

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Wellcome Trust

Charity number 210183


Latest income £541,832,807

[Sep 2023]

Wellcome exists to improve health by helping great ideas to thrive.We support researchers, we take on big health challenges, we campaign for better science, and we help everyone get involved with science and health research. We are a politically and financially independent foundation.

Work in Germany, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Australia, Bangladesh, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Cyprus, Nigeria, Zambia, United States, Costa Rica, Uganda, China, Colombia, Denmark, Tanzania, Switzerland, France, Sri Lanka, Spain, Norway, Peru, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea and South Africa

UK registered office: London

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (UK)

Charity number 1091043


Latest income £70,381,548

[Dec 2023]

The children's investment fund foundation is an independent philanthropic organisation, working with partners to transform the lives of poor and vulnerable children in developing countries. Using data and evidence for impact at scale, ciff's focus areas include children and mothers' health and nutrition, children's education and welfare, and smart ways to slowdown climate change.

Work in Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, India, Italy, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Ireland, South Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Zimbabwe, Austria, Peru, Norway, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Czechia and Canada

UK registered office: London


Charity number 1081247


Latest income £94,036,000

[Jun 2023]

WWF-UK's mission is to prevent and reverse the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and reducing pollution and wasteful consumption.

Work in Zambia, Italy, Malaysia, Australia, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Estonia, Fiji, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Ireland, Russia, Rwanda, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, United States and Vietnam

UK registered office: South East

Medecins Sans Frontieres (UK)

Charity number 1026588


Latest income £85,261,392

[Dec 2023]

To relieve and promote the relief of sickness and to provide medical aid to the injured and to protect and preserve good health by the provision of medical supplies, personnel and procedures calculated to overcome disease, injury or malnutrition in any part of the world in accordance with the principles espoused by the International Council of Medecins Sans Frontieres in October 1990.

Work in Switzerland, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, India, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and South Sudan

UK registered office: London

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Charity number 211014


Latest income £66,414,000

[Dec 2023]

Education, policy & awareness activities engage the public in the role of science, engineering & technology in enhancing peoples' lives. IET gathers & distributes knowledge content via a variety of channels to a global audience, drawing on the unique strengths of its membership. Membership & professional development focuses on career long professional development & registration of individuals.

Work in Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czechia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, United States, United Arab Emirates, Trinidad and Tobago, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka and Singapore

UK registered office: London

Achisomoch Aid Company Limited

Charity number 278387


Latest income £71,525,289

[Mar 2024]

The charity is established to advance religion in accordance with the Orthodox Jewish Faith and for such purposes as are recognised by English Law as charitable and in furtherance of the aforementioned objects.

Work in Russia, South Africa, United States, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Lithuania and Monaco

UK registered office: London

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Charity number 1185618


Latest income £60,478,000

[Dec 2023]

The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology is an independent, not-for-profit research institute carrying out excellent environmental science with impact. Our 500 scientists work to understand the environment, how it sustains life, and the human impact on it. We provide the data and insights that governments, businesses and researchers need to create a productive, resilient and healthy environment.

Work in Malta, Kenya, Jordan, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Vietnam, Zambia, Ireland, Ghana, Egypt, Colombia, India, Canada, China, Australia, Falkland Islands, French Guyana, Belgium, Belize, Cambodia, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Switzerland, Sweden, Tanzania, South Africa, Thailand, Malawi, Uganda, Argentina, Ukraine, Sierra Leone, Senegal, St Helena, Peru, United States, Norway, Malaysia, Niger, Netherlands and Mexico

UK registered office: South East

Ako Foundation

Charity number 1151815


Latest income £117,443,000

[Dec 2023]

The Foundation's main activity is to make grants to UK charities and for charitable purposes elsewhere in the world. The priority areas for its grants are initiatives and projects which improve education, promote the arts and combat the climate emergency. The Foundation does not seek applications for grants and will not make grants in response to unsolicited applications received.

Work in Denmark, Norway, United States, Sri Lanka, Italy, Netherlands, Ethiopia, Liberia, India, Ukraine and Ghana

UK registered office: London

World Animal Protection

Charity number 1081849


Latest income £29,636,942

[Dec 2023]

We move the world to protect animals. We work globally with local partners, animal welfare organisations and businesses, and we influence decision makers internationally, nationally and locally. We have formal relationships with key international bodies including the Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Environment Programme, the Council of Europe and the World Organisation for Animal Health.

Work in Denmark, India, Italy, Kenya, Netherlands, China, United States, Vietnam, Canada, Belgium, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Brazil, Sweden, Australia and Thailand

UK registered office: London

The Bologna Center of the Johns Hopkins University Charitable Trust

Charity number 1003982


Latest income £32,210,069

[Apr 2024]

The advancement of education by the promotion in the United Kingdom of post graduate study courses offered by the Bologna Center.

