Found 1,371 UK NGOs working in Israel
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Israel.
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
Islamic Relief Worldwide Charity number 328158 |
06/04/1989 |
Latest income £274,694,061 [Dec 2023] |
1. Responding to emergencies2. Caring for orphans and children in need3. Supporting education4. Providing access to health care and water5. Promoting sustainable livelihood6. Campaigning and advocacy on humanitrian issues
Work in Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, North Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Ireland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Kosovo and South Sudan
UK registered office: West Midlands |
Education Development Trust Charity number 270901 |
20/02/1976 |
Latest income £91,177,000 [Aug 2023] |
The Charity seeks to advance education for the public benefit. To this end, we provide advice and consultancy services on education matters to governments and others, we teach, we provide counselling and guidance to young people and adults, we undertake or commission educational research and we provide training and support for educators.
Work in Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Egypt, India, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Rwanda, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, Algeria, Central African Republic, France, Ghana, Israel, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malawi, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Philippines, Senegal, Seychelles, St Kitts-Nevis, Syria, Tunisia, Uganda, Greenland, South Sudan and United Arab Emirates
UK registered office: South East |
Breakthrough Foundation Charity number 1162536 |
06/07/2015 |
Latest income £85,418,138 [Dec 2023] |
The provision of grants to the US charities, Breakthrough Prize Foundation and Breakthrough Prize in Life Science Foundation, having primarily scientific and educational objects, in the USA, UK and Israel.
Work in Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
Christian Aid Charity number 1105851 |
13/09/2004 |
Latest income £83,300,000 [Mar 2024] |
We work with the worlds poorest people to tackle the causes and consequences of poverty. Our work is centred around our strategic change objectives: Power to change institutions; The right to essential services; Fair shares in a constrained world; Equality for all; Tackling violence, building peace. We work with others as part of a global movement committed to ending poverty and social injustice.
Work in Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraq, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Ireland, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda, Serbia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: London |
The Gatsby Charitable Foundation Charity number 251988 |
05/04/1967 |
Latest income £61,248,000 [Apr 2024] |
Make charitable grants
Work in Israel, Tanzania, United States, Cameroon, Kenya, Netherlands and Switzerland
UK registered office: London |
Charities Trust Charity number 327489 |
02/07/1987 |
Latest income £80,089,500 [Apr 2023] |
Charities Trust works with organisations, individuals and other charities to increase charitable giving with particular emphasis on tax effective donations. It does this by providing donation management services including payroll giving, online and offline sponsorship facilities and processing of donations for charity appeals.
Work in France, Germany, India, Israel, Ireland, Singapore, United States, Canada, China, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Gibraltar, Hong Kong and Taiwan
UK registered office: North West |
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Charity number 211014 |
06/02/1964 |
Latest income £66,414,000 [Dec 2023] |
Education, policy & awareness activities engage the public in the role of science, engineering & technology in enhancing peoples' lives. IET gathers & distributes knowledge content via a variety of channels to a global audience, drawing on the unique strengths of its membership. Membership & professional development focuses on career long professional development & registration of individuals.
Work in Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czechia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United States, Gibraltar, Hong Kong and Taiwan
UK registered office: London |
Achisomoch Aid Company Limited Charity number 278387 |
05/09/1979 |
Latest income £71,525,289 [Mar 2024] |
The charity is established to advance religion in accordance with the Orthodox Jewish Faith and for such purposes as are recognised by English Law as charitable and in furtherance of the aforementioned objects.
Work in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Monaco, Russia, South Africa and United States
UK registered office: London |
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development Charity number 1160384 |
09/02/2015 |
Latest income £47,930,000 [Mar 2024] |
CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England & Wales. We:- work with communities in the global South to overcome poverty - protect lives & relieve suffering during emergencies- raise awareness of the causes of poverty to inspire a commitment to lasting change- challenge those with power to adopt policies and behaviour that promote justice & end poverty
Work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Eswatini, Syria, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, South Sudan, Indonesia, Yemen, Venezuela, Ukraine, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Somalia and Turkey
UK registered office: London |
Ivcc Charity number 1128437 |
05/03/2009 |
Latest income £33,436,000 [Jul 2023] |
The IVCC is a Product Development Partnership (PDP) established as a not for profit company and registered charity to overcome the barriers to innovation in the development of new insecticides for public health vector control and to develop information systems and tools which will enable new and existing pesticides to be used more effectively.
