

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office


Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).

  • filter_list Operations Makes grants to individuals

Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

Ark Welfare Trust

Charity number 1208648

13/06/2024 1. To relieve poverty or financial hardship, primarily but not exclusively by assisting in the provision of and/or making grants for items, equipment, services and facilities, including the provision of food, water, livelihood programmes, costs for attending school and costs for medical treatment for the benefit of the said persons.2. To advance the religion of islam by means of, but not exclusively, provision or assistance in the provision of facilities for worship and islamic education, in accordance with the teachings of the quran and the teachings of prophet muhammad (pbuh) as interpreted and accepted by the ahle-sunnah wal-jamaa-ah school of thought.

Work in India and Malawi

UK registered office: East Midlands

Transparent Hands Limited

Charity number 1208727

19/06/2024 Transparent Hands raises funds through an online crowdfunding platform to provide surgical and medical treatments to underprivileged patients in developing countries. Besides helping thousands with free surgeries and medical treatments, the organization also arranges free medical camps in impoverished, remote, and rural areas.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: London

Al Aafiyah Trust

Charity number 1208807

25/06/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: South East

Manazil Foundation

Charity number 1209786

28/08/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty in the uk and bangladesh by providing grants, items and services toindividuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Bangladesh

UK registered office: London

Feed Hope Charity

Charity number 1210071

17/09/2024 To relieve financial hardship among poor people and those in financial hardship, by means of, but not exclusively, making grants for items, equipment, services and facilities, including the provision of food, water, clothing, other basic necessities and costs for attending school and costs for medical treatment for the benefit of the said persons.

Work in Morocco

UK registered office: London

Sarla Foundation

Charity number 1211310

09/12/2024 The objects of the cio areto act as a resource for children and young people living in the united kingdom and elsewhere in the world, by providing grants to:(a) advance in life and helping young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals; and(b) advancing their education.nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with [section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005] and [section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008].

Work in India

UK registered office: East Midlands

Lew Gray Family Trust

Charity number 1211659

10/01/2025 The objects of the cio are to advance such general charitable purposes (according to the laws of england and wales) as the charity trustees see fit from time to time.

Work in United States and Sweden

UK registered office: London

Hope for the Good of South Africa Charity

Charity number 1168125

08/07/2016 For the public benefit, the prevention or relief of poverty in south africa among marginalised, excluded, displaced and destitute/homeless settlements and communities by raising awareness, by carrying out research and by providing: humanitarian aid, grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other individuals and organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty in accordance with christian principles.

Work in South Africa

UK registered office: East of England

Mother Aminah Trust

Charity number 1202240

08/03/2023 The relief of sickness and the preservation and protection of good health among pregnant women and new-born babies from economically and socially disadvantaged communities in pakistan, particularly but not exclusively tehsil dina, district jhelum, through:a) the provision of expert-led maternity care education, advice and information designed to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes and reduce levels of mother and infant mortality.b) the provision of grants of financial assistance to help women in accessing high-quality obstetric and gynaecological services and healthcare for their babies;c) the provision of support with services and facilities for the care of women and babies through all stages of pregnancy and in the post and neo natal stages, including the awarding of scholarships to midwives and related support workers;d) the provision of support to mothers who have experienced baby loss as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: West Midlands

Chishti Foundation

Charity number 1202548

29/03/2023 The organisation will raise funds from public donations and membership fees which will be utilised toprovide the financial support to individuals by direct grant funding, payment of medical bills, bursaries andscholarships for those individuals from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: West Midlands

Neighbours Welcome

Charity number 1203243

24/05/2023 The objects of the charity, for the public benefit are:2.1 the relief of need of beneficiaries, who are living as refugees in the united kingdom, who are in need by reason of their ill-health, financial hardship or other disadvantage arising as a result of their refugee status or being a victim of war.2.2 the relief and assistance of beneficiaries who are living outside the united kingdom (including in particular those living in ukraine) by providing or assisting in the provision of humanitarian aid.2.3 to promote social inclusion for the public benefit among beneficiaries who are socially excluded on the grounds of their social and economic position, in particular by:2.3.1 providing a local network group that encourages and enables beneficiaries to participate more effectively with the wider community;2.3.2 increasing, or co-ordinating opportunities for beneficiaries to engage with service providers and to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of beneficiaries;2.3.3 supporting and facilitating education and training, including in vocational skills;2.3.4 raising public awareness of the issues affecting beneficiaries, both generally and in relation to their social this clause, “beneficiaries” shall mean persons who, by reason of hostilities, persecution, oppression, discrimination, natural disasters or other like causes, have been displaced outside or within their countries of origin or domicile, in particular but not limited to persons displaced from or within ukraine.

Work in Ukraine

UK registered office: South East

Amacc Association of Women and Patients Affected With Cancer

Charity number 1206543

15/01/2024 The advancement of health and saving of lives for the public benefit through the provision of:i. Raising awareness of all forms of cancer and the issues surrounding the condition and the promotion of early detection.ii. Grants to individuals and or organisation to cover the cost of cancer examinations, assessment, treatment and support.iii. Providing medical supplies and essential equipment for cancer treatment and management.

Work in Brazil

UK registered office: North West

Naseeha Foundation BD

Charity number 1207352

07/03/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty in Bangladesh by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Bangladesh

UK registered office: East of England

Little Dreams

Charity number 1207416

12/03/2024 Through donations raised in the UK, grants are offered to young children in Sri Lanka to fund further educational and training opportunities.