Work in Italy

UK registered office: London

The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association - Forces Help

Charity number 210760


Latest income £34,120,000

[Dec 2023]

Relieving the need, suffering and distress of those serving or have served in the armed forces and their families and dependants through- welfare advice and support- health and social care/welfare services- housing-specialist services to meet unmet needs of armed forces community

Work in Brunei, Canada, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Nepal, Portugal, Ireland, Falkland Islands and Gibraltar

UK registered office: London

Marine Stewardship Council

Charity number 1066806


Latest income £33,080,000

[Mar 2024]

The MSC is a global non-profit organisation that recognises and rewards efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future. The MSC certification program contributes to the health of the oceans by rewarding sustainable fishing practices, influencing the choices people make when buying seafood, and working with partners to transform the seafood market to a sustainable basis.

Work in Iceland, Japan, Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United States, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Peru, South Korea, Indonesia, Belgium, Portugal, Norway and Hong Kong

UK registered office: London

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy

Charity number 231060


Latest income £28,181,000

[Dec 2023]

CIPFA aims to work in the public interest to promote high standards and deliver excellence in governance and financial management throughout the public services.

Work in Somalia, Tajikistan, China, Australia, Italy, Canada, Botswana, Bangladesh, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Ireland, Malta, Lesotho and Kazakhstan

UK registered office: London

Goldman Sachs Gives (UK)

Charity number 1123956


Latest income £19,687,731

[Jun 2023]

The charity is a grant making charity, providing grants to a wide range of charitable projects in the UK and abroad, funded principally by donations made by affiliate and subsidiary companies of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and by current and former senior employees of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc, and its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Work in Turkey, Hong Kong, United States, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Romania, Ireland, Lebanon, Italy, Israel, India, Ghana, Germany, France, Canada, Belgium and Australia

UK registered office: London

Fondation Chanel

Charity number 1195353


Latest income £100,519,004

[Dec 2023]

Fondation CHANEL aims for all women and adolescent girls to be free to shape their own destinies; it strives to achieve maximum impact by centring the needs of women with overlapping vulnerabilities. It pursues grant-making through the thematic pillars of: (i) safety; (ii) economic and social autonomy; and (iii) climate resilience by partnering with organisation in the UK and internationally.

Work in Mexico, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Madagascar, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Puerto Rico, Senegal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, United States and Vietnam

UK registered office: London

Birmingham Newman University

Charity number 1110346


Latest income £25,204,463

[Jul 2023]

Birmingham Newman University provides higher education courses at foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate degree level. It is a generalist university with a specialism in teacher training.

Work in Canada, United States, Italy, Germany and China

UK registered office: West Midlands

The British Computer Society

Charity number 292786


Latest income £23,551,000

[Aug 2023]

Professional Body and Learned Society to promote the study and practice of Computing and to advance knowledge and education therein worldwide for the benefit of the public.

Work in Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Zambia, United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Spain, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Qatar, Poland, Oman, Norway, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nepal, Mauritius, Malta, Taiwan, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France and Germany

UK registered office: South West

Poor Servants of the Mother of God

Charity number 227931


Latest income £20,849,678

[Mar 2024]

Social & Pastoral work.Operation of: Care Homes, Childrens' services, Schools and Retreat Centres.Religious Worship and Prayer.Overseas outreach & missions.

Work in Venezuela, Kenya and Italy

UK registered office: London

The Tudor Trust

Charity number 1105580


Latest income £5,951,000

[Mar 2024]

The Tudor Trust is an independent grant-making charitable trust. We fund projects across the UK, aiming to support work which addresses the social, emotional and financial needs of people at the margins of Society. We do not focus on specific themes or programmes.

Work in Malawi, Italy, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and United States

UK registered office: London

Vodafone Foundation

Charity number 1193984


Latest income £22,035,212

[Mar 2024]

Vodafone Foundation is at the centre of a network of 24 global & local social investment programmes. Through this unique network, we are able to think & act locally & respond to the needs of the communities in which Vodafone operates. Globally, we harness the power of mobile technology to deliver long-term sustainable programmes that drive transformational change & support disaster response.

Work in Mozambique, Lesotho, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Greece, Ghana, Germany, Egypt, Czechia, Albania, Portugal, Netherlands, Ireland, South Africa, Italy, India, Romania, Luxembourg, Tanzania and Kenya

UK registered office: London

The Landmark Trust

Charity number 243312


Latest income £24,624,000

[Dec 2023]

Acquires smaller historic buildings that are at risk and in some way significant. These are restored to the highest standards of conservation using traditional materials and skills whose survival is thus also supported. Anyone can stay in the restored buildings to learn about their significance in time and place, giving them a sustainable future. Public Open Days provide further public access.

