

Latest income

Between and




UK Region

Based on the UK head office


Exclude any organisations that say they work in more than countries (out of 248).


Data notes

NGOs are only included if they say they work in fewer than 50 countries. This is because some organisations claim they are working in every single country in the world, or very large numbers of countries. This is unlikely. So we can exclude them by restricting the number of countries organisations work in.

The figures for income and spending include the total income and spending of the organisations in all the countries they work in.

Religious organisations refers to those organisations which self-describe themselves as undertaking "religious activities" in their causes.

Charity Reg. date Latest income Activities Region ?

The Bwindi Education and Wellbeing Charity

Charity number 1207051

15/02/2024 To advance the education of the pupils at the Bwindi Community Kindergarten and Primary School and to advance the education of children in South West Uganda by providing and assisting in the provision and maintenance of facilities, to include school equipment, enhanced nutrition and access to medical care.

Work in Uganda

UK registered office: East of England

Gurmad Community Organisation

Charity number 1207825

12/04/2024 Setting up workshops and day centres for the elderly in our community. A place where the elderly can come during the week and partake in different activities such as Knitting, games, crafting, afternoon tea and many more activities. Allowing the elderly in our community to have activities to look forward to.

Work in Somalia

UK registered office: London

Mothers of Goodness (Ummul Khair Ltd

Charity number 1208061

30/04/2024 The charity’s objects (‘objects’) are specifically restricted to the following:(1) the prevention or relief of poverty in the uk and other parts of the world, in particular bangladesh, pakistan, turkey and morocco by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.(2) the advancement of education in the uk and other parts of the world, in particular bangladesh, pakistan, turkey and morocco by providing: grants, items and services to individuals and/or charities, or other organisations working to advance education.(3) the relief of sickness and preservation of good health uk and other parts of the world, in particular bangladesh, pakistan, turkey and morocco by providing: grants, items and services to individuals and/or charities, or other organisations working to relieve sickness and preserve good health.

Work in Bangladesh, Morocco, Turkey and Pakistan

UK registered office: East of England

Yemen Appeal

Charity number 1208528

04/06/2024 The relief of those in need by reason of poverty, financial hardship and ill-health as a result of civil war in yemen through the provision of grants to registered charities and non-government organisations who:i. Provide food, water and other items for a basic standard of living.ii. Provide access to healthcare. Iii. Provide education to children and young adults.

Work in Yemen

UK registered office: London

Anni'Amah Trust

Charity number 1208736

19/06/2024 Poverty

Work in Bangladesh

UK registered office: London

The Worst Girl Gang Ever Foundation

Charity number 1208739

19/06/2024 The Worst Girl Gang Ever Foundation (TWGGEF) supports parents experiencing baby loss and infertility through our unique community platform, podcast, books and training for employers and healthcare professionals.

Work in United States, Ireland and Australia

UK registered office: South East

Vision of Hope

Charity number 1208957

03/07/2024 The prevention or relief of poverty in England and Cameroon by providing grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relief poverty.

Work in Cameroon

UK registered office: East Midlands

Academy of Hope

Charity number 1209368

31/07/2024 Academy of Hope advances the education of displaced children under 18 and provides relief from poverty. Operating in England and Hanumangarh, Rajasthan, India, we offer access to educational facilities and essential services to children in need and individuals facing poverty, focusing on creating opportunities for a better future.

Work in India

UK registered office: London

British Kerala Association

Charity number 1209618

15/08/2024 The objects of the cio areto advance the education of pupils at the seventh-day adventist school in kottarakkara, kerala, in particular but not exclusively, by awarding scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants to those who would otherwise be unable to attend by reason of poverty or financial relieve sickness and to preserve the health of patients at seventh-day adventist hospital in ottapalam, kerala, in particular but not exclusively, by providing financial support and grants to patients who require treatment but would otherwise be unable to do so by reason of poverty or financial advance the christian faith in particular by providing grant support to the seventh-day adventist christian church in kerala to support their missionary and evangelical work.the relief and assistance of people in kerala who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble or catastrophe, in particular but not exclusively, in the form of money (or other means deemed suitable) for persons, bodies, organisations and/or countries affected, including the provision of medical aid.

