

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office

Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Islamic Relief Worldwide

Charity number 328158


Latest income £274,694,061

[Dec 2023]

1. Responding to emergencies2. Caring for orphans and children in need3. Supporting education4. Providing access to health care and water5. Promoting sustainable livelihood6. Campaigning and advocacy on humanitrian issues

Work in Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chad, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, North Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Ireland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Kosovo and South Sudan

UK registered office: West Midlands

Medecins Sans Frontieres (UK)

Charity number 1026588


Latest income £85,261,392

[Dec 2023]

To relieve and promote the relief of sickness and to provide medical aid to the injured and to protect and preserve good health by the provision of medical supplies, personnel and procedures calculated to overcome disease, injury or malnutrition in any part of the world in accordance with the principles espoused by the International Council of Medecins Sans Frontieres in October 1990.

Work in Switzerland, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, India, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe and South Sudan

UK registered office: London

Al-Khair Foundation

Charity number 1126808


Latest income £60,980,930

[Jul 2024]

The main objectives are to advance the education of young people and adults in the UK and implement charitable projects in key countries improving the quality of life and sustainability.

Work in Djibouti, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Turkey, Tanzania, Syria, South Africa, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Malaysia, Kenya, Jordan, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Yemen, Greece, Sudan, Chad, Australia and Togo

UK registered office: London

Amanat Charity Trust

Charity number 1000851


Latest income £69,430,752

[Nov 2023]

To provide relief to victims of natural disasters and man made disasters worldwide regardless of colour, race ,ethnicity and to facilitate rehabilitation back into communities by providing sustainable aid concentrating on education and welfare projects

Work in Sri Lanka, Germany, Morocco, Somalia, Libya, Mauritania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Spain, Mozambique, Malawi, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, The Gambia, India, Iraq, North Macedonia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Syria, Yemen and Occupied Palestinian Territories

UK registered office: North West

Catholic Agency for Overseas Development

Charity number 1160384


Latest income £47,930,000

[Mar 2024]

CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England & Wales. We:- work with communities in the global South to overcome poverty - protect lives & relieve suffering during emergencies- raise awareness of the causes of poverty to inspire a commitment to lasting change- challenge those with power to adopt policies and behaviour that promote justice & end poverty

Work in Mozambique, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Eswatini, Syria, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories, South Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Venezuela, Yemen and Indonesia

UK registered office: London

Care International UK

Charity number 292506


Latest income £48,968,000

[Jun 2024]

CARE International is a global Charity dedicated to ending poverty. We work in 87 of the poorest countries worldwide. We aim for long-term impact through our humanitarian and development work.

Work in Peru, Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Timor-Leste and Occupied Palestinian Territories

UK registered office: London

Relief International UK

Charity number 1098106


Latest income £53,686,874

[Dec 2023]

Relief International-UK (RI-UK) is a non-profit making, non-religious emergency relief, rehabilitation, and development organisation that provides timely and efficient services and material resources to assist victims of natural and man-made disasters worldwide.

Work in Iran, Jordan, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Yemen, Turkey, Sudan, Somalia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Lebanon, Uganda, Myanmar and Syria

UK registered office: London

Human Appeal

Charity number 1154288


Latest income £56,217,796

[Dec 2023]

Human Appeal changed its legal structure from a Trust to a Charitable Company (No:1154288). The historical information is available on Charity Commission under (previous Charity Number: 1005733) We aim to provide a holistic approach to humanitarian relief and development:1. Emergency & relief programmes2. Sustainable development3. Orphans programmes4. Social programmes.

Work in India, Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, Myanmar, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, Yemen and Occupied Palestinian Territories

UK registered office: North West

Fauna & Flora International

Charity number 1011102


Latest income £36,800,352

[Dec 2023]

Fauna & Flora's shared purpose is to protect the diversity of life on Earth, for the survival of the planet and its people. We work closely with local conservation partners around the world to save nature, together. We harness this collective expertise to inspire positive change globally.

Work in Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Belize, Cambodia, Cabo Verde, Ecuador, Georgia, Guinea, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Romania, Rwanda, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Anguilla, South Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Senegal, Maldives, Laos, Jamaica, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Congo, Ghana, Bahamas, Uzbekistan, Barbados and Dominica

UK registered office: East of England

Action for Humanity

Charity number 1154881


Latest income £42,736,770

[Dec 2023]

(1) relief of financial hardship among people throughout the world.(2) relief of sickness and the preservation of health among people throughout the world.(3) the advancement of education for the public benefit of people throughout the world.(4) such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of england and wales as the trustees may f

Work in Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Bangladesh and Yemen

UK registered office: North West

The Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply

Charity number 1017938


Latest income £34,206,000

[Oct 2023]

To educate individuals engaged in procurement and supply.To promote and maintain high standards of professional skill, ability and integrity among procurement and supply professionals.To promote and and develop procurement and supply techniques and encourage the use of improved methods in all organisations.