Work in Italy and France

UK registered office: South East


Charity number 1079785


Latest income £16,502,142

[Jul 2023]

Awarding Body Services in Scotland, Awarding Organisation Services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and Network Partnerships in Europe and Worldwide. In addition it delivers Apprenticeship End Point Assessment services in England.

Work in Greece, Bahrain, Bangladesh, India, Italy, Botswana, United States, Kenya, Mauritius, Ghana and Nigeria

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Compassion in World Farming International

Charity number 1095050


Latest income £11,912,432

[Mar 2024]

Our activities include:- Strengthening EU legislation and enforcement on animal welfare.- Persuading food companies to sell higher welfare products across their entire product ranges.- Enabling consumers to make higher welfare food choices.- Persuading intergovernmental agencies to adopt higher welfare policies.- Supporting producers who champion higher welfare practices.

Work in China, Czechia, France, Italy, Ireland, South Africa, Ukraine, United States, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and Spain

UK registered office: South East

Birmingham Repertory Theatre Limited

Charity number 223660


Latest income £15,360,000

[Mar 2024]

Birmingham Repertory Theatre is a producing theatre based in Birmingham, UK.

Work in Croatia, Spain, South Korea, Poland, Netherlands, Japan, Italy and Germany

UK registered office: West Midlands

Vocational Training Charitable Trust

Charity number 295192


Latest income £12,863,495

[Jul 2024]

Vocational Training Charitable Trust, T/A VTCT Skills, is a market-leading specialist vocational and technical Awarding Organisation offering a comprehensive range of qualifications, assessments and services in 17 sectors, including Hairdressing, Beauty, Logistics and Early Years. Working closely with employers and training providers, our ranges are backed by industry and trusted around the world.

Work in Italy, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Ireland, St Lucia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, Ghana, India, United States, Lebanon, Malaysia, Namibia, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Latvia, Kenya, Japan, Indonesia, Greece, Ecuador, China, Canada, Botswana, Barbados, Bahrain, Antigua and Barbuda, Singapore, South Korea, Lithuania, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and Sweden

UK registered office: South East

Aquaculture Stewardship Council

Charity number 1150418


Latest income £13,579,801

[Dec 2023]

The charity is set up to conserve the marine and freshwater environments for the benefit of the public and to advance public education in the principles and practice of conservation.

Work in United States, China, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Switzerland, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Chile, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, France, Germany, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, Norway, Portugal, Ireland and South Korea

UK registered office: London

Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (Wiego) Limited

Charity number 1143510


Latest income £5,662,520

[Mar 2024]

WIEGO pursues its objects by helping to build networks of informal worker organizations; undertaking policy analysis, statistical research and data analysis on the informal economy; providing policy advice and convening policy dialogues on the informal economy; and documenting and disseminating good practice in support of the informal workforce especially women.

Work in Zimbabwe, Argentina, Chile, China, Italy, Liberia, Malaysia, Ireland, Senegal, Sweden, Kenya, Brazil, Malawi, Belgium, India, Spain, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Mexico, Uganda, Mauritius, Uruguay, Indonesia, United States, Switzerland, Ghana, France, Germany, Colombia and Canada

UK registered office: North West

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Limited

Charity number 244533


Latest income £11,948,199

[Mar 2024]

To promote, maintain and advance education, particularly musical education and to encourage the arts of music, drama, mime, dancing and singing. Maintaining symphonic orchestras and promoting, organising and participating in concerts, enriching people's lives through music of the highest quality, reaching the widest possible audience in the concert hall and the community.

Work in United States, Germany, Romania, Italy, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia

UK registered office: London

Hillsong Church London

Charity number 1120355


Latest income £10,082,491

[Dec 2023]

The principal objectives of hillsong church london, as set in our constitution, is the advancement of the christian religion by the pronouncement of the gospel of jesus christ.

Work in Italy

UK registered office: London

British Safety Council

Charity number 1097271


Latest income £10,326,000

[Dec 2023]

1. To be an International authority on health, safety and sustainability. 2. To influence thehealth, safety and sustainability agendas. 3. To enhance the performance of organisationsthrough education, training, auditing and recognition. 4. To help more individuals improve their capability through the attainment of recognised qualifications.

Work in Tunisia, Barbados, Bangladesh, Austria, Zambia, Turkey, Brazil, Switzerland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Ireland, Qatar, Pakistan, Oman, Nigeria, Malta, Kuwait, Kenya, Jamaica, Italy, Indonesia, India, Iceland, Greece, Ghana, France, Egypt, Denmark, Cyprus, China and United Arab Emirates

UK registered office: London