Work in India

UK registered office: London

Education for Resilience

Charity number 1210465

14/10/2024 The object of the cio is to advance the education and training of the public, in particular but not limited to ukrainian citizens, on leadership, institutional resilience and public sector efficiency and effectiveness for the betterment of society by:a. Providing vocational education and training; andb. Providing a platform for knowledge sharing and exchange of expertise. The cio shall not further any political purpose or engage in campaigning activity.

Work in Ukraine

UK registered office: London

Droplets of Mercy

Charity number 1210531

17/10/2024 1. The relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, or catastrophe. 2. The prevention or relief of poverty anywhere in the world by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: West Midlands

Drops of Mercy

Charity number 1210633

23/10/2024 The object of the cio is for the public benefit, the prevention and relief of poverty and financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing grants, items, and services to individuals in need and/or charities or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

Work in Pakistan, Tanzania and India

UK registered office: North West

Essex Dawah Trust

Charity number 1210956

15/11/2024 To prevent or alleviate poverty in uk and bangladesh by offering grants, essential items, and support services to individuals in need, as well as to charities and organizations dedicated to poverty alleviation.

Work in Bangladesh

UK registered office: East of England

Saint Benedict the Thaumaturge

Charity number 1211041

21/11/2024 To advance the christian religion in accordance with doctrines outlined in the apostle's creed for the benefit of the public worldwide. In achieving its purpose, the cio will carry out a range of activities, either on its own or with others, with the ethos of the christian religion, such activities typical of those conducted by the majority of christian churches, including: the organisation of christian worship and christian fellowship; christian evangelistic activities; christian mission (poverty relief) programs among the young, poor, disadvantaged, marginalised, abused, prisoners and ex-prisoners; and christian education including improving general literacy in order to allow specifically christian texts to be digested.

Work in Russia, Ukraine and Cameroon

UK registered office: North West

Glory House Churches International (Ghci)

Charity number 1211502

20/12/2024 1.the advancement of the christian religion either in the united kingdom or overseas. 2.the advancement for the public benefit of religious or other education. 3.the relief of the aged, poor, sick or disabled.

Work in Nigeria and Kenya

UK registered office: East of England

Helping Hearts Hy Ltd

Charity number 1211564

06/01/2025 The prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship in morocco by providing or assisting in the provision of humanitarian aid, education, training, healthcare projects, and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.

Work in Morocco

UK registered office: London


Charity number 1211571

06/01/2025 -the object of the cio is:the advancement and education of islam for primarily but not exclusively children by: the creation and display of educational animation videos.any other activities as required for the advancement and education of islam.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: London

The Akhtar Khan Foundation

Charity number 1211741

16/01/2025 To advance in life and relieve the needs of the children living in poverty within the disadvantaged community of kamoke, pakistan in particular by funding the charitable work of the jaimia haideria akhtar ul uloom mosque.

Work in Pakistan

UK registered office: London

Trek4ceylon Ltd

Charity number 1211753

17/01/2025 The charity's objects ('objects'), for the benefit of the public in various places around the world, are the following:(1) to advance and promote good physical and mental health and the saving of lives by assisting in such ways as the directors think fit any charity, project or healthcare establishment working to relieve sickness and/or preserve and protect good health;(2) to prevent or relieve poverty by: (a) providing grants, items and services to individuals or groups of individuals in need and/or charities or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty, and (b) providing or assisting in the provision of education, training or healthcare projects designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient;(3) to promote education (including social and physical training) in such a way as the directors think fit, including but not limited to: (a) awarding scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants, (b) providing or assisting in the provision of items, services or facilities, and (c) assisting any charity or educationalestablishment whose aims include advancing education by developing mental, physical and moral capabilities; and(4) to relieve those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage by providing grants, items, services or facilities to individuals or groups of individuals in need and/or charities or other organisations working to relieve those in need.

Work in Canada, Australia and Sri Lanka

UK registered office: East of England

International Rainbow Clinic Network

Charity number 1211976

03/02/2025 For the public benefit, to preserve and protect the good health of parents who have experienced stillbirth, neonatal death or termination for medical reasons in a previous pregnancy by:a. Promoting high quality care of such parents by promoting best practice;b. Promoting scientific research relating to providing care in pregnancy after loss and disseminating the results of such research; andc. Advancing education and training in the area of caring in pregnancy after loss.

