

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office


Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Practical Action

Charity number 247257


Latest income £30,020,557

[Mar 2024]

Practical Action is a global innovator, inspiring people to discover and adopt ingenious, practical ways to free themselves from poverty and disadvantage

Work in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Senegal, Rwanda, Peru, Nepal, Mozambique, Malawi, India, Bolivia, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso

UK registered office: West Midlands

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

Charity number 1030884


Latest income £31,490,728

[Mar 2024]

WWT works to save wetlands for wildlife and for people by inspiring people to connect with and value wetlands and their wildlife, by demonstrating and promoting the importance and benefits of wetlands, by countering threats to wetlands and their wildlife, by creating and restoring wetlands and protecting key wetland sites and by savings threatened wetlands species.

Work in United States, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Kuwait, Madagascar, Russia, Seychelles, South Korea, Sri Lanka and United Arab Emirates

UK registered office: South West

Shell Foundation

Charity number 1080999


Latest income £23,024,310

[Dec 2023]

Shell Foundation mission is to apply business thinking to major social and environmental issues linked to the energy sector - and seek to relieve poverty and hardship and protect the environment, for the public benefit, through the promotion and development of business-based solutions and supportive market environments, to target large scale impact.

Work in Ghana, Nigeria, India, United States, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, Switzerland, Oman, Kenya, Jordan, Iraq, Haiti, Egypt, Colombia, China and Brazil

UK registered office: London

The Congregation of La Sainte Union Des Sacres Coeurs (Anglo-Hibernian Province)

Charity number 233872


Latest income £712,564

[Mar 2024]

EducationRelief of povertySocial and Pastoral careMissions and activities in the Developing World

Work in Ireland and Tanzania

UK registered office: London

Birdlife International

Charity number 1042125


Latest income £35,838,176

[Dec 2023]

BirdLife International is a Partnership acting for birds, for priority sites, for the environment and for people. Over ten million people support the BirdLife International Partnership of non-governmental conservation organisations (Partners) and local networks. The BirdLife International Partners work together on shared priorities, programmes, and policies to deliver real conservation results.

Work in Tanzania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Rwanda, Belgium, Cambodia, Ecuador, Fiji, Ghana, Japan, Jordan, Kenya and Singapore

UK registered office: East of England

Virunga Foundation

Charity number 1111806


Latest income £49,887,563

[Dec 2023]

A conservation and development organisation with minimal overheads, delivering timely and effective support to the Virunga National Park in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in the form of financial and management input.Campaigning worldwide for support for Virunga National Park to raise awareness of and educate people about the Park.

Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UK registered office: London

Absolute Return for Kids (Ark)

Charity number 1095322


Latest income £25,363,000

[Aug 2023]

Ark is an education charity that exists to make sure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to a great education and real choices in life. Ark incubates, launches and scales ventures that share our mission and values.

Work in Uganda, South Africa and India

UK registered office:

Concern Worldwide (UK)

Charity number 1092236


Latest income £24,875,863

[Dec 2023]

Concern Worldwide (UK) is an international humanitarian organisation specialising in tackling hunger in the world's poorest countries. Our mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major improvements in their lives. Working in partnership we help them bring about long-lasting change and realise their basic human rights; to food, health, education and ultimately a life of dignity.

Work in Rwanda, Uganda, Lebanon, Philippines, Pakistan, North Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Niger, Nepal, Mozambique, Bangladesh, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Malawi, Kenya, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Tanzania

UK registered office: London

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy

Charity number 231060


Latest income £28,181,000

[Dec 2023]

CIPFA aims to work in the public interest to promote high standards and deliver excellence in governance and financial management throughout the public services.

Work in United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Malta, Lesotho, Kazakhstan, Italy, Canada, Botswana, Bangladesh, Australia, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, Switzerland, Somalia, China and Tajikistan

UK registered office: London

One Ummah

Charity number 1168565


Latest income £30,195,330

[Mar 2024]

One Ummah Charity works to relieve poverty both locally here in the UK and Internationally. Our main work involves providing emergency aid in disaster stricken areas around the world. We also provide long term sustainable projects which benefit on going benefits to those in need.

