Found 475 UK NGOs working in Cameroon
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Cameroon.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
Wellcome Trust Charity number 210183 |
04/10/1962 |
Latest income £541,832,807 [Sep 2023] |
Wellcome exists to improve health by helping great ideas to thrive.We support researchers, we take on big health challenges, we campaign for better science, and we help everyone get involved with science and health research. We are a politically and financially independent foundation.
Work in Australia, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London |
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind Charity number 207544 |
22/09/1962 |
Latest income £337,945,000 [Dec 2023] |
Seventy five per cent of blindness in the world is either avoidable or treatable. Sightsavers works with partners in developing countries to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. Our work alleviates poverty among poor and marginalised communities and thus helps to realise the internationally accepted Millenium Development Goals.
Work in Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: South East |
Ubs Optimus Foundation UK Charity number 1153537 |
27/08/2013 |
Latest income £148,296,295 [Dec 2023] |
UBS OF UK is committed to the well-being of children in need around the world and supports initiatives to improve their education, protection and health.
Work in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Botswana, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Romania, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London |
International Rescue Committee, U.K Charity number 1065972 |
20/11/1997 |
Latest income £122,092,000 [Sep 2023] |
The International Rescue Committee UK is an independent British charity, established in 1997 as part of the International Rescue Committee network. The IRC provides emergency relief, protection of human rights, post-conflict reconstruction, resettlement assistance & advocacy to those uprooted or affected by violent conflict, oppression and natural disaster in countries around the world.
Work in Afghanistan, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Iraq, Côte d'Ivoire, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Burkina Faso, Mexico, Poland and Ukraine
UK registered office: London |
International Medical Corps (UK) Charity number 1093861 |
19/09/2002 |
Latest income £97,903,227 [Jun 2024] |
International Medical Corps UK works alongside its affiliate International Medical Corps, responding to humanitarian emergencies and communities afflicted by conflict, poverty and natural disaster in more than thirty countries around the world. It achieves this, through the provision of medical aid, health care training and health care programmes.
Work in Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Pakistan, Philippines, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Chad, India, Poland, Ukraine, Venezuela and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: |
WWF - UK Charity number 1081247 |
23/06/2000 |
Latest income £94,036,000 [Jun 2023] |
WWF-UK's mission is to prevent and reverse the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and reducing pollution and wasteful consumption.
Work in Australia, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Estonia, Fiji, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Ireland, Russia, Rwanda, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Italy and Zambia
UK registered office: South East |
The Gatsby Charitable Foundation Charity number 251988 |
05/04/1967 |
Latest income £61,248,000 [Apr 2024] |
Make charitable grants
Work in Israel, Tanzania, United States, Cameroon, Kenya, Netherlands and Switzerland
UK registered office: London |
Action Against Hunger UK Charity number 1047501 |
27/06/1995 |
Latest income £31,909,010 [Dec 2023] |
To provide increased resources to support projects that address acute malnutrition and respond to humanitarian crises.To increase the impact and quality of responses to acute malnutrition and food crises by improving accountability, coverage and sustainabilityTo influence donors' and practitioners' policies and programmes on the responses to , and prevention of, food crises and malnutrition
Work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Spain, Syria, Uganda, United States, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and South Sudan
UK registered office: London |
International Institute for Environment and Development Charity number 800066 |
28/04/1989 |
Latest income £26,310,000 [Mar 2024] |
An independent, non-profit research institute working in the field of sustainable development. Aims to provide expertise and leadership in researching and achieving sustainable development at local, national and global levels. In alliance with others we seek to help shape a future that ends global poverty and delivers and sustains efficient and equitable management of the world's natural resources
Work in Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, China, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London |
Penny Appeal Charity number 1128341 |
02/03/2009 |
Latest income £22,429,858 [Dec 2023] |
Penny Appeal provides poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, with dedicated programmes to help the poor and needy by building wells, caring for orphans, providing nutritious food, delivering emergency aid in response to crisis situations and providing healthcare. Penny Appeal also works in the UK to help homeless people and women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Work in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Greece, Myanmar, South Africa, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, United States and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber |
Shelterbox Trust Charity number 1096479 |
12/03/2003 |
Latest income £26,152,000 [Dec 2023] |
ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and vital supplies to support communities around the world overwhelmed by disaster and humanitarian crises.