Work in Australia and United States

UK registered office: North West

NS-Bakk Foundation

Charity number 1212100

11/02/2025 The object of the cio is to advance in life and relieve the needs of children and young people under the age of 25, who are of african descent in general and cameroonian descent in particular located in the uk and in cameroon, in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including but not limited to:1. Providing educational activities across a variety of subjects relevant to the object of the cio in the form of after school or weekend clubs, holiday camps, trips, conferences and any other suitable format, in the uk and in cameroon. The education provided includes but is not limited to soft and life skills, sports, steam (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), ict (information and communication technology), artificial intelligence (ai), financial literacy, activities encouraging strategic thinking and problem solving, mindfulness and more.2. Awarding to such young people different types of funding to support their education.nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005 and section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008.

Work in Cameroon

UK registered office: East of England


Charity number 1212411

06/03/2025 The prevention or relief of poverty and the relief of financial hardship of those in yemen and syria, through the provision of grants to cover essential living expenses including but not limited to medical bills, medication, and treatment and basic living costs, including rent, food, electricity, and gas bills, for families unable to sustain themselvesthe advancement of education in yemen and syria through the provision of grants to schools for essential items such as books, desks, uniforms, computers and other educational supplies.

Work in Yemen and Syria

UK registered office: West Midlands

South Manchester Youth Development

Charity number 1175190

17/10/2017 The objects of south manchester youth development (smyd) are:to advance in life and relieve needs of young people through:(a) the provision of recreational and leisure time activities provided in the interest ofsocial welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life;b) providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilitiesto enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.

Work in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti

UK registered office: North West

Maimie Jane

Charity number 1176248

12/12/2017 We are a small charity and assist vulnerable people in the UK and abroad. Our main projects currently operate in Kakamega, Kenya where we support the Overcoming Faith schools for Orphaned and very vulnerable children with medical aid which they otherwise wouldn't receive.

Work in Kenya

UK registered office: East Midlands

Lifting Africa Foundation

Charity number 1180071

25/09/2018 The objects of the cio are:to relieve poverty and sickness and to advance education for the public benefit of communities in rural africa by such means as the trustees deem appropriate.nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the cio for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with [section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (scotland) act 2005] and [section 2 of the charities act (northern ireland) 2008]

Work in Botswana

UK registered office: South West

Moving Assembly Project

Charity number 1190122

25/06/2020 For the public benefit, to advance the education of young people aged 9-18 living in deprived or disadvantaged areas in South Africa or the UK by the creation of new works, the promotion of the arts, dance, film, photography and by any other means as the trustees determine

Work in South Africa

UK registered office: London

House of Mercy Community Engagement & Empowerment Service

Charity number 1193396

03/02/2021 While House of Mercy Christian Assembly (HMCA); Community Engagement Programme (CEP) welcomes people from all over London and the UK, wanting to benefit from our ministries and community programs, our main focus is on the community that makes up the borough where we are based, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham in East London.The borough is governed by the East London Council. All of the p

Work in France, Nigeria and Cameroon

UK registered office: London

The Ione Wyatt Memorial Charity

Charity number 1194731

08/06/2021 To educate and enlighten the public in Great Britain and elsewhere and give insight into the people aboard the RMS Titanic, specifically Mrs John B Thayer, Mrs John Jacob Astor and Mrs George D Widener and the surgeon on board the RMS Carpathia, Dr Frank McGhee by displaying to the public and allowing academic research into and about the artefact being a gold cigarette case presented to Dr McGhee

Work in United States

UK registered office: South West


Charity number 1198276

17/03/2022 To promote and protect the physical and mental health of women and girls in developing countries through the provision of yoga and mindfulness seminars and classes.

Work in India

UK registered office: London

Al Ihsaan Foundation

Charity number 1200365

13/09/2022 (1)to advance the religion of islam, by means of, but not exclusively, promoting the teachings and tenets of islam, provision or assistance in the provision of facilities for worship and islamic education in accordance with the teachings of the quran and sunnah of the prophet muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him);(2)to relieve financial hardship among poor people and victims of natural disasters by means of, but not exclusively, making grants for providing or paying for items, equipment, services and facilities, including the provision of food, clean water, clothing and other necessities for the benefit of the said persons.

Work in Zambia

UK registered office: East Midlands