Work in Turkey, Tanzania, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Niger, Myanmar, Morocco, Mauritania, Malawi, Lebanon, Kenya, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Yemen, India, Bangladesh, Uganda, Afghanistan, Syria and Sudan

UK registered office: North East

Goldman Sachs Gives (UK)

Charity number 1123956


Latest income £19,687,731

[Jun 2023]

The charity is a grant making charity, providing grants to a wide range of charitable projects in the UK and abroad, funded principally by donations made by affiliate and subsidiary companies of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and by current and former senior employees of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc, and its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Work in Germany, Italy, Lebanon, France, United States, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Romania, Turkey, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong, Ghana and India

UK registered office: London

The Elton John Aids Foundation

Charity number 1017336


Latest income £26,480,066

[Dec 2023]

The Foundation empowers people infected, affected and at risk of HIV/AIDS, to alleviate their physical, emotional and financial hardship, enabling them to improve their quality of life, live with dignity and exercise self determination. It funds broad ranges of services and operational research, focusing on the most disadvantaged and high risk groups both in the UK and around the world.

Work in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Myanmar, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine and Zambia

UK registered office: London

International Institute for Environment and Development

Charity number 800066


Latest income £26,310,000

[Mar 2024]

An independent, non-profit research institute working in the field of sustainable development. Aims to provide expertise and leadership in researching and achieving sustainable development at local, national and global levels. In alliance with others we seek to help shape a future that ends global poverty and delivers and sustains efficient and equitable management of the world's natural resources

Work in Benin, Australia, Argentina, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, South Africa, Sweden, Senegal, Rwanda, Philippines, Peru, Pakistan, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nepal, Namibia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mexico, Mali, Malawi, Kenya, Indonesia, India, Ghana, France, Finland, Ethiopia, Denmark, China, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Bolivia and Bhutan

UK registered office: London

This Day Foundation

Charity number 1195423


Latest income £16,294,841

[Mar 2024]

Makes grants to organisations and individuals in the UK and over seas, in line with its grant making policy

Work in South Africa

UK registered office: London

The National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales

Charity number 313392


Latest income £21,793,000

[Mar 2024]

The Foundation conducts research in all or any matters affecting education,widely disseminates the results of and related services educational research and collects and exchanges educational ideas, especially related to research.

Work in United States, Mozambique, Netherlands, Kenya, Hong Kong and Australia

UK registered office: South East

Fondation Chanel

Charity number 1195353


Latest income £100,519,004

[Dec 2023]

Fondation CHANEL aims for all women and adolescent girls to be free to shape their own destinies; it strives to achieve maximum impact by centring the needs of women with overlapping vulnerabilities. It pursues grant-making through the thematic pillars of: (i) safety; (ii) economic and social autonomy; and (iii) climate resilience by partnering with organisation in the UK and internationally.

Work in Vietnam, Morocco, Mexico, Madagascar, South Korea, Egypt, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Puerto Rico, Senegal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, United States, Ecuador, Peru, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nepal, France, Jordan, Japan, Italy, Germany, Greece, India, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and Hong Kong

UK registered office: London

The Pears Family Charitable Foundation

Charity number 1009195


Latest income £22,529,771

[Mar 2024]

Pears Foundation aims to benefit society by promoting understanding of key issues through research and educational programmes; driving engagement in social progress across the UK, particularly in young people and supporting organisations focused on wellbeing for everyone.

Work in Germany, Ghana, United States and Israel

UK registered office: London

Institute of Our Lady of Mercy

Charity number 290544


Latest income £14,731,323

[Jun 2024]

The Charity's activities are carried on by individual Sisters acting within parish communities and the wider community. It runs and supports Catholic schools and care homes. The Trustees care for their own Sisters who are retiring from active work. The Charity also makes grants to beneficiaries and assists other charities with similar objects.

Work in Ireland, Kenya, Peru and Romania

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

The British Computer Society

Charity number 292786


Latest income £23,551,000

[Aug 2023]

Professional Body and Learned Society to promote the study and practice of Computing and to advance knowledge and education therein worldwide for the benefit of the public.

Work in Ghana, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States, Zambia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Nepal, Netherlands and Nigeria

UK registered office: South West

The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Charity number 1081009


Latest income £19,003,000

[Dec 2023]

(a) Providing relief and assistance to past and present members of the Royal Air Force and their dependants who are in need as a result of poverty, disability, sickness, infirmity or otherwise.(b) enhancing the morale and well being of serving members of the Royal Air Force(c)Maintaining the RAF war memorial on the Victoria embankment, London.

