Found 9,545 UK NGOs working in Lower middle income
OECD Development Assistance Committee group
Figures refer to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, based on areas of operation supplied to the Charity Commission by the charities themselves. Charities that say they work in more than 50 countries are not included. Total spending of these organisations includes work they carry out outside of Lower middle income.
- Armenia
- Bolivia
- Cabo Verde
- Cameroon
- Congo
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Eswatini
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- India
- Indonesia
- Jordan
- Kenya
- Kosovo
- Kyrgyzstan
- Micronesia
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
- Pakistan
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Sri Lanka
- Syria
- Tajikistan
- Tokelau
- Tunisia
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
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Charity | Reg. date | Latest income | Activities | Region ? |
FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL Charity number 1011102 |
13/05/1992 |
Latest income £26,469,119 [Dec 2020] |
FFI's vision is a sustainable future for the planet, where biodiversity is effectively conserved by the people who liveclosest to it, supported by the global community. Our mission is to conserve threatened species andecosystems worldwide. to achieve our mission, FFI works with partners to deliver local solutions that are scientifically robust and which enhance human well-being.
Makes grants Work in Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Cambodia, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Georgia, Guinea, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Anguilla, South Sudan, Barbados and Dominica
UK registered office: E12000006 |
13/04/1964 |
Latest income £26,417,000 [Dec 2020] |
CIPFA aims to work in the public interest to promote high standards and deliver excellence in governance and financial management throughout the public services.
Work in Australia, Bangladesh, Botswana, Canada, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Malta, Ireland, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tajikistan, China and Somalia
UK registered office: E12000007 |
BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL Charity number 1042125 |
19/11/1994 |
Latest income £26,174,036 [Dec 2020] |
BirdLife International is a Partnership acting for birds, for priority sites, for the environment and for people. Over ten million people support the BirdLife International Partnership of non-governmental conservation organisations (Partners) and local networks. the BirdLife International Partners work together on shared priorities, programmes, and policies to deliver real conservation results.
Makes grants Work in Belgium, Cambodia, Ecuador, Fiji, Ghana, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Singapore, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Tanzania
UK registered office: E12000006 |
AL-KHAIR FOUNDATION Charity number 1126808 |
19/11/2008 |
Latest income £25,990,763 [Jul 2021] |
The main objectives are to advance the education of young people and adults in the UK and implement charitable projects in key countries improving the quality of life and sustainability.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Djibouti, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Australia, Chad, Greece, Sudan, Togo and Yemen
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The NATIONAL DEAF CHILDREN's SOCIETY Charity number 1016532 |
21/01/1993 |
Latest income £25,375,000 [Mar 2021] |
NDCS is the national charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people We represent the interests and campaign for the rights of all deaf children and young people from birth until they reach independence. NDCS supports the deaf child through the family as well as directly supporting deaf children and young people themselves.
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Kenya, Peru, Ireland, Tanzania and Uganda
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The JAGCLIF CHARITABLE TRUST Charity number 1163459 |
08/09/2015 |
Latest income £25,148,833 [Jun 2021] |
Makes grants Work in St Vincent and Grenadines, South Africa, United States, Zimbabwe and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: E12000007 |
HAND in HAND for AID and DEVELOPMENT Charity number 1176805 |
23/01/2018 |
Latest income £24,667,319 [Dec 2020] |
Provide medical support complemented with water, hygiene and sanitation. Give the most vulnerable the means to support themselves and be independent. Support victims of war and improve their resilience Respond to emergencies by providing food, shelter & medical support.
Makes grants Work in Syria, Turkey, Yemen and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: E12000005 |
SHELL FOUNDATION Charity number 1080999 |
02/06/2000 |
Latest income £24,291,362 [Dec 2020] |
Shell Foundation mission is to apply business thinking to major social and environmental issues linked to the energy sector - and seek to relieve poverty and hardship and protect the environment, for the public benefit, through the promotion and development of business-based solutions and supportive market environments, to target large scale impact.
Makes grants Work in Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Haiti, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Oman, Switzerland, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States, Ghana and Nigeria
UK registered office: E12000007 |
CDP WORLDWIDE Charity number 1122330 |
15/01/2008 |
Latest income £23,700,000 [Mar 2021] |
CDP works with market forces to motivate companies to disclose their impacts on the environment and natural resources and take action to reduce them. CDP now holds the largest collection globally of primary climate change, water and forest-risk information and puts these insights at the heart of strategic business, investment and policy decisions.