Work in Burkina Faso, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, United States, Australia, Benin, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Ghana, Greece, Israel, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mexico, Mozambique, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Rwanda, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: North West |
Goldman Sachs Gives (UK) Charity number 1123956 |
06/05/2008 |
Latest income £19,687,731 [Jun 2023] |
The charity is a grant making charity, providing grants to a wide range of charitable projects in the UK and abroad, funded principally by donations made by affiliate and subsidiary companies of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and by current and former senior employees of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc, and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
Work in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Ireland, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United States and Hong Kong
UK registered office: London |
The Pears Family Charitable Foundation Charity number 1009195 |
04/03/1992 |
Latest income £22,529,771 [Mar 2024] |
Pears Foundation aims to benefit society by promoting understanding of key issues through research and educational programmes; driving engagement in social progress across the UK, particularly in young people and supporting organisations focused on wellbeing for everyone.
Work in Israel, United States, Germany and Ghana
UK registered office: London |
The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Charity number 1081009 |
02/06/2000 |
Latest income £19,003,000 [Dec 2023] |
(a) Providing relief and assistance to past and present members of the Royal Air Force and their dependants who are in need as a result of poverty, disability, sickness, infirmity or otherwise.(b) enhancing the morale and well being of serving members of the Royal Air Force(c)Maintaining the RAF war memorial on the Victoria embankment, London.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, France, Germany, Guyana, Hungary, India, Israel, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, Austria, Monaco and Slovakia
UK registered office: London |
Penny Appeal Charity number 1128341 |
02/03/2009 |
Latest income £22,429,858 [Dec 2023] |
Penny Appeal provides poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, with dedicated programmes to help the poor and needy by building wells, caring for orphans, providing nutritious food, delivering emergency aid in response to crisis situations and providing healthcare. Penny Appeal also works in the UK to help homeless people and women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Work in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Greece, Myanmar, South Africa, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, United States and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber |
Society of Friends of the Torah Limited Charity number 1140838 |
21/03/2011 |
Latest income £20,845,155 [Dec 2017] |
The principal activity of the Society is the operation of a voucher system whereby the donorgifts to the Society amounts under the Gift Aid Scheme. The Society is able to recover the taxupon the gift thereby increasing the amount available for distribution to the recipient charity.
Work in Israel
UK registered office: East of England |
JNF Charitable Trust Charity number 225910 |
20/06/1963 |
Latest income £19,347,000 [Dec 2023] |
JNF UK is an organisation raising funds for environmental and humanitarian causes in Israel.
Work in Israel
UK registered office: |
United Talmudical Associates Ltd Charity number 291834 |
18/03/1987 |
Latest income £18,745,426 [Mar 2024] |
The Charity is established to advance religion in accordance with the Orthodox Jewish Faith and for such other purposes as are recognised by English Law as charitable and in furtherance of the aforementioned objects. To this end, the Charity maintains a voucher system to encourage and facilitate charitable support.
Work in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, France, Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
Amud Hatzdokoh Trust Charity number 1122777 |
13/02/2008 |
Latest income £16,527,633 [Feb 2024] |
The objectives of Amud Hatzdokoh are i) The advancement of the Orthodox Jewish faith and religious education ii) The relief of poverty sickness and infirmity amongst members of the Jewish faith, and iii) Other charitable purposes.
Work in Belgium, Canada, Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Charity number 1127633 |
20/01/2009 |
Latest income £12,961,000 [Dec 2023] |
Sustaining our church and faith; Supporting Quaker meetings; Promoting Quakerism; Witness through Action.