Work in Cameroon, Mozambique, Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Yemen, Bangladesh, Chad, Lebanon, Malawi and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: South West |
Street Child Charity number 1128536 |
13/03/2009 |
Latest income £21,488,600 [Mar 2024] |
Relief of poverty & hardship among young people living on the street by provision of shelter, food, health, education, family reconciliation and other such charitable services; promote human rights of children; develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically disadvantaged communities
Work in Liberia, Nepal, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Cameroon, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Burundi, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: London |
Book Aid International Charity number 313869 |
04/07/1966 |
Latest income £22,561,637 [Dec 2023] |
Book Aid International is the UK's leading international book donation and library development charity. Book Aid International's vision is a world where everyone has access to the books that will enrich, improve and change their lives.
Work in Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Bhutan, The Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, St Vincent and Grenadines, Syria and Ukraine
UK registered office: London |
United Purpose Charity number 272465 |
15/12/1976 |
Latest income £15,019,901 [Dec 2022] |
United Purpose's activities can be broadly summarised as follows:Partnership and local capacity strengthening;Emergency prevention, preparedness and response; Health, including HIV/AIDS prevention and care; Rights and equity; Water and sanitation;Sustainable livelihoods, including food security and micro-enterprise.
Work in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, The Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria
UK registered office: Wales |
Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Charity number 1199568 |
06/07/2022 |
Latest income £99,749,573 [Aug 2023] |
The advancement of the Roman Catholic religion in the Diocese of Portsmouth through its parishes, schools and other works.
Work in Cameroon, Philippines and Kenya
UK registered office: South East |
Traffic International Charity number 1076722 |
23/07/1999 |
Latest income £12,066,382 [Jun 2023] |
TRAFFIC works to ensure that trade is not a threat to the conservation of nature. TRAFFIC actively monitors and investigates wildlife trade and advocates policy messages to diverse audiences worldwide. TRAFFIC International is the co-ordinating office of the TRAFFIC network with functions that include strategic direction, network operations, programme development and delivery, and communications
Work in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong and Taiwan
UK registered office: East of England |
Tusk Trust Limited Charity number 1186533 |
22/11/2019 |
Latest income £12,448,644 [Dec 2023] |
Tusk's mission is to amplify the impact of progressive conservation initiatives across africa. We partner with the most effective local organisations, investing in their in-depth knowledge and expertise, to protect endangered species, reduce human-wildlife conflict, find sustainable solutions to preserve critical habitats and combat the global demand for illegal wildlife products.
Work in Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Rwanda and Senegal
UK registered office: South West |
The Smile Train UK Charity number 1114748 |
19/06/2006 |
Latest income £11,135,480 [Jun 2023] |
-To relieve the suffering of children with cleft lips or palates or both;-To advance the education and training of the public, including doctors, nurses and medical support staff in all matters relating to cleft lip and palate surgery and treatment and the support of those with this condition.
Work in Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Jordan, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: South East |
Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines Charity number 1115606 |
28/07/2006 |
Latest income £9,620,053 [Mar 2024] |
GALVmed fosters ground breaking partnerships on a global scale between animal health industry and other organisations. Our aim is to promote the development of accessible and affordable animal vaccines and other animal health products for the poorest farmers in developing countries.
Work in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Benin, Botswana, Chad, The Gambia, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and South Sudan
UK registered office: |
Givewell UK Charity number 1196392 |
03/11/2021 |
Latest income £10,119,732 [Dec 2023] |
We promote charities that save and improve lives the most per dollar as identified by the U.S. organisation GiveWell. We raise funds on their behalf and make grants to further their life improving and life saving programs.
Work in Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: London |
The Bristol Clifton and West of England Zoological Society Limited Charity number 1104986 |
20/07/2004 |
Latest income £7,659,000 [Dec 2023] |
Operation of Bristol Zoo Project. Field conservation and research projects.
Work in Cameroon, Comoros, Madagascar, Philippines, South Africa, French Polynesia, Costa Rica, Equatorial Guinea, Portugal and Tanzania
UK registered office: South West |
Mercy Ships - U.K Ltd Charity number 1053055 |
21/02/1996 |
Latest income £9,761,220 [Dec 2023] |
Mercy Ships UK is part of a global charity that uses hospital ships to deliver free healthcare to people in some of the poorest countries in the world. Our volunteers work with host nations to improve healthcare systems by training local medical staff and renovating facilities to leave a lasting legacy. Since 1978, we've visited 56 countries, providing services worth more than £1.2 billion.
