

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (UK)

Charity number 1091043


Latest income £70,381,548

[Dec 2023]

The children's investment fund foundation is an independent philanthropic organisation, working with partners to transform the lives of poor and vulnerable children in developing countries. Using data and evidence for impact at scale, ciff's focus areas include children and mothers' health and nutrition, children's education and welfare, and smart ways to slowdown climate change.

Work in Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, India, Italy, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Ireland, South Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Zimbabwe, Austria, Peru, Norway, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Czechia and Canada

UK registered office: London

National Oceanography Centre

Charity number 1185265


Latest income £86,213,000

[Sep 2024]

NOC is a marine science research and technology institution which undertakes integrated sea level science, coastal and deep ocean research and technology development. NOC contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge of the ocean and support education and training of scientists, engineers and marine professionals and engaging the public with the science of the ocean and its implications.

Work in Madagascar, United States, Mauritius, India, Tanzania, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Thailand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Belize, South Africa, Malaysia, Norway, Falkland Islands, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, Vietnam, Vanuatu, Bangladesh, Austria, Argentina, Cabo Verde, Antigua and Barbuda, Canada, Cambodia, Dominica, Fiji, Germany, Grenada, Spain, China and Guyana

UK registered office: South East

The Health Foundation

Charity number 286967


Latest income £18,555,000

[Dec 2023]

The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK.

Work in Austria and United States

UK registered office: London

Church Communities UK

Charity number 229226


Latest income £28,831,365

[Mar 2024]

Advancing the Christian faith and particularly establishing church communities where members devote themselves to the service of Jesus Christ that includes work, worship, apostolic mission, education and family life. We welcome visitors and give charitable assistance in support of peace, justice, reconciliation, non-violence, community, education, and alleviation of poverty and suffering.

Work in Germany and Austria

UK registered office: South East

The British Computer Society

Charity number 292786


Latest income £23,551,000

[Aug 2023]

Professional Body and Learned Society to promote the study and practice of Computing and to advance knowledge and education therein worldwide for the benefit of the public.

Work in Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Zambia, United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Spain, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Qatar, Poland, Oman, Norway, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nepal, Mauritius, Malta, Taiwan, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France and Germany

UK registered office: South West

The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Charity number 1081009


Latest income £19,003,000

[Dec 2023]

(a) Providing relief and assistance to past and present members of the Royal Air Force and their dependants who are in need as a result of poverty, disability, sickness, infirmity or otherwise.(b) enhancing the morale and well being of serving members of the Royal Air Force(c)Maintaining the RAF war memorial on the Victoria embankment, London.

Work in Slovakia, Monaco, Austria, Singapore, South Africa, Guyana, France, Philippines, Germany, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Mexico, Hungary, Malta, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Ireland, Jamaica, Israel, India, Cyprus, Chile, Canada, Poland, Belgium, United States, Australia, Argentina, Turkey, Thailand and Spain

UK registered office: London

Aquaculture Stewardship Council

Charity number 1150418


Latest income £13,579,801

[Dec 2023]

The charity is set up to conserve the marine and freshwater environments for the benefit of the public and to advance public education in the principles and practice of conservation.

Work in United States, China, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Switzerland, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Chile, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, France, Germany, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, Norway, Portugal, Ireland and South Korea

UK registered office: London

The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities

Charity number 282303


Latest income £14,783,588

[Dec 2023]

The World Federation of KSIMC provides these activities through its Regional Federations and partners based internationally In America, Europe, Africa, Pakistan, India and Australia.

Work in Trinidad and Tobago, New Zealand, Nepal, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Denmark, Canada, Kenya, Lebanon, Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, United States, Iraq, Austria and Bangladesh

UK registered office: London

British Safety Council

Charity number 1097271


Latest income £10,326,000

[Dec 2023]

1. To be an International authority on health, safety and sustainability. 2. To influence thehealth, safety and sustainability agendas. 3. To enhance the performance of organisationsthrough education, training, auditing and recognition. 4. To help more individuals improve their capability through the attainment of recognised qualifications.

Work in Tunisia, Barbados, Bangladesh, Austria, Zambia, Turkey, Brazil, Switzerland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Ireland, Qatar, Pakistan, Oman, Nigeria, Malta, Kuwait, Kenya, Jamaica, Italy, Indonesia, India, Iceland, Greece, Ghana, France, Egypt, Denmark, Cyprus, China and United Arab Emirates

UK registered office: London

Environmental Defense Fund UK

Charity number 1164661


Latest income £9,302,994

[Sep 2023]

Environmental Defense Fund Europe seeks - the advancement of the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment- the advancement of the education of the public with particular reference to the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment- promotion of sustainable development

Work in Spain, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Norway, Poland, Italy and Netherlands

UK registered office: London

The Cochrane Collaboration

Charity number 1045921


Latest income £9,743,000

[Dec 2023]

Cochrane is a global independent not-for-profit organisation of more than 79,000 members and supporters from over 130 countries. Our mission is to promote evidence-informed health decision-making by producing high-quality, relevant, accessible systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence.