Work in Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Japan, United States and Hong Kong
UK registered office: E12000007 |
GATSBY AFRICA Charity number 1168223 |
14/07/2016 |
Latest income £23,389,000 [Apr 2021] |
We aim to create jobs, raise incomes and reduce poverty for people in East Africa by accelerating inclusive and resilient economic growth.We fund and implement programmes that look to catalyse large-scale and lasting change in priority sectors, such as cotton in Tanzania.We also build and support local organisations dedicated to sector transformation and share what we have learned with others.
Makes grants Work in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania
UK registered office: E12000007 |
HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL Charity number 288180 |
17/11/1983 |
Latest income £22,082,000 [Mar 2021] |
HelpAge International's vision is a world in which all older people fulfil their potential to lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. We work with our partners to ensure that people everywhere understand how much older people contribute to society and that they must enjoy their right to healthcare, social services and economic and physical security.
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Iraq, Jamaica, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Moldova, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Occupied Palestinian Territories and South Sudan
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The GURKHA WELFARE TRUST Charity number 1103669 |
10/05/2004 |
Latest income £22,046,000 [Jun 2021] |
The Gurkha Welfare Trust is the leading Gurkha charity. We provide financial, medical and development aid to Gurkha veterans, their families and communities.
Work in Nepal and India
UK registered office: E12000009 |
The BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY Charity number 292786 |
10/12/1985 |
Latest income £22,001,000 [Aug 2020] |
Professional Body and Learned Society to promote the study and practice of Computing and to advance knowledge and education therein worldwide for the benefit of the public.
Makes grants Work in Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States, Zambia, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey and Taiwan
UK registered office: E12000009 |
14/08/1962 |
Latest income £21,038,000 [Dec 2020] |
The objectives of the RIBA, as set out in its Charter, are the Advancement of Architecture and the promotion of the acquiring of knowledge of the Arts and Sciences connected therewith. Its mission is to advance architecture by demonstrating public benefit and promoting excellence in the profession.
Work in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, United States, Serbia, Hong Kong, France, Liechtenstein and Spain
UK registered office: E12000007 |
WILDFOWL and WETLANDS TRUST Charity number 1030884 |
23/12/1993 |
Latest income £20,872,000 [Mar 2021] |
WWT works to save wetlands for wildlife and for people by inspiring people to connect with and value wetlands and their wildlife, by demonstrating and promoting the importance and benefits of wetlands, by countering threats to wetlands and their wildlife, by creating and restoring wetlands and protecting key wetland sites and by savings threatened wetlands species.
Work in Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Kuwait, Madagascar, Russia, Seychelles, South Korea, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates and United States
UK registered office: E12000009 |
CLIENTEARTH Charity number 1053988 |
26/03/1996 |
Latest income £20,790,707 [Dec 2020] |
ClientEarth's objects are the promotion and protection of the environment for the public benefit by the use of the law, to provide legal assistance to those who otherwise do not have access thereto, to promote education on environmental rights and responsibilities and to conduct research thereon. We will achieve these goals through advocacy, litigation, and research.
Work in Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Poland and Spain
UK registered office: E12000007 |
MUSLIM AID Charity number 1176462 |
29/12/2017 |
Latest income £19,977,571 [Dec 2020] |
Whilst responding to emergencies is one of our major priorities, we also work on strategic programmes to eliminate poverty that focus upon:EducationSkills trainingProvision of clean waterHealthcareIncome generation projects
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkey and Occupied Palestinian Territories
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The BROOKE HOSPITAL for ANIMALS Charity number 1085760 |
23/03/2001 |
Latest income £19,968,260 [Mar 2021] |
Since it was founded in 1934, the Brooke has helped to relieve the suffering of millions of working horses, donkeys and mules and improved the livelihoods of the countless people who depend upon them. the Brooke provides veterinary services in some of the world's poorest communities, treating animals and training animal-owners in countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Pakistan.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan and Senegal
UK registered office: E12000007 |
HEALTH LIMITED Charity number 290535 |
06/11/1984 |
Latest income £19,836,724 [Mar 2021] |
We work to improve the health of the world's poorest people, ensuring people who otherwise would have no support receive basic but life-saving health care and education.
Work in Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Namibia, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Vietnam
UK registered office: E12000007 |
UNITED PURPOSE Charity number 272465 |
15/12/1976 |
Latest income £19,772,222 [Mar 2021] |
United Purpose's activities can be broadly summarised as follows:Partnership and local capacity strengthening;Emergency prevention, preparedness and response; Health, including HIV/AIDS prevention and care; Rights and equity; Water and sanitation;Sustainable livelihoods, including food security and micro-enterprise.