Work in Benin, Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Congo, Mozambique and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: East of England |
The Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad Charity number 209015 |
23/01/1963 |
Latest income £9,555,721 [Dec 2023] |
To prevent unnecessary suffering to animals and neglect of their bodily needs by all lawful means and, in particular, by:1. Providing treatment in hospitals and otherwise for sick and injured animals2. Encouraging and promoting education in the humane treatment of animals any relevant environmental issues3. Assisting in the enforcement of such laws as may from time to time be applicable
Work in Botswana, Ethiopia, Jordan, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Myanmar, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Ghana, India, Kenya, Liberia, Mongolia, Namibia, Pakistan, Peru, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa and Tanzania
UK registered office: London |
World Land Trust Charity number 1001291 |
14/12/1990 |
Latest income £10,232,000 [Dec 2023] |
To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural environment.To protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world and to conserve their biodiversity.To develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations.To raise awareness in the UK and elsewhere of the need for conservation.
Work in Argentina, Armenia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Venezuela, Vietnam, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa and Uganda
UK registered office: East of England |
Forest Peoples Programme Charity number 1082158 |
24/08/2000 |
Latest income £8,236,620 [Dec 2023] |
To support indigenous and tribal forest peoples to promote their collective and individual rights, secure their lands and manage thier natural resources to build their capacity to carry out actions for the long-term relief of poverty and to educate policy makers and civil society about their concerns and aspirations.
Work in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Guyana, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Malaysia, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Surinam, Thailand, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Antigua and Barbuda, Madagascar and Tuvalu
UK registered office: South West |
Muslim Charity Helping the Needy Charity number 1078488 |
07/12/1999 |
Latest income £7,156,218 [Oct 2023] |
Muslim Charity's mission has evolved effectively over the last few years. Muslim Charity continues to provide emergency relief during and after a disaster has struck, but also focuses on addressing underlying causes of poverty,such as health, education and economic development.Building Hospitals, Safe drinking water, Schools,Orphan sponsorship projects are the core target of Muslim Charity.
Work in Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Cameroon, Chad, The Gambia, Kenya and Tanzania
UK registered office: East Midlands |
Orbis Charitable Trust Charity number 1061352 |
17/03/1997 |
Latest income £6,479,101 [Dec 2023] |
Orbis Charitable Trust, known as Orbis UK is based in the UK and is an affiliate of Orbis International. Orbis International is a nonprofit global development organisation dedicated to saving sight and transforming lives. Our mission is to preserve and restore sight by strengthening the capacity of local institutions in their efforts to prevent and treat blindness.
Work in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
UK registered office: London |
The Born Free Foundation Charity number 1070906 |
07/08/1998 |
Latest income £6,106,000 [Mar 2024] |
Animal welfare and wildlife conservation and related education
Work in Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Australia, Cambodia, Central African Republic, France, Greece, Mali, Mozambique, Portugal and United States
UK registered office: South East |
International Learning Movement (Ilm) Charity number 1102513 |
05/03/2004 |
Latest income £6,007,525 [Mar 2024] |
a) Support education.b) Promote understanding and an awareness of HIV/AIDs.c) Relief in emergencies and medical camp.d) Promote understanding between global cultures and faith.e) Support financially to the poor families for their daughters marriage costs.f) Install hand pumps for clean water.g) Promote tolerance and social justice.
Work in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Malawi, Egypt, Afghanistan, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Eswatini, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, United States, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: London |
Environmental Justice Foundation Charitable Trust Charity number 1088128 |
20/08/2001 |
Latest income £5,602,588 [Dec 2023] |
EJF protects biodiversity and defends the most basic human rights to a secure environment. EJF trains and equips environmental defenders and works at the grassroots to investigate, expose and resolve threats to the natural world. Our high-level campaigns take local issues to influential decision makers who can change global environmental governance and protection for good.
Work in Germany, Ghana, Liberia, South Korea, Netherlands, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Belgium, France, Japan, Senegal, Brazil, Cameroon, Philippines and United States
UK registered office: |
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