Work in Indonesia, Malaysia, Uruguay, Iran, Dominican Republic, Czechia, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan

UK registered office: London

Philharmonia Ltd

Charity number 250277


Latest income £8,804,771

[Aug 2023]

The charitable objectives are the advancement of public education through the promotion and support of the art of music, particularly by the promotion and encouragement of orchestral music and the relief of povertyand distress amongst playing members of any symphony orchestra for the time being maintained by the Charity. We achieve this by maintaining a symphony orchestra of the highest quality.

Work in Romania, Netherlands, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and United States

UK registered office: London

The Company of Biologists Limited

Charity number 277992


Latest income £7,810,850

[Dec 2023]

To promote research and study across all branches of biology through the publication of journals: Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open. To provide free access to journal content in the developing world and to fund workshops, grants and travelling fellowships to support the scientific community.

Work in Denmark, Egypt, Hungary, Bahamas, China, Costa Rica, Aruba, Hong Kong, Armenia, Russia, Madagascar, Malta, Nigeria, Czechia, France, Australia, Uruguay, United States, Ukraine, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Singapore, Romania, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Israel, India, Austria, Greece, Ghana, Argentina, Germany, Finland, Chile, Canada and Belgium

UK registered office: East of England

Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe

Charity number 1083262


Latest income £205,256

[Dec 2023]

The Foundation is established to advance any charitable purpose and to benefit any charity as the trustees in their discretion think fit, primarily by the provision of grants and loans for such charitable purposes which are for the benefit of the Jewish community either in Israel or elsewhere in the world.

Work in Czechia, France, Belgium, Georgia, United States, Ukraine, Turkey, Sweden, Spain, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Lithuania, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Finland, Romania and Slovenia

UK registered office: London

The James Dyson Foundation

Charity number 1099709


Latest income £8,149,070

[Dec 2023]

1. To advance education and training, particularly in the fields of design and technology;2. To advance scientific or medical research; and3. To support charitable and educational projects in the region in which the James Dyson Foundation operates.

Work in Taiwan, Australia, China, Philippines, India, Portugal, Italy, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Netherlands, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, France, Austria, Canada, Belgium, United States, Spain and Ireland

UK registered office: South West

Butterfly Conservation

Charity number 254937


Latest income £6,616,000

[Mar 2024]

The conservation of butterflies, moths and our environment

Work in Hungary, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Serbia

UK registered office: South West


Charity number 1143536


Latest income £6,642,426

[Dec 2023]

ECFR is the first pan-European think-tank, its objective is to conduct research and promote informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent and effective European values-based foreign policy. It has no connection to the institutions of the EU and has developed a three pronged strategy.*A pan-European Council. *A physical presence in EU member states. *A distinctive R&D process.

Work in Turkey, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United States and Serbia

UK registered office: London

The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art

Charity number 313838


Latest income £7,249,479

[Jun 2023]

The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art was established for charitable purposes to advance the education in, & appreciation & understanding of British art history & architecture, in the UK & elsewhere by engaging in & promoting research, publishing books & journals, holding academic events & education programmes, providing library & archive resources, & awarding grants & fellowships.

Work in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Ireland, Singapore, United States, Japan, Croatia, Greece, Pakistan, Philippines, Hong Kong and Mexico

UK registered office: London

Duchesne Trust

Charity number 288467


Latest income £6,629,153

[Dec 2023]

Promoting charitable works and objects for the time being carried on or supported by the Society of the Sacred Heart Charitable Trust.

Work in Hungary, Germany, Australia, Malta, Belgium, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Ireland, South Korea, Morocco, Taiwan, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, Poland, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Kenya, Egypt, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, India, Austria, Peru, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Philippines, Uruguay, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Chile, United States, Uganda and Colombia

UK registered office: London

The Society of Dyers and Colourists

Charity number 212331


Latest income £6,476,457

[Dec 2023]

Promote the advancement of technology both in the theory and in the practice of the creation and use of colour and colouring matter. Full details are available in the Objects contained in the SDC Royal Charter available via our website at

Work in Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Hong Kong, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria and China

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Global Canopy

Charity number 1089110


Latest income £7,053,017

[Mar 2024]

Global Canopy is an innovative environmental organisation that targets the market forces destroying tropical forests. Since 2001, we have been testing new approaches to tackling deforestation, and guiding companies, investors and governments worldwide to think differently about our planet's forests.

