Found 975 UK NGOs working in Other low income
OECD Development Assistance Committee group
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Other low income.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
01/02/2018 |
Providing food, clothing shelter and medication to vulnerable population
Work in Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Sudan and United States
UK registered office: E12000004 | |
African Rights Action Charity number 1178064 |
24/04/2018 |
To promote social inclusion and integration of African communities, particularly Rwandan Refugee Communities and a networking group that encourages and enables them to participate more effectively with the wider community, particularly in the areas of education, training and employment.
Work in Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
08/05/2018 |
Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000002 | |
GOALS4GIVING Charity number 1175332 |
24/10/2017 |
Goals4Giving organise and deliver sports & community outreach projects for schools and community groups in the UK. the charity's other purpose is delivering football and multi-sport clinics in schools in developing countries (mainly within Africa & Asia). We aim to create long term partnerships with schools that enable us to provide structured sports sessions to children in developing countries.
Work in Bangladesh, Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United States, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
The FEMTO TRUST Charity number 1175458 |
30/10/2017 |
Donations to small educational and medical activities in the third world particularly Africa
Makes grants Work in Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
GLOBAL AFRO-SURVIVAL AID Charity number 1181015 |
06/12/2018 |
Providing inclusion centre(S) (UK) for socially disconnected immigrants and those facing homelessness, financial hardships, unemployment, substance abuse/dependency etc., by offering tailor-made individualised support i.e. training and well-being support and advice, practical life-skills and socializing and community volunteering opportunities.Offer livelihoods support/grants to poor Africans
Makes grants Work in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000003 | |
KARIBA HEALTH ORGANISATION Charity number 1180202 |
05/10/2018 |
To advance the education of doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics and othermedical professionals in the field of medicine, including by the provision of formaltraining and by providing placement opportunities for individuals to continue theirlearning, development and education through practice and the exchange of skills andexperience.
Work in Angola, Botswana, Central African Republic, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
FIFTYFOUR TWO FOUNDATION (54:2 FOUNDATION) Charity number 1180441 |
26/10/2018 |
Fiftyfour Two Foundation's has a policy of making grants and/or providing or funding consultancy services that will help prevent or relieve poverty, advance the Christian faith and/or advance the effectiveness and efficiency of Charities.
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
MAISY FOUNDATION Charity number 1190746 |
06/08/2020 |
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000006 | |
HOPE for ZIMBABWE and AFRICA Charity number 1190901 |
18/08/2020 |
We help disadvantaged young people in Zimbabwe (and other African countries) with skills and resources that enable them to: successfully undertake and complete their education; generate viable livelihoods in their communities of residence; enhance their employability skills; build resilience against shocks; connect with international communities.
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
SIMARY's FOUNDATION Charity number 1191349 |
18/09/2020 |
Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
REACHING PEOPLE in NEED Charity number 1191351 |
18/09/2020 |
The charity has General Charitable Purposes, providing Education/training, the aim in Prevention Or Relief of Poverty
Makes grants Work in Tanzania, The Gambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mali
UK registered office: E12000005 | |
15/09/2020 |
Work in Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
ROODEL TRUST FOUNDATION Charity number 1191309 |
15/09/2020 |
General Charitable PurposesEducation/trainingThe Advancement of Health Or Saving of LivesDisabilityThe Prevention Or Relief of PovertyEconomic/community Development/employmentHuman Rights/religious Or Racial Harmony/equality Or DiversityOther Charitable Purposes
Work in Nigeria, Nepal, Malawi, Zambia, Niger, Zimbabwe, The Gambia, Mozambique and Ghana
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
ELSAPOW FOUNDATION Charity number 1191693 |
07/10/2020 |
Work in Zimbabwe and South Africa
UK registered office: E12000004 | |
12/10/2020 |
As detailed in charity objects
Work in Angola, Gabon, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
SAO FOUNDATION Charity number 1179682 |
28/08/2018 |
The objects of the charity are to advance in life and relieve the needs of underprivileged young people in the UK and Africa particularly but not exclusively, through the provision of financial and mentoring support as a means of: (a) advancing education; (B) relieving sickness; and (C) providing visual and performing arts activities
Makes grants Work in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Eswatini, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
INTERNATIONAL TANABA (ITANABA) Charity number 1191978 |
26/10/2020 |
We work mainly in Sub-Sahara Africa focusing on poverty relief and prevention, promotion of religious and racial harmony and the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment. We work mainly in partnership with local NGOs and our activities include grant funding, education and training programmes
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Eswatini, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
26/10/2020 |
BCBM Foundation aims to facilitate and coordinate the provision of laptops to identified impoverished/ disadvantaged urban and rural primary schools in Namibia and Zimbabwe, primary learners aged between 5 years to 12 years, in order for learners to be able to access the E- Learning curriculum at primary level, providing portable solar system and internet devices as a package.