Work in Sri Lanka

UK registered office: London

Project Noor

Charity number 1207862

16/04/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship in the uk and internationally by means of:• providing or assisting in the provision of essential items, humanitarian aid, education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient;• providing grants to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Morocco, Malawi, Pakistan and Bangladesh

UK registered office: South East

Hasan Ahmed Foundation CIO

Charity number 1207869

16/04/2024 We operate through England and Wales

Work in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and India

UK registered office: North West

International British Waqf

Charity number 1208651

13/06/2024 The objects of the charity are for the public benefit to further any purpose which is exclusively charitable according to the law of england and wales including the relief of poverty and financial hardship and the promotion of the efficiency and effectiveness of charities and the effective use of their charitable resources.

Work in Yemen, Somalia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Bangladesh, Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq

UK registered office: North West

Comfort Charity Foundation

Charity number 1208698

18/06/2024 We are dedicated to making a positive and lasting impact on the lives of underserved and vulnerable populations. By providing essential resources, education, training, and support, we strive to empower individuals and communities to overcome challenges and build a better future.

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: London

Al Zaheer Foundation

Charity number 1208824

26/06/2024 Internation relief programmes

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: East of England

The Sustainable Darkroom Ltd

Charity number 1209088

11/07/2024 2.1 the charity's objects are restricted specifically for the public benefit:(a) to promote the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment through promoting the use of sustainable practices and materials in the fields of analogue and digital photography and film production which will reduce waste and environmental damage; and(b) to advance education, in an impartial, objective, balanced, independent, and authoritative manner in the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment in particular but not exclusively by undertaking research and disseminating its results, creating and publishing materials and resources and by devising and delivering workshops, lectures and talks about sustainable practices and methodologies which will improve waste disposal in the fields of analogue and digital photography and film, and education about low toxicity chemicals and materials for use in these fields, and other related subjects of educational value.

Work in Italy, Germany, United States, Netherlands, Finland, Hong Kong and Japan

UK registered office: London

Jamea Husainia Ashraful Uloom Fotehganj

Charity number 1209114

15/07/2024 Poverty

Work in Bangladesh

UK registered office: London

Frederick John Scott-Whiting Will Trust

Charity number 1209401

01/08/2024 The relief of hunger and malnutrition among the poor of jamaicarelief and aid for the poor of jamaica during natural disasters including but not limited to hurricanes and epidemics

Work in Jamaica

UK registered office: South West

The Stellamaris Foundation

Charity number 1209527

09/08/2024 The objects of the cio, for the public benefit, are:1) to act as a resource for children and young people by providing advice and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities, including skill development programmes and collaboration with third parties, as a means of:(a) providing recreational and leisure time activity in the interests of social welfare for people who have need by reason of their youth or social and economic circumstances with a view toimproving the conditions of life of such persons. (b) advancing education;(c) relieving unemployment; and(d) advancing in life and helping young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to prepare for various occupations, trades, or professions and participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals2) to relieve poverty, financial hardship and/or unemployment by providing, or assisting in the provision of, employability skills and training, financial management skills, nutritionalknowledge, a soup kitchen, and essential food supplies.

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: London

First Light South Asia

Charity number 1210382

08/10/2024 First Light South Asia carries out its purposes by making grants to individuals, charities and organisations that are working to prevent or relieve the needs of individuals, and their dependents, who are vulnerable to, or have been affected by human trafficking and/or commercial sexual exploitation in South Asia.

Work in Nepal, Bangladesh and India

UK registered office: South West

Bridge of Compassion

Charity number 1211079

22/11/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty in kenya by providing: grants, items and services to individuals inneed and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Kenya

UK registered office: London

Faisal and Yusuf Foundation

Charity number 1211828

22/01/2025 The objects of the cio are, for the public benefit:(a) to advance the education of pupils at school in falaba district byproviding and assisting in the provision of facilities not required to be provided bythe local education authority for education at schools.(b) the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, or financialhardship, either generally or individually, through the provision of grants, goods,or furtherance of these objectives but not otherwise, the trustees shall have powerto establish or secure the establishment of:(i) a learning resource centre to train teachers, incentivise them to teach inremote villages, and provide food and learning materials to children frompoor and deprived backgrounds.(ii) a health and wellbeing centre open during the day to provide food andshelter to people in need.

Work in Sierra Leone

UK registered office: London

The Adam Legacy Foundation

Charity number 1211978

03/02/2025 The objects of the cio are such exclusively charitable purposes under the law of england and wales as the trustees may in their absolute discretion determine.

Work in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, Pakistan, Malawi, Ghana, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Ireland, Brazil, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Sudan and South Africa

UK registered office: London

Global Mercy Relief

Charity number 1212011

05/02/2025 Global Mercy Relief, a worldwide charity, provides vital support to communities in need. We distribute food packs and serve hot meals to combat hunger, build water wells, construct houses and mosques, and offer grants and essential services to vulnerable individuals. Our mission is to alleviate poverty and hardship by improving living conditions and promoting well-being.

Work in Mozambique, India, Pakistan, Malawi and Somalia

UK registered office: East Midlands

Harwood Hope Foundation Ltd

Charity number 1178773

13/06/2018 We are a small organisation based in Blackburn Lancashire. Our charity aims to contribute towards alleviating poverty and suffering in third world countries by providing means to obtain clean water, education and medical access.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: North West

Zawiyat Al-Qadiriyah as-Sammaniyah UK

Charity number 1184342

10/07/2019 Activities are events, initiates which provides charitable welfare support for people who fall into various states of destitution and who are in need of social welfare and health care help, such as fund raising events, advice and counselling session, support for bereavement and donating towards children education. The provision and engagement of the community in events which celebrates religious

Work in Nigeria

UK registered office: London