Work in Belgium, Burundi, Israel, Kenya, Ireland, Switzerland and Uganda
UK registered office: London |
Magen David Adom UK Charity number 1113409 |
23/03/2006 |
Latest income £16,964,884 [Dec 2023] |
To support Magen David Adom, Israel's only ambulance and medical emergency service. Magen David Adom is a non-Governmental, not for profit organisation that depends on support from donors around the world. Magen David Adom also works internationally to share its expertise around the world. Magen David Adom is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Work in Israel
UK registered office: London |
Keren Association Limited Charity number 313119 |
15/02/1962 |
Latest income £3,530,634 [Mar 2024] |
To further those purposes both in the United Kingdom and abroad recognised as charitable by English Law.
Work in Belgium, Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
Lehachzikom Charity number 1176141 |
06/12/2017 |
Latest income £14,054,512 [Dec 2023] |
The advancement of the orthodox jewish faith, the relief of poverty and the relief of sickness, poor health and old age in particular but not limited to people living in israel.
Work in Israel
UK registered office: London |
The Raphael Freshwater Memorial Association Charity number 313890 |
12/03/1962 |
Latest income £10,614,000 [Mar 2024] |
The charity promotes religious education and observance within the tenets of Orthodox Judaism and is involved in the relief of poverty. The charity makes grants to organisations and institutions which operate in the charitable fields mentioned above.
Work in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, France, Israel, Switzerland and United States
UK registered office: London |
Reuben Foundation Charity number 1094130 |
10/10/2002 |
Latest income £4,974,723 [Dec 2023] |
Grant making for the benefit of institutions and individuals
Work in Canada, Greece, Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
Shlomo Memorial Fund Limited Charity number 278973 |
28/04/1980 |
Latest income £8,938,300 [Sep 2023] |
The company receives income from its investment properties, cash deposits and subsidiary undertakings which it utilises in the provision and distribution of grants and donations for charitable purposes.
Work in Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
Chevras Mo'Oz Ladol Charity number 295818 |
04/12/1986 |
Latest income £9,852,215 [Mar 2024] |
Advancement of Orthodox Jewish faith, religious education and relief of poverty.
Work in Israel, Belgium and France
UK registered office: London |
The Bloom Foundation Charity number 1166112 |
17/03/2016 |
Latest income £6,428,780 [Jun 2023] |
The Bloom Foundation is a UK-based family foundation that looks to find financially and operationally efficient andeffective ways to address social issues and help people help themselves. The trustees look to support measurable andevidence-based models that promote tolerance, equality, and collaboration with other stakeholders.
Work in Australia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Mozambique, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Haiti and United States
UK registered office: London |
The Company of Biologists Limited Charity number 277992 |
27/06/1979 |
Latest income £7,810,850 [Dec 2023] |
To promote research and study across all branches of biology through the publication of journals: Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open. To provide free access to journal content in the developing world and to fund workshops, grants and travelling fellowships to support the scientific community.
Work in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, Uruguay, Bahamas, China, Costa Rica, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Hungary, Madagascar, Malta, Nigeria, Russia, Hong Kong, Armenia and Aruba
UK registered office: East of England |
Asser Bishvil Foundation Charity number 1112477 |
09/12/2005 |
Latest income £7,997,108 [Apr 2024] |
To pursue the objects of the charity with all the resources available to the charity.The charity is a grant making charity in line with the objects of the charity.
Work in Belgium, Israel and United States
UK registered office: North West |
M and R Gross Charities Limited Charity number 251888 |
29/03/1967 |
Latest income £4,683,479 [Mar 2024] |
To foster, assist and promote the charitable activities of any institution professing and teaching the principles of traditional Judaism;To advance religion in accordance with the Jewish faith;To undertake,accept,execute and administer,without remuneration,any charitable trust andTo give philantrophic aid to the Jewish needy
Work in Israel and United States
UK registered office: London |
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