

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office


Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).

  • filter_list Causes Disability

Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?


Charity number 1206884

05/02/2024 The following objects of the cio are for public benefit:1.the relief of sickness for public benefit of persons suffering from physical illness of any description in guyana in particular but not exclusively those suffering from a life limiting illness, and those people that need palliative or end of life care (eolc) support through the provision of such assistance as the trustees deem appropriate, including but not limited to medical treatment and purchasing goods, items to help with their care; preserve and protect the physical and mental health of those caring for people with a life limiting illness through such support as the trustees deem appropriate, in particular but not exclusively by providing the carers with a break from their responsibilities of caring; and relieve sickness by advancing health education through the provision of training, information, and advice to the public and to health professionals in guyana and the uk in order to improve quality of eolc for people suffering from a life limiting illness.nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with [section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005] and [section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008].

Work in Guyana

UK registered office: London

Old Anambra State Union

Charity number 1207183

26/02/2024 The objects of the cio are:for the public benefit, the relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other social and economic disadvantage in the anambra state of nigeria through the provision of grants of financial assistance, food, items and services to individuals in need and/charities, or other organisations, working to assist such individuals.

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: West Midlands

Mental Health of Ukrainians Foundation

Charity number 1207437

13/03/2024 For the public benefit, the relief and assistance of the ukrainian people who have been displaced by war and suffered mental health trauma through:1. The provision of grants to organisations within ukraine who provide approved therapies to alleviate the mental health trauma brought on by living with war and conflict; and2. The provision of grants and humanitarian aid supplies to organisations.

Work in Ukraine

UK registered office: North West

Positive Lamb Foundation UK

Charity number 1207884

17/04/2024 We raise money & awareness for children living with HIV in India. We partner with Indian NGOs and homes which work solely for the care, education & rights of children that are either infected or affected by the HIV virus.Together we define areas that Positive Lamb Foundation UK can support their work, relieve financial constraints and create brighter futures for children living with HIV.

Work in India

UK registered office: London

Overseas Afghans Foundation

Charity number 1208559

06/06/2024 The Overseas Afghans Foundation (OAF) tackles poverty by distributing food parcels to address hunger and food insecurity. We implement water well projects to provide clean drinking water to underserved Afghan communities, improving health and easing hardship. OAF also empowers women with resources and support to improve their health, well-being, and self-sufficiency for their families.

Work in Afghanistan

UK registered office: London

One World Relief

Charity number 1209379

01/08/2024 Poverty Relief Worldwide

Work in Comoros, Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon and Egypt

UK registered office: East Midlands

Burundi Action

Charity number 1209458

06/08/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty in burundi by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.the advancement of education and training for children and teachers in burundi by the provision of but not limited to equipment, books and sponsorships. The relief of sickness and the preservation of health among people residing permanently or temporarily in burundi.

Work in Burundi

UK registered office: West Midlands

Relief and Shelter Trust

Charity number 1209668

20/08/2024 (1) the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship in india by providing grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or to charities or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty and financial need.(2) the relief and assistance of persons in any part of the world who are victims of war or natural or other kinds of disasters, trouble or catastrophe.

Work in India

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Hope and Oluchi Charity Foundation

Charity number 1210143

20/09/2024 The prevention of poverty and relief of those in need by way of financial difficulty in england, wales and nigeria, through the provision of food parcels,grants for basic needs, for the benefit of the general public.

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

The Nepal Initiative

Charity number 1210991

18/11/2024 3.1. The objects of the cio are:a) for the public benefit, to advance in life and relieve the needs of young people who are from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds and communities in nepal by making grants to:i. Provide support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals;ii. Advance their education; andiii. Promote their physical and mental health.b) the prevention or relief of poverty in nepal by providing or assisting in the provision of grants, essential items or goods to individuals, charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty in nepal.

Work in Nepal

UK registered office: London


Charity number 1211072

22/11/2024 We support priests in their ministry by making grants to: a) help the poor; b) assist with the educational costs of the poor; c) build and maintain churches and other necessary buildings. We raise funds in the UK through donations.