Work in South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, France, Germany, Guyana, Hungary, India, Israel, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Hong Kong, Spain, Thailand, Singapore, Zimbabwe, United States, Turkey, Ireland, Slovakia, Austria and Monaco

UK registered office: London

Ampleforth Abbey

Charity number 1026493


Latest income £32,283,000

[Aug 2023]

The main object of the charity is for the furtherance of the Roman Catholic religion. The object is fulfilled by the formation and subsequent ministry of Benedictine monks of Ampleforth Abbey. The works of the monks include the maintenance of the monastic community and its property, education, the welcoming of guests and parish work in dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church.

Work in Zimbabwe

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Penny Appeal

Charity number 1128341


Latest income £22,429,858

[Dec 2023]

Penny Appeal provides poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, with dedicated programmes to help the poor and needy by building wells, caring for orphans, providing nutritious food, delivering emergency aid in response to crisis situations and providing healthcare. Penny Appeal also works in the UK to help homeless people and women who have experienced domestic abuse.

Work in Nepal, Ethiopia, Yemen, Turkey, Syria, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Rwanda, Pakistan, Nigeria, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Eritrea, Djibouti, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, The Gambia, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Lebanon, Kenya, Israel, Tanzania, Occupied Palestinian Territories, United States, Central African Republic, South Africa, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Greece, Myanmar and United Arab Emirates

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

The Brooke Hospital for Animals

Charity number 1085760


Latest income £26,157,855

[Mar 2024]

Since it was founded in 1934, the Brooke has helped to relieve the suffering of millions of working horses, donkeys and mules and improved the livelihoods of the countless people who depend upon them. The Brooke provides veterinary services in some of the world's poorest communities, treating animals and training animal-owners in countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Pakistan.

Work in India, Ethiopia, Egypt, Senegal, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Nepal, Kenya, Guatemala, Somalia, Burkina Faso, Sudan and Tanzania

UK registered office: London

Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust

Charity number 1051681


Latest income £22,827,000

[Dec 2023]

Promotion of Human Rights (including Human Rights education, research and related activities)

Work in Burkina Faso, Greece, Senegal, Sierra Leone and South Africa

UK registered office: London

Shelterbox Trust

Charity number 1096479


Latest income £26,152,000

[Dec 2023]

ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and vital supplies to support communities around the world overwhelmed by disaster and humanitarian crises.

Work in Somalia, Philippines, Mozambique, Cameroon, Syria, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Turkey, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Malawi, Lebanon, Chad, Bangladesh, Yemen and Ukraine

UK registered office: South West

Street Child

Charity number 1128536


Latest income £21,488,600

[Mar 2024]

Relief of poverty & hardship among young people living on the street by provision of shelter, food, health, education, family reconciliation and other such charitable services; promote human rights of children; develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically disadvantaged communities

Work in Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Nepal and Liberia

UK registered office: London

Clean Air Fund

Charity number 1183697


Latest income £27,236,820

[Dec 2023]

Clean Air Fund brings together philanthropic resources to improve air quality globally. It co-ordinates a collective strategy for air pollution activity, provides grant funding to a multi-national portfolio of clean air programmes, grants funds to research and knowledge-building activities, and provides a means of knowledge sharing and networking between stakeholders.

Work in Spain, India, France, China, Poland, Brazil, Bulgaria and Ghana

UK registered office: London

Orphans in Need

Charity number 1144812


Latest income £22,490,180

[Jan 2024]

The relief of poverty and sickness anywhere in the world, and in particular, those affected by natural causes or by wars and conflicts either foreign or domestic To advance the education of persons in need, including orphans, anywhere in the world by the provision of financial aid and materials

Work in Afghanistan, Mali, The Gambia, Pakistan, Somalia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Senegal, India, Sierra Leone, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation

Charity number 1163706


Latest income £20,689,928

[Dec 2023]

- The prevention or relief of poverty and financial hardship among orphaned children and other individuals in need .- The prevention or relief of sickness among orphaned children and other individuals in need.

Work in Iraq, Ghana and Afghanistan

UK registered office:

International Alert

Charity number 327553


Latest income £19,217,000

[Dec 2023]

International Alert works with people directly affected by conflict to build lasting peace. We focus on solving the root causes of conflict with people from across divides. From the grassroots to the policy level, we bring people together to build peace. Experienced and respected, we have a proud track record of achieving change in fragile and conflict-affected countries and territories.

Work in Armenia, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Netherlands and Niger

UK registered office: London