Makes grants Work in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, The Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria
UK registered office: W99999999 |
The ROYAL AIR FORCE BENEVOLENT FUND Charity number 1081009 |
02/06/2000 |
Latest income £19,138,000 [Dec 2020] |
(a) Providing relief and assistance to past and present members of the Royal Air Force and their dependants who are in need as a result of poverty, disability, sickness, infirmity or otherwise.(B) enhancing the morale and well being of serving members of the Royal Air Force(C)Maintaining the RAF war memorial on the Victoria embankment, London.
Makes grants Work in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, France, Germany, Guyana, Hungary, India, Israel, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, Austria, Monaco and Slovakia
UK registered office: E12000007 |
The ELTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION Charity number 1017336 |
12/02/1993 |
Latest income £19,082,899 [Dec 2020] |
The Foundation empowers people infected, affected and at risk of HIV/AIDS, to alleviate their physical, emotional and financial hardship, enabling them to improve their quality of life, live with dignity and exercise self determination. It funds broad ranges of services and operational research, focusing on the most disadvantaged and high risk groups both in the UK and around the world.
Makes grants Work in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Myanmar, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 |
Frontline AIDS Charity number 1038860 |
08/07/1994 |
Latest income £18,882,138 [Dec 2020] |
Frontline AIDS is the new name of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. the charity is the UK-based secretariat of a global partnership of national organisations working to support community action on HIV and AIDS. National partners and local community groups are supported by technical expertise, policy work and fundraising carried out at the secretariat and across the global partnership.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Sudan
UK registered office: E12000008 |
SAFERWORLD Charity number 1043843 |
02/02/1995 |
Latest income £18,821,000 [Mar 2021] |
Saferworld is an independent non-governmental organisation that works to prevent armed violence and create safer communities in which people can lead peaceful and rewarding lives.
Work in Bangladesh, China, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nepal, Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uganda, Yemen and South Sudan
UK registered office: E12000007 |
28/04/1989 |
Latest income £18,192,156 [Mar 2021] |
An independent, non-profit research institute working in the field of sustainable development. Aims to provide expertise and leadership in researching and achieving sustainable development at local, national and global levels. in alliance with others we seek to help shape a future that ends global poverty and delivers and sustains efficient and equitable management of the world's natural resources
Makes grants Work in Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, China, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 |
11/08/1993 |
Latest income £18,138,240 [Jun 2021] |
Makes grants Work in Barbados, Canada, China, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States and Zambia
UK registered office: E12000007 |
GOOD THINGS FOUNDATION Charity number 1165209 |
19/01/2016 |
Latest income £18,136,152 [Jul 2021] |
We support digitally and socially excluded people to improve their lives through digital. Digital technology and community action is at the heart of everything we do. We bring together community partners to make up the online centres network, reaching deep into communities to help people across the UK gain the support and skills they need to change their lives and overcome social challenges.
Makes grants Work in Australia and Kenya
UK registered office: E12000003 |
27/11/2019 |
Latest income £17,845,756 [Jun 2021] |
The Little Company of Mary Sisters England CIO enables the sisters of the Congregation to carry our their principal ministry of caring for the sick and dying, especially the dying. the charity aims to support the religious and other charitable works carried on by members of the Congregation and to care for those members throughout their lives with the Congregation.
Work in Albania, Philippines, South Korea and Zimbabwe
UK registered office: E12000007 |
INTERNATIONAL ALERT Charity number 327553 |
24/09/1987 |
Latest income £17,657,000 [Dec 2020] |
Alert, a leading peacebuilding organization, has 30 years? experience. We help people in over 25 countries build peace, & advise governments, organisations & companies on how to support peace. This means building trust & functional relationships between peoples, between citizens & their governments; improving fair access to political voice, security, justice, economic opportunity & well-being.
Makes grants Work in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine and Democratic Republic of the Congo
UK registered office: E12000007 |
HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL UK Charity number 1082565 |
22/09/2000 |
Latest income £17,132,669 [Dec 2020] |
On it's 35th anniversary, Handicap International adopted the operating name of Humanity & Inclusion.HI is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living
Work in Bangladesh, China, Haiti, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Nepal, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Togo, Vietnam and Yemen
UK registered office: E12000007 |
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