Work in Brazil, Switzerland, Peru, Indonesia, Germany, Austria, Italy, China, Sweden, Paraguay, France, Colombia and South Africa

UK registered office: South East

The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

Charity number 1140274


Latest income £6,016,865

[Mar 2024]

To advance education in the field of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. To promote for public benefit research into Thoracic Physiology, Pathology and Therapy and to correlate and disseminate the useful results thereof

Work in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Czechia, Italy, Belgium, France and Austria

UK registered office: South East

The Mainstay Foundation

Charity number 1166017


Latest income £5,385,873

[Mar 2024]

The Mainstay Foundation primarily awards grants to organisations to assist them in their activities in line with the objectives of the charity. The objective of the charity is to assist the advancement of Shia Muslim communities globally in the areas of Religion, Education and Development. The Mainstay Foundation also establish some initiatives, such as events, in line with its objectives.

Work in Italy, Germany, Austria, Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda, Madagascar, Netherlands, Kenya, United States, Tanzania, Sweden, Iraq, India and Denmark

UK registered office: London

Global Dialogue

Charity number 1122052


Latest income £6,084,317

[Apr 2024]

Global Dialogue is a UK based charity established for the promotion of human rights in the UK and other countries.

Work in Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Poland, United States, France, Kenya, Czechia, Germany, Fiji, Thailand, Austria and India

UK registered office: London

Congregation of Notre Dame De Sion Limited

Charity number 1178995


Latest income £844,718

[Dec 2023]

To advance the Christian religion through the social and charitable work carried on by the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion in England and throughout the world in accordance with the mission and charism of its founder Father Theodore Ratisbonne and to provide for the members of the Congregation during their lives.

Work in El Salvador, Turkey, Tunisia, Romania, Ireland, Poland, Philippines, Nicaragua, Italy, Israel, Germany, France, Egypt, Costa Rica, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Austria and Australia

UK registered office: London

Kabbalah Centre

Charity number 1079796


Latest income £4,801,721

[Dec 2023]

The Charity's aim is to make the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah available to people of all backgrounds, regardless of denomination or means. It achieves this by Kabbalistic education and charitable programmes.

Work in South Africa, Russia, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Côte d'Ivoire, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Greece, Ghana, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, United States, Poland, Norway, Ukraine, Nigeria, New Zealand, Turkey, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Cameroon, Benin, Belgium, Czechia, Croatia, Argentina and Australia

UK registered office: London

The Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras Limited

Charity number 272279


Latest income £3,937,217

[Dec 2023]

The Charity is the collective name of the Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists and Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique - leading forces on the UK and international music scene. World-class musicians perform in ground-breaking projects that span eight centuries of musical masterpieces. Alongside our projects and concerts, we run opportunities for professional development and education.

Work in Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United States, France, Czechia, Belgium and Austria

UK registered office: London

Four Paws

Charity number 1118102


Latest income £4,417,423

[Dec 2023]

The charity carries out action to relieve the suffering of animals in need of care, particularly in the areas of animal husbandry, protection of species and their environments, and abolishment of animal testing using peaceful and legal channels. We also work to promote humane behaviour towards animals through education and by providing appropriate care and protection for vulnerable animals.

Work in Hungary, Bulgaria, Belgium, Australia, Austria, Vietnam, United States, Switzerland, South Africa, Romania, Netherlands, Germany, Thailand and Cambodia

UK registered office: London

Transparency International UK

Charity number 1112842


Latest income £3,009,453

[Mar 2024]

The relief of poverty, suffering and distress in any part of the world caused directly or indirectly by corruption.The promotion for the public benefit of ethical standards of conduct and compliance with the law by governmental, industrial, commercial, voluntary sector and professional organisations in international and domestic business transactions and overseas development initiatives.

Work in Ukraine, Germany, Jordan, Austria, Kenya, Belgium, Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Uganda, United States, Nigeria, France, Sweden, Canada, Lithuania, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Armenia, Cameroon, Colombia, Estonia and Mali

UK registered office: London

Sea Life Trust Limited

Charity number 1175859


Latest income £4,110,740

[Dec 2023]

The SEA LIFE TRUST develops, delivers and supports projects and campaigns and operates marine wildlife sanctuaries to help make a measurable difference to the protection of marine and freshwater wildlife and habitats across the world. Our main focus areas are: campaigning for freshwater & marine protection, reducing plastic pollution & overfishing in our seas and marine rescue & rehabilitation.

Work in Iceland, Australia, United States, Thailand, Sweden, Spain, South Korea, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Peru, New Zealand, Netherlands, Malta, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Czechia, Cyprus, China, Bulgaria, Belgium and Austria

UK registered office: London