UK registered office: E12000007 |
BE the EARTH FOUNDATION Charity number 1189626 |
22/05/2020 |
Latest income £900,000 [Dec 2020] |
Be the Earth Foundation is a grant focused organisation to help manifest harmony on earth, for and between all beings. Our goal is to support, recognise and rebalance the economy by funding those working towards holistic, regenerative and diverse economic systems. We are focused on three strategic areas - earth protection, regenerative agriculture and wellbeing.
Makes grants Work in Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, United States, Brazil, Chile and Argentina
UK registered office: E12000007 |
20/12/1990 |
Latest income £858,189 [Dec 2020] |
The Charity spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ through television, radio, the printed word and personal appearance. the Charity also educates existing believers to become more effective winesses for Christ.
Work in Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Gabon, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Panama, Togo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Peru, Sri Lanka and United States
UK registered office: E12000006 |
RAINFOREST TRUST UK Charity number 1169111 |
09/09/2016 |
Latest income £849,920 [Dec 2020] |
Rainforest Trust UK works in partnership with Rainforest Trust in the US to preserve and protect rainforests and other tropical habitat, particularly areas that are home to endangered species. We work in collaboration with trusted local NGOs and indigenous communities to place land under protection, either by land purchase or land designation as community forests or national parks.
Makes grants Work in Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines and Solomon Islands
UK registered office: E12000007 |
PEOPLE's PALACE PROJECTS Charity number 1085607 |
16/03/2001 |
Latest income £840,844 [Jul 2020] |
Activities: Practice-based research to advance the practice and understanding of art for social justice. Charitable objects: the advancement of education & the relief of poverty anywhere in the world, in particular by the use of the medium of theatre to promote social welfare & to facilitate development projects for the benefit of the public whether directly or in partnership.
Work in Brazil
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The OXFORD MINDFULNESS FOUNDATION Charity number 1122517 |
30/01/2008 |
Latest income £811,135 [Mar 2021] |
The OMC works:1. on high-level academic research into achieving psychological balance through mindfulness (as recommended, e.G. by NICE for depression); 2. on academically rigorous application of those practices in therapy, CPD etc;3. on training others to research and apply those practices; and specifically4. on promoting and administering such activity in Oxford University.
Work in China, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Ireland, Hong Kong, Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, Greece, Japan, Mexico and Taiwan
UK registered office: E12000008 |
TRANSITION NETWORK Charity number 1128675 |
19/03/2009 |
Latest income £809,806 [Mar 2021] |
To support the Transition movement, amplify stories of community-led change, and nurture collaborations across difference to challenge us all to reimagine and rebuild our world.Transition Network works in service to the international movement of self-organising Transition groups and Hubs, and others who are creating community-led change for a sustainable and just future founded on wellbeing.
Makes grants Work in Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United States, Chile, Colombia, Japan, Australia, Austria, Germany and Luxembourg
UK registered office: E12000009 |
YOUTH with A MISSION LIMITED Charity number 264078 |
16/05/1972 |
Latest income £784,000 [Aug 2020] |
Running Missionary training schoolsFundraising for Missionaries overseas and in the UK
Work in Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000006 |
The SOUTH AMERICAN MISSION SOCIETY Charity number 221328 |
16/07/1963 |
Latest income £759,491 [Jan 2021] |
Evangelistic mission through: People in Mission,supporting people in cross-cultural mission. Mission Grants,support for key projects and ministries. Leadership Formation,Investing in Christian leaders of the future.
Makes grants Work in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Guatemala and Honduras
UK registered office: E12000008 |
09/12/2008 |
Latest income £741,330 [Dec 2020] |
PVRI is an independent medical research organization devoted to increasing the awareness and knowledge of pulmonary vascular diseases, and to facilitating advances in the treatment of affected people worldwide.
Makes grants Work in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Saudi Arabia, United States, Colombia, France, Greece, Italy, Peru, Spain and Turkey
UK registered office: E12000008 |
MERCURY PHOENIX TRUST Charity number 1013768 |
18/08/1992 |
Latest income £737,116 [Mar 2021] |
To help relieve poverty, sickness and distress associated with AIDs
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Madagascar, Nepal and Rwanda
UK registered office: E12000007 |
OUTSET - CONTEMPORARY ART FUND Charity number 1101476 |
13/01/2004 |
Latest income £736,756 [Aug 2020] |
Promoting access to works of contemporary art through arranging visits, exhibitions, public facilities and other events at which works of contemporay art may be exhibited and studied; Securing contemporary works of art for presentation or loan to public art collations, museums and galleries.
Makes grants Work in Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, United States and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000007 |
06/11/2014 |
Latest income £724,379 [Mar 2021] |
Promote the health and well-being of children with neurological disorders through: providing training and education through face-to face course and distance learning to professionals caring for children with neurological disorders to improve diagnosis and care; promoting research; providing professional support to members and working with health service providers to improve care.
Work in Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Myanmar, New Zealand, Qatar, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and United Arab Emirates
UK registered office: E12000007 |
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