Work in Namibia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000003 | |
EMPOWERING CHILDREN with EDUCATION Charity number 1192125 |
02/11/2020 |
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
VOODOO PARK TRUST Charity number 1192168 |
05/11/2020 |
The relief of need of women who are socially or economically disadvantaged by the provision of grants and funding to increase and improve participation in education, training and business entrepreneurship.
Makes grants Work in Guatemala, Malawi, Nepal, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000002 | |
MY BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL UK Charity number 1192169 |
05/11/2020 |
Work in Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, British Virgin Islands, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of the Congo, French Polynesia, Haiti, India, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Ghana, Madagascar, Nigeria, Peru, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Niger, Togo and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
Public Health Pathways Charity number 1192557 |
27/11/2020 |
To advance public health education we:A. Provide practical support; training in design thinking, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.B. Promote local capacity; supporting NGOs in low to middle-income countries.C. Produce verified information; to inform health decision making.We connect and drive innovation at a local and global level to reach underrepresented and unreached communities.
Work in United States, India, Italy, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Australia, Canada, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa, Bermuda, Brazil, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Uganda, Pakistan, Kenya, Israel, Jamaica, Austria, Zambia, Uruguay, Turkey, Eswatini, Argentina and St Vincent and Grenadines
UK registered office: E12000009 | |
The UGLIDUCK TRUST Charity number 1192643 |
04/12/2020 |
Makes grants Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
ISA FOUNDATION Charity number 1192672 |
07/12/2020 |
Makes grants Work in Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia
UK registered office: E12000005 | |
DLM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Charity number 1192678 |
07/12/2020 |
DLM Alumni Association is a charity with charitable purpose of providing the pupils of David Livingstone Secondary school in the benefice of Ntabazinduna with;1. Learning resources such as kindles, textbooks, stationery2. Clean and increased water supply to the school3. Provision of education grants to pupils from under privileged families
Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
BELPECH CHARITABLE TRUST Charity number 1192765 |
14/12/2020 |
Grant making for charitable purposes in the UK and other countries for the relief of those in need; for the prevention or relief of poverty; for the relief of sickness; and for the promotion of social inclusion.
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, Burundi, Ethiopia, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Jordan, Mozambique, Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi
UK registered office: E12000007 | |
EMILIANI TRUST Charity number 1192981 |
05/01/2021 |
Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000008 | |
JESUS REVELATION MINISTRIES Charity number 1193159 |
20/01/2021 |
A Church for the purpose of establishing and responding to the Great Sacrifice that Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ made for us and platform from where to assume our share of responsibility and the privilege of propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Work in Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000004 | |
JACOB's WELL APPEAL Charity number 1192373 |
17/11/2020 |
Jacob's Well Appeal works to help those in need by reason of ill-health or sickness, financial hardship or social disadvantage; to advance the Christian faith; to support the education of children and young people and to protect and preserve the environment. We have a world wide vision.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Syria, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Cameroon, Uganda, The Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Morocco, Somalia, Cabo Verde, Romania, Moldova, Albania, Poland, Bulgaria, Antigua and Barbuda, Senegal, Thailand, Nepal, Mozambique, Greece, Liberia, Ukraine, North Macedonia, Algeria and Timor-Leste
UK registered office: E12000003 |
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