Work in Tanzania and Uganda

UK registered office: East Midlands

Zino Prince Foundation

Charity number 1211235

03/12/2024 1. To act as a resource for young people living in the uk and tanzania by providing advice and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational, and other activities as a means of:a. Advancing in life and relieving the needs of young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.b. Advancing education.c. Relieving unemployment.2. The prevention or relief of poverty in the uk and tanzania by providing items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Tanzania

UK registered office: West Midlands

Mosaic Global Empowerment Foundation

Charity number 1211573

06/01/2025 2.1 the charity's objects are:2.1.1 to promote human rights (as set out in the universal declaration of human rights and subsequent united nations conventions and declarations) throughout the world but in particular in afghanistan and central asia by all or any of the following means:a) working with relevant organisations and individuals to monitor abuses of human rights;b) relieving need among the victims of human rights abuse;c) research into human rights issues;d) educating the public about human rights;e) providing technical advice to government and others on human rights matters;f) contributing to the sound administration of human rights law;g) commenting on proposed human rights legislation;h) raising awareness of human rights issues;i) promoting public support for human rights;j) promoting respect for human rights among individuals and corporations;k) international advocacy of human rights; andl) eliminating infringements of human rights.2.1.2 to promote equality and diversity, in particular but without limitation by raising public awareness of the multi-cultural nature of afghanistan and central asia.2.1.3 the relief of need of people in afghanistan and central asia, and refugees residing in the uk, in particular but without limitation those from afghanistan and central asia, by reason of youth, sex, age, ill-health, disability, or financial hardship, in particular but without limitation through the provision, promotion or support of humanitarian support and development, educational opportunities, economic empowerment and sporting furtherance of these objects, but not otherwise, the trustees shall have power to engage in political activity provided that the trustees are satisfied that the proposed activities will further the purposes of the charity to an extent justified by the resources committed and the activity is not the dominant means by which the charity carries out its objects.2.2 nothing in these articles shall authorise an application of the property of the charity for purposes which are not charitable in accordance with any statutory provision regarding the meaning of the word "charitable" or the words "charitable purposes" in force in any part of the united kingdom.

Work in Afghanistan

UK registered office: London

The Sutlej Trust

Charity number 1147579

01/06/2012 To relieve sickness and promote good health of people living north of the river sutlej by supporting the charitable work of bilga general hospital in such ways as the trustees see fit.

Work in India

UK registered office: West Midlands

The Brando Fischer Foundation

Charity number 1186117

04/11/2019 The object of the cio is to provide relief to children throughout the world who are in conditions of need by reason of poverty, physical or mental illness or disability (whether their own or that of their parents or carers), abuse or neglect by the provision of grants to charities or other organisations working directly with such children to relieve their needs.

Work in India

UK registered office: London

Beyond Possible

Charity number 1189247

28/04/2020 To relieve or prevent the poverty of abandoned and orphaned children in durban, south africa by providing funding and educational services to charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty of these orphaned and abandoned children.

Work in South Africa

UK registered office: South East

Mumbo Development Foundation

Charity number 1191651

06/10/2020 The objects of the cio are:the advancement of education and the relief of poverty of people living in the rural communities in the historical region of mumbo, kenya, in particular but not exclusively byproviding and assisting in the provision of facilities for education and providing grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Kenya

UK registered office: South East

Fatima Hazrat

Charity number 1200645

12/10/2022 The prevention or relief of poverty to people in Sylhet, Bangladesh by providing grants, items, goods andservices to individuals in need who have been affected by tropical cyclones.

Work in Bangladesh

UK registered office: London

Above Difference Foundation

Charity number 1202188

06/03/2023 The objects of the cio, to be carried out for the public benefit in nigeria, the uk and such other parts of the world as the trustees may from time to time determine through grant-making to individuals, charities and other organisations, are: the prevention or relief of poverty;the advancement of education;the advancement of the christian faith.