Work in Australia, China, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Ghana, United States and Turkey

UK registered office: East Midlands

BBC Media Action

Charity number 1076235


Latest income £32,025,000

[Mar 2024]

BBC Media Action uses media and communication to reduce poverty and promote human rights, thereby enabling people to build better lives. We work in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. We have three main thematic areas: health, governance and humanitarian, and two subsidiary areas: education/livelihoods and climate.

Work in Tunisia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Cambodia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Turkey, Ukraine, Zambia, North Macedonia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, China, South Sudan and Vietnam

UK registered office: London

Muslim Hands

Charity number 1105056


Latest income £35,127,526

[Dec 2023]

International relief organisation fundraising in the UK and distributing those funds to educational and humanitarian projects worldwide.

Work in Turkey, Jordan, Uganda, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Spain, South Africa, Somalia, Senegal, Rwanda, Pakistan, Nigeria, Niger, Mexico, Mauritania, Mali, Malawi, Libya, Lebanon, Indonesia, India, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Yemen, Occupied Palestinian Territories and Syria

UK registered office: East Midlands

Hand in Hand for Aid and Development

Charity number 1176805


Latest income £33,732,997

[Dec 2023]

Provide medical support complemented with water, hygiene and sanitation. Give the most vulnerable the means to support themselves and be independent. Support victims of war and improve their resilience Respond to emergencies by providing food, shelter & medical support.

Work in Syria and Turkey

UK registered office: West Midlands

One Ummah

Charity number 1168565


Latest income £30,195,330

[Mar 2024]

One Ummah Charity works to relieve poverty both locally here in the UK and Internationally. Our main work involves providing emergency aid in disaster stricken areas around the world. We also provide long term sustainable projects which benefit on going benefits to those in need.

Work in Lebanon, Niger, Turkey, Uganda, Yemen, Occupied Palestinian Territories, India, Jordan, Syria, Morocco, Tanzania, Mauritania, Malawi, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Kenya, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone

UK registered office: North East

Goldman Sachs Gives (UK)

Charity number 1123956


Latest income £19,687,731

[Jun 2023]

The charity is a grant making charity, providing grants to a wide range of charitable projects in the UK and abroad, funded principally by donations made by affiliate and subsidiary companies of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and by current and former senior employees of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc, and its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Work in Turkey, Hong Kong, United States, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Romania, Ireland, Lebanon, Italy, Israel, India, Ghana, Germany, France, Canada, Belgium and Australia

UK registered office: London

The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Charity number 1081009


Latest income £19,003,000

[Dec 2023]

(a) Providing relief and assistance to past and present members of the Royal Air Force and their dependants who are in need as a result of poverty, disability, sickness, infirmity or otherwise.(b) enhancing the morale and well being of serving members of the Royal Air Force(c)Maintaining the RAF war memorial on the Victoria embankment, London.

Work in Slovakia, Monaco, Austria, Singapore, South Africa, Guyana, France, Philippines, Germany, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Mexico, Hungary, Malta, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Ireland, Jamaica, Israel, India, Cyprus, Chile, Canada, Poland, Belgium, United States, Australia, Argentina, Turkey, Thailand and Spain

UK registered office: London

Penny Appeal

Charity number 1128341


Latest income £22,429,858

[Dec 2023]

Penny Appeal provides poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, with dedicated programmes to help the poor and needy by building wells, caring for orphans, providing nutritious food, delivering emergency aid in response to crisis situations and providing healthcare. Penny Appeal also works in the UK to help homeless people and women who have experienced domestic abuse.

Work in Niger, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Pakistan, Mauritania, Nigeria, Nepal, Yemen, Ethiopia, Turkey, Syria, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Somalia, The Gambia, Sierra Leone, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Senegal, India, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occupied Palestinian Territories, United States, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, South Africa, Myanmar, Greece, Central African Republic, Cameroon and Australia

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Shelterbox Trust

Charity number 1096479


Latest income £26,152,000

[Dec 2023]

ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and vital supplies to support communities around the world overwhelmed by disaster and humanitarian crises.

Work in Mozambique, Syria, Philippines, Somalia, Cameroon, Turkey, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Malawi, Lebanon, Chad, Bangladesh, Yemen, Ukraine, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso

UK registered office: South West

International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw)

Charity number 1024806


Latest income £17,884,875

[Jun 2024]

International fund for animal welfare (ifaw) rescues and protects animals around the world. We rescue individual animals, campaign to prevent animal cruelty and advocate for the protection of wildlife and habitats. Ifaw promotes animal welfare and conservation policies that advance the well-being of both animals and people.