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: East of England

Share the Hope

Charity number 1203712

23/06/2023 The prevention or relief of poverty in pakistan and other parts of the world as the trustees see fit by providing grants, items and services to individuals in need to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: West Midlands

Africa New Life Ministries UK

Charity number 1206657

23/01/2024 Child Sponsorship

Work in Rwanda

UK registered office: South East

Haven Welfare Foundation

Charity number 1207300

04/03/2024 The prevention and relief of poverty through: i. The provision of building kits to the homeless and individuals whose houses have been destroyed by earthquake or flood to build a shelter in bangladesh and pakistan.

Work in Pakistan and Bangladesh

UK registered office: North West

Bernhoffman Foundation

Charity number 1208085

01/05/2024 The objects of the cio are:i. The relief of those in need by reason of financial hardship and the relief of poverty in africa, particularly in ghana, gambia, nigeria, sierra leone, liberia and zimbabwe through the provision of; (a) free school meals (b) grants for school fees, educational materials and (c) empowerment programmes for youths and women. Ii. The promotion of social inclusion among people who are migrants in the united kingdom, particularly but not limited to migrants, who are socially excluded on the grounds of their social, economic and cultural background, by providing community support for social integration and guidance in navigating the united kingdom.

Work in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, The Gambia and Liberia

UK registered office: South East

Cecily's Fund

Charity number 1208951

03/07/2024 The charity raises funds primarily in the UK to support various community and social development projects in Zambia.

Work in Zambia

UK registered office: South East

Hakim Khan Foundation

Charity number 1209732

23/08/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty in the uk and pakistan by the provision ofgrants for items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or otherorganisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: Yorkshire and The Humber

Dream Builder Trust

Charity number 1209818

30/08/2024 The objects of the cio, to be carried out for the public benefit in such parts of england and nigeria as the trustees may from time to time determine, are:1) to act as a resource for young people aged between 5 and 18 by providing advice and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of:a) advancing in life and helping young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;b) advancing education;c) relieving unemployment;d) providing recreational and leisure time activity in the interests of social welfare for people living in the area of benefit who have need by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances with a view to improving the conditions of life of such persons.2) the relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or social disadvantage through the provision of grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations, working to assist such individuals.

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: South East

Majestic Magpies

Charity number 1209865

03/09/2024 I. For the public benefit, the prevention and relief of poverty in rural areas in uganda, through the provision of education and learning materials, basic education to children aged 6-16, and such other ways as the trustees may from time to time determine. Ii. The promotion of community participation in healthy recreation, for the benefit of children aged 6-16, through the provision of facilities to play football

Work in Uganda

UK registered office: South West

The Army of Lord Jesus Christ Ltd

Charity number 1209960

10/09/2024 The charity’s objects (‘objects’) are specifically restricted to the following: to advance the christian faith for the public benefit in wolverhampton, and such parts of india as the trustees shall determine, in accordance with the statement of beliefs set out in the articles of association of the company, in particular through the holding of prayer meetings, lectures, public celebration of religious festivals, producing and/or distributing literature on the christian faith to enlighten others about the faith and carrying out pastoral and outreach work in the community.

Work in India

UK registered office: West Midlands

Food for All Africa UK

Charity number 1210757

01/11/2024 (i) the prevention and the relief of poverty in england and ghana through the provision of distributing food parcels and food banks for the benefit of the general mankind(ii)to advance the protection and preservation of the environment through promoting sustainable waste management, in particular but not exclusively by redistributing surplus food and household item waste that would otherwise go to landfil

Work in Ghana

UK registered office: East of England

International Medical Health Organisation UK

Charity number 1211442

17/12/2024 1. The prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship in the uk, sri lanka and india, primarily by assisting in the provision of food, food banks, clean water, education, training, health care projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.2. For the public benefit to promote and protect the physical and mental health of those in sri lanka and india primarily by making grants to support treatments and diagnosis, healthcare projects, healthcare education, prevention programmes and/ or enhance facilities and training to improve healthcare.

Work in Sri Lanka and India

UK registered office: London