Work in Barbados, Canada, China, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States and Zambia

UK registered office: London

One Nation

Charity number 1156200


Latest income £20,757,241

[Sep 2023]

One nation is an international non-profit humanitarian aid relief organisation dedicated to providing humanitarian services in crisis and non-crisis situations to most needy orphans, widows and destitute, irrespective of race, religion, culture, creed and geographical boundary.

Work in Uganda, Zambia, Mauritania, Libya, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Djibouti, Niger, Mozambique, Central African Republic, The Gambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Syria, Pakistan, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Indonesia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Yemen, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Turkey, Somalia, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iraq, Lebanon, Malawi and Myanmar

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Muslim Aid

Charity number 1176462


Latest income £21,172,539

[Dec 2023]

Whilst responding to emergencies is one of our major priorities, we also work on strategic programmes to eliminate poverty that focus upon:EducationSkills trainingProvision of clean waterHealthcareIncome generation projects

Work in Myanmar, Turkey, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, Lebanon, Kenya, Niger, Jordan, Indonesia, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bangladesh and Afghanistan

UK registered office: London

Vodafone Foundation

Charity number 1193984


Latest income £22,035,212

[Mar 2024]

Vodafone Foundation is at the centre of a network of 24 global & local social investment programmes. Through this unique network, we are able to think & act locally & respond to the needs of the communities in which Vodafone operates. Globally, we harness the power of mobile technology to deliver long-term sustainable programmes that drive transformational change & support disaster response.

Work in Mozambique, Lesotho, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Greece, Ghana, Germany, Egypt, Czechia, Albania, Portugal, Netherlands, Ireland, South Africa, Italy, India, Romania, Luxembourg, Tanzania and Kenya

UK registered office: London

Article 19

Charity number 327421


Latest income £17,445,732

[Dec 2023]

ARTICLE 19 monitors, researches, publishes, advocates, campaigns, sets standards and litigates on behalf of freedom of expression wherever it is threatened.

Work in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Russia, Senegal, Tunisia and Turkey

UK registered office: London

The Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief

Charity number 290767


Latest income £15,919,052

[Jun 2023]

World Jewish Relief is the UK Jewish community's international development and humanitarian agency. We tackle Jewish poverty and reach beyond our community. We create opportunities for those out of work to become self-reliant, we bring dignity to the elderly, assistance to refugees and we respond to international disasters.

Work in Ukraine, Belarus, Rwanda, Uganda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Philippines, Myanmar, Nepal, Haiti, Ethiopia, Colombia, Afghanistan and Kenya

UK registered office: London

Vocational Training Charitable Trust

Charity number 295192


Latest income £12,863,495

[Jul 2024]

Vocational Training Charitable Trust, T/A VTCT Skills, is a market-leading specialist vocational and technical Awarding Organisation offering a comprehensive range of qualifications, assessments and services in 17 sectors, including Hairdressing, Beauty, Logistics and Early Years. Working closely with employers and training providers, our ranges are backed by industry and trusted around the world.

Work in Italy, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Ireland, St Lucia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, Ghana, India, United States, Lebanon, Malaysia, Namibia, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Latvia, Kenya, Japan, Indonesia, Greece, Ecuador, China, Canada, Botswana, Barbados, Bahrain, Antigua and Barbuda, Singapore, South Korea, Lithuania, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and Sweden

UK registered office: South East

SKT Welfare

Charity number 1153735


Latest income £16,152,905

[Sep 2023]

To provide relief to victims of natural disasters and man made disasters in the uk and worldwide regardless of colour, race, ethnicity and to facilitate rehabilitation back into communities by providing sustainable aid concentrating on education, health and welfare projects.

Work in Turkey, Syria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Tanzania

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Council for at-Risk Academics

Charity number 207471


Latest income £12,464,333

[Dec 2023]

To assist academics who are subject to or at risk of discrimination, persecution, suffering or violence, to relieve needs among them and their dependants so that their abilities can continue to be used for the public benefit; to support academics and their institutions in countries where their work is at risk or compromised, to ensure that they can continue to fulfil their role as educators.

Work in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Jordan, Turkey, Malaysia and Hong Kong

UK registered office: London

The United Kingdom Islamic Mission

Charity number 250275


Latest income £18,065,829

[Mar 2024]

The charity's activities include raising funds for all disasters, human sufferings, human needs, for educational purposes and to provide centers for worship.

Work in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Indonesia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Pakistan and Nepal

UK registered office: North West

The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (Grand Fleet and Kindred Funds)

Charity number 206243


Latest income £9,292,616

[Mar 2024]

The RNBT gives help, in cases of need, to those who are serving or have served as ratings in the Royal Navy or as other ranks in the Royal Marines, and their dependants - The RNBT Family. We give financial support to individuals and provide care for older people.

Work in Hong Kong, Turkey, Greece, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, France, Malta, Ireland, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, United States and Zimbabwe